REVOLUTIONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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revolutions green family unit two we will be looking at three revolutions 1. the glorious revolution of england 2. the american revolution 3. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes




By the end of this unit you will be able to.
  • 1. Charles-Louis Montesquieu
  • 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • 3. Denis Diderot
  • 4. Rene Descartes
  • 5. Voltaire
  • 6. Thomas Jefferson
  • 7. James Madison
  • 8. John Locke
  • Answer what was the effect of their philosophies
    on the democratic revolutions in England,
    America, and France?

  • Compare and contrast the
  • Glorious Revolution
  • The American Revolution
  • The French Revolution
  • Please, pay particular attention to the
    expectation of self government and Individual
  • List the principles of the
  • Magna Carta
  • English Bill of Rights
  • American Declaration of Independence
  • The French Declaration of Rights of Man and
  • The U. S Bill of Rights
  • The U. S Constitutionthe ideals of equality,
    justice and freedom under the law

  • Explain the meaning of Voltaires word
  • I disapprove of what you say, but I will
    defend to the death your right to say it
  • In a group of 5 you will prepare answers to the
  • Montesquieuwho was he, why do you like/dislike
    him, what did he say about government, or
    individual rights?
  • Natural Rights what does it mean, who came up
    with the idea, who has it, when do they have it,
    who can take it away?
  • Natural Law definition (in your own words), who
    proposed it, what is it? The Social Contractwhat
    is it, what does it say, who wrote it, what does
    it mean?
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau who was he, do you
    like/dislike him, what did he think about REASON,
    what is REASON?, what did he think about human
  • The General Will who came up with it, what is
    it, what does it mean, what governmental system
    is best represented by this system, which is not?
  • Each member of the group will use a different
    color to transfer/write and draw your answers on
    the poster.
  • I will grade on the depth of understanding of
    your answers, your creativity (would I buy this
    in an art gallery?), the completeness of your
    answers, and the contributions of EVERY MEMBER.

  • For the second poster, in this series, you will
  • Make a poster that lists the major IDEAS, and
    contributions, of the 8 listed philosophers.
  • Each must have at least 5 entries
  • You will summarize your poster by answering the
    following question (for each philosopher)
  • How did each philosopher contribute to our way of
    life today?
  • If your group could adopt one philosopher which
    one would it be and explain why?

  • Englands road to democracy
  • For 1000 years, the English had a
  • Kings shared power with their nobles who gave
    them military and monetary support.
  • The power, therefore, was primarily in the hands
    of the nobility.
  • They didnt pay taxes, they were free to do
    anything they wanted to, to their serfs (dude),
    they were above the lawand they enjoyed the
    powerso would you!
  • Enter a handsome, kind, brave, clever, and
    romantic king, Richard the Lionheartedso what if
    he only spoke French!
  • Did I mention he was handsome?
  • His younger brother, John, was cruel, cowardly,
    clever, unromantic, and unpopular.
  • Richard the Lionhearted only spent 9 months of
    his reign in England
  • The rest of the time he was off with the
    Crusadeskilling, burning, pillaging, and raping
    in the name of religion

  • While Richard is off with the boys, John is
    taxing the nobles, imprisoning ordinary folk
    grabbing cash wherever he could so he could live
    in luxury.
  • John was a really nasty piece of work.
  • His nephew, Arthur, Richards son, had a better
    claim to the throne than he did, so he had him
    murderedhe was 5 years old.
  • He was always watching his back, as he was
    convinced all his men were trying to kill
    himthey were!
  • After Richard died, John became king and ruined
    the economy of England, and Ireland.
  • Some of the nobility, Barons, got so fed up with
    the mess John was making of the country, they
    rebelled and captured London.
  • Stealing from the poor was one thing! But, he was
    stealing from them and they were ticked off.

