Title: Intro:
1 Intro
Job Interview Skills
2Pre-Interview Impressions
- First Impressions Matter!
- Resume, Employment Application, Letters of
Reference - GPA, Work Experience, Other Activities
- Interview
- Impressions
- Pre-Interview
- Impression
- Post-Interview
- Impressions
3How Applicants Are Perceived
Nonverbal Behavior
Physical Appearance
Interviewer Impressions
Speech Content
Speech Characteristics
4Physical Appearance
- Grooming
- Shoes clean and shined
- Men hair combed, face clean shaved
- Women hair up / modest jewelry and makeup
- Clothing
- Dark (Navy) blue suit
- Generally conservative (e.g. low heels for women)
- Weight
5Nonverbal Behavior
- Smile
- Eye-contact
- Frequent
- Longer gaze length
- Head nodding
- Slight forward lean
- Confident handshakes
6Race, Sex, and Disabilities
- Generally small and inconsistent effects
- Disabilities
- May lower ratings if job-related
- Voluntary non-threatening disclosure/discussion
is well received
7Speech Characteristics
- Be Articulate
- Practice out loud in front of people
- Know how to pronounce job-related terms
- Accents may lower ratings
- Except an accent that matches the interviewer
- Avoid Disinfluences
- uh, stuttering, etc. (but a little nervousness
is good!)
8Speech Content
- Impression Management
- Ingratiation (I like you. youll like me)
- Self-promotion (assertive, I can do the job for
you!) - Similar to Interviewer/Employer (values,
interests, etc.) - Exchange (I can help you you can help me)
- Rational Persuasion (heres why you should hire
me) - Hard-to-get (considering other job offers)
- Asking Questions
- Job related
- Not wages or benefits
9Make a Good Final Impression
- Final Impressions Matter!
- End with a smile and a handshake
- Give the interviewer positive feedback
- Follow-up with a Thank You note or letter
10Interviewer Judgments
- Applicant Personality
- Positive
- Conscientious
- Cooperative/Team Player
- Applicant Values
- Good work ethic
- Similar to me or our organization
11The Interviewer
- May Use a Structured Interview
- These are the most valid
- Cold or Negative Interviewer Behavior
- Dont let it affect you
- Inappropriate or Illegal Questions
- Some say its best to answer them honestly
- You can decide later what you will do about it
12Interview Skills Training
- Good Training
- Mock or practice interviews
- Watch video-tapes of yourself
- Personal counseling and feedback
- Benefits of Interview Training
- Reduced anxiety
- Enhanced self-esteem
- Improved social and verbal skills
- Key Point
- Dont just learn it. Do it in real interviews
13Getting the Job
Pre-Interview Impression Resume Job
Application Reference Letters
14Getting the Job
Pre-Interview Impression
Interview Impression Appearance Nonverbal
Behavior Speech Content
15Getting the Job
Pre-Interview Impression
Impressions of Applicant Positive Conscientious Go
od Work Ethic Team Player
Interview Impression
16Getting the Job
Pre-Interview Impression
Impressions of Applicant Positive Conscientious Go
od Work Ethic Team Player
Interview Impression
- Outcomes
- High Ratings
- Second Interviews
- Job Offers
17Interview Skills
Getting the Job
- Create a Positive Pre-Interview Impression
- Have Good Physical Appearance
- Use Good Nonverbal Behaviors
- Manage Your Speech Characteristics
- Manage Your Speech Content
- Make a Good Final Impression