Title: Prevention Planning Group Member Orientation Agenda
1Prevention Planning Group Member Orientation
Agenda Thursday, April 7, 2011 USF Embassy
Suites 3705 Spectrum Boulevard Tampa, Florida
Topic Presenter Expected Outcome Time
Welcome and Introduction Bobby Davis Charles W. Martin Introduction of new members to PPG staff and co-chairs. 1000-1015 AM
Roles and Responsibilities Comprehensive Planning Group Process Allison Herring Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Prevention Planning Group Members, Health Department and CDC. Explain products needed to complete in order to prepare a Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan. 1015-1045 AM
Florida Comprehensive Planning Network (FCPN) Bobby Davis Charles W. Martin Provide overview of state-wide planning process that includes hepatitis and patient care. 1045-1130 AM
Mentorship Allison Herring Link new members with current members to continue PPG training. 1130-1145 AM
Travel Procedures Michelle Scavnicky Review travel procedures for eligible members. 1145-1200 PM
Closing/Questions Answers/Evaluations 1200PM