In 1215 AD/CE they had had enough and so
Johns tomb effigy
In 1215 AD/CE they had had enough and so
  • Forced him to meet their leaders at Runnymede,
    near London, on June 15, 1215 to seal the Great
    Charter called, in Latin, Magna Carta.
  • Magna Carta influenced many common laws and other
    documents, such as the US Constitution and Bill
    of Rights, and is considered one of the most
    important legal documents in the history of
  • Magna Carta required the king to give up certain
    rights, respect certain legal procedures and
    accept that the king was not above the law.
  • It protected certain rights of the king's
    subjects the right of Habeas Corpus, meaning
    that they had rights against unlawful

The results..
  • The power of the king was reduced forever.
  • The Magna Carta establishes very important
    precedents in English government and law.
  • 1. The English monarch was answerable to the
  • 2. The English monarch was not above the law
  • 3. The idea of Divine Right, in England, was
    deadvery different from the
  • French
  • 4. Habeas corpus (Latin We command that you
    have the body) is the
  • name of a legal action,
    through which a person can seek relief from
  • unlawful detention of
    themselves or another person.
  • The writ of habeas corpus
    has historically been an important instrument
  • for the safeguarding of
    individual freedom against arbitrary state
  • This one you will get a laugh out ofClause 54
    says that no man may be imprisoned on the
    testimony of a woman except on the death of her

  • Back to nasty King John.
  • Whilst crossing a body of water, the Washyes,
    its called the WashJohns entire treasure
    disappeared beneath the water and was swallowed
    up in the mud.
  • All his gold, precious jewels, and jewelry gone!
    this certainly proves the old saying
    everything comes out in the wash!
  • King John, famous for his disgusting feeding
    habits, literally ate himself to death in 1216!

Glass windows introduced to replace brick windows
in 1180I bet the view was better
Knife and fork introduced into England in 1200
In 1185 Oxford University beganthis is the
Bodleian Library.
  • As we are interested in the development of
    British Constitutional Monarchy, we will skip
    through the next four centuriespast the Black
    Death, past the 100 years war, past the revolting
    Scots, past Henry VIII and all his wiveswe are
    getting close past the introduction of tobacco
    and potatoes to Englandand finally we land at
    Charles I...all 4 foot 10 of him!

The Many Faces of Charles I
Charles I by Van Dyck (1633)
How do you suppose he looks as tall as the horse?
And here is Henrietta
Standing a proud 4 foot 10 inches he was prudish,
shy, shifty, and he stammered. Born in Scotland
he really did not understand the Englishbut then
who does? He believed if he set a good example,
the world would followhow wrong could he be? For
a start, he went and married the horribly haughty
Henriettathe king of Frances daughterand she
was taller than him! Whom his faithful English
subjects soon learned to loathe Charles managed
to get into a war with Spain. He asked Parliament
for money, to fight, and they told him no and to
go get tall! So, he tried to get sneaky, he
forced people to house and feed his soldiers in
their homes this is called quartering remember
it! Parliament finally gave him the moneywhich
he lost and had to ask the Spanish king for
He certainly forgot about the Magna Carta
  • Charles was one of those kings who thought he was
    next in line to God, which meant nobody had the
    right to question himHow tall are you your
    majesty? That really got him mad!
  • Parliament thought it had the right to question
    himthey were on a collision course.
  • In the end, things came to the crunch over
    three guesses?
  • Yup, religion
  • Parliament passed a law against the Catholic
    faith which Charles, having Catholic sympathies,
    took rather badlyhis wife was Catholic and
  • He dismissed Parliament and ran the country
    alonefor 11 years!
  • Charles was strapped for cash
  • And then for reasons only known to himself he
    taxed anyone who lived near the seathe ship tax!
  • Hello, Englands an islandeveryone lives near
    the sea!
  • Parliament refused to give him any more moneyhe
    was so ticked off he

  • He was so mad he took what was left of his army
    to London to arrest them all!
  • Well you just dont do that to Parliamentand
    besides they all hid and he couldnt find them!
  • The whole country took sides and whoopee! We have
    a proper civil warnice one Charles.

