Title: Specialist Task Forces (STFs)
1Specialist Task Forces (STFs)
2What is an STF ?
- A group of experts working together under
contract with ETSI - To give ETSI competitive advantage by
accelerating the development of urgently needed
ETSI standards in strategic areas - Proposed by the ETSI Technical Bodies, the Board
or the Special Committees and approved by the
Board - Work under the technical guidance of the
reference Technical Body - Experts for the STFs are proposed by ETSI
Members, and normally work together as a team in
the ETSI premises - Funded from the ETSI ordinary budget, from
EC/EFTA Order Vouchers, from voluntary
contributions of ETSI Members or from other
3The STF role in standards production
Technical Body
4Organization of an STF
5STF funding
6ETSI budget allocation timescale
7EC/EFTA funding time scale
8How to make an STF proposal
- Identify requirement in TB/WG (urgent work and
not enough voluntary resources) - Identify Work Items to be produced (must be TB
approved) - Prepare STF ToR (business case min 4
supporting Members technical description) for
ETSI funding - Prepare proposal (public policy relevance
technical description) for EC/EFTA funding - Get TB approval of STF ToR before submitting for
OCG/Board approval (ETSI funding) - Get TB approval of proposals for EC/EFTA funding
(in parallel to EC/EFTA review process if
required by the time scale)
9Priority criteria (ETSI funding)
Principle Reason
1. New business area not previously having received STF funding and supported by a large number of companies or significant voluntary contribution (25 or greater of total funding request). This could be for an existing or new Technical Body (TB). New business area means a technology which is not an enhancement, development or extension of existing or previous work done by ETSI. Encourage new business areas which have significant ETSI Member support.
2. New business area not previously having received STF funding but with limited member (less than 10) support. This could be for an existing or new TB. New business area means a technology which is not an enhancement or extension of existing or previous work done by ETSI. Encourage new ETSI business areas where there is little ETSI Member expertise in accordance with principle of STF funding.
3. STF request with substantial voluntary funding (50 or greater of total funding request) Encourage ETSI Members to share risk and demonstrate importance
4. TB request with some previous STF funding in the technology area but supported by large number of members (greater than 10). Piece of work identified as important to ETSI Members.
5. Technology area where there is limited ETSI Member expertise eg testing and validation, security Recognition that standards need validation and some technical areas have few available experts.
6. Relatively short STF project (3 months or less). Encourage large projects to be developed by ETSI Members. Large projects should not be broken into a number of small ones
10Recruitment and set-up of an STF
11How to apply as STF expert
- Candidatures must be sent by Companies, not
individuals - Candidatures must be sent by ETSI Members. An
ETSI Member can present the candidature of an
expert from a non-Member Company. If the expert
is selected, the contract will be made with the
non-Member Company - Vacancies announced by Collective Letter and on
ETSI Portal http//portal.etsi.org/stfs/Cfe/OpenCf
e.asp - Documentation required CV Annex B of CL
- Selection process
- review candidatures (ETSI Secretariat TB / WG
officials) - short-list
- invitation to Preparatory Meeting
- interviews, if necessary
- final selection
- Contracts
12Beyond STFs
- STF-like projects
- Experts Teams (STFs, 3GPP Tasks)
- Contracted experts (e.g. 3GPP/ETSI TB support)
- Sub-Contracts (study investigation,
experiments) - RD projects (FP7, etc.)
13Funded resources spent in 2011
14Information on the Portal (STF process)