A Cavalier
Buckinghamhis fathers loverwe cant talk about
pike men
Civil War (1621-1649)
Royalists(Cavaliersit means a man who swaggers)
  • House of Lords
  • Aristocracy
  • Large landowners
  • Church officials
  • Catholics
  • The King
  • House of Commons
  • Puritans
  • Merchants
  • Townspeople
  • More urban , more prosperous

  • Parliament had access to lots of moneythey taxed
  • The biggest advantage they had was a man called
    Oliver Cromwell
  • A Puritan, Cromwell was MP for Cambridge and no
  • In 1644 a combination of Roundheads (Parliaments
    soldiers) , Scots and Cromwells new cavalry beat
    the pants off the Cavaliers, or Royalists, at
    Marston Moor.
  • Parliament were so stoked they asked Cromwell
    to build a new elite army of professional
    soldiers he didthe New Model Army
  • The men were paid the amazing sum of 10p a day
    (10 cents)wow!
  • They were a tough bunch even though they were
    trained not to drink (alcohol), swear, rape or
  • They never lost a battle
  • Charles I saw the writing on the wall and fled to
    Scotland for safety
  • The Scots promptly filled their sporrans by
    selling him to Parliament

Oliver Cromwell
Outside Parliamenttoday
New Model Army Soldiers Catechismmanual
Do you think Ollie was happy to be rid of this
pain in the neck?
  • Cromwell and Parliament now tried the king for
  • And, then in 1649 at a huge public ceremony,
    severed Charles Is head off!!!

Not many people know thisbut, when in
1813Charless coffin was rediscovered, Sir Henry
Halford did an autopsy on the body and stole poor
Charless fourth vertebra. For years he used to
horrify his dinner guests by using it as a salt
holder. Queen Victoriano sense of humorordered
him to put it back in the coffin
No longer 5 foot, Charles alas, got smaller. He
was no longer head of state
  • So, what have we learned about so far about where
    the power to GOVERN lies in England?
  • Lets sum up the following 40 years really
    quicklyCromwell dies, Charless son Charles is
    asked to come back and be kinghe is a serious
    player and fun loving guy who eventually dies,
    his brother James becomes kingoh no, hes
    Catholic, kick him out!
  • They shop around Europe for a king
  • Not just any kingthey wanted someone who would
    listen and let parliament have the final say.
  • This king had to agree that parliament was the
    main power in Englandthe big cheese, numero uno,
    the cats meow! Where to find one?
  • In the NetherlandsWilliam and Mary of Orangehe
    was know to his friends as Minute maid)
  • He agreed to a set of demands that laid out what
    he could do and the RIGHTS THE ENGLISH PEOPLE
  • Because James had been kicked out of England
    without a shot being fired and no one was killed
    the Brits called this bloodless event The
  • Lets take a look at these rights called THE BILL
    OF RIGHTS and see if you recognize any

The English Bill of Rights
  • The English Bill of Rights of 1689
  • Largely they are a statement of certain positive
    rights that its authors considered that
    citizen/subject of a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY
    ought to have.
  • It asserts the Subject's right to petitiona
    subject can ask the government to correct, or
    repair, an injustice.
  • Subject's have a right to bear arms for defense.
  • In fact you will find all of the English Bill of
    Rights in the first eight amendments to the U.S.
    Constitutionplease bring in a copy of the
    American Bill of Rights, (the first 10 amendments
    of the constitution), you will glue it into your
  • In addition to those rights in the English Bill
    of Rights do not forget the rights contained in
    the Magna Carta
  • Habeas Corpus Act
  • Any unjustly imprisoned persons could obtain a
    writ of habeas corpus compelling the govt. to
    explain why he had lost his liberty.
  • Make a comparisonVenn diagram, etcof the
    English and American Bills of Rights

William And Mary
St. James's Palace
Buckingham Palace
English Bill of Rights 1689
  • Main provisions
  • The King could not suspend the operation of laws.
  • The King could not interfere with the ordinary
    course of justice.
  • No taxes levied or standard army maintained in
    peacetime without Parliaments consent.
  • Freedom of speech in Parliament.
  • Sessions of Parliament would be held frequently.
  • Subjects had the right of bail, petition, and
    freedom from excessive fines and cruel and
    unusual punishment.
  • The monarch must be a Protestant.
  • Freedom from arbitrary arrest.
  • Censorship of the press was dropped.
  • Religious toleration.

And here it isno I did not spill tea on it
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