Hat Guessing Games - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hat Guessing Games


Hat Guessing Games Ang Wei Zou Peter Tigges – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hat Guessing Games

Hat Guessing Games
  • Ang Wei Zou
  • Peter Tigges

  • There are 2 people in the room
  • A hat of either red or blue is placed on both
    peoples heads
  • Both hats can be of the same color
  • They can see each others hat colors, but not
  • Is there a guessing strategy that can maximize
    the number of right answers collectively?

Red Or Blue?
  • Both players guess simultaneously, so the guess
    of the first player cannot transmit any
    information to the other
  • No form of communication is allowed between those
    2 people in the room
  • A strategy can be formed between the two people
    prior to entering the room

Guessing Strategy
1st Actual Hat 2nd Actual Hat
1st Guess 2nd Guess
1st Person Guesses the Opposite of 2nd Persons
hat color 2nd Person Guesses the Same as 1st
Persons hat color
Theory 1
  • If there are n players and k different colors,
    then there exists a strategy guaranteeing at
    least n/k correct guesses

  • Let there be n players and k color hats
  • Number the players 1 to n and the colors 1 to k.
  • Every ith player guesses as if the sum of all
    hats are equals to i Mod k.

1st Actual Hat 2nd Actual Hat
0 1
0 1
1 1
0 0
1st Guess 2nd Guess
0 0
1 1
1 0
0 1
Undirected Vision
  • In the Undirected Case, we assume that if A can
    see B, then B can see A as well.
  • The obvious strategy is to pair up players as
    best as possible and implement the strategy as
    mentioned before. Hence the next theorem
  • Let G be an undirected graph with M a maximum
    matching of G and lets define H(G) as the maximum
    number of correct guesses. Then H(G) M
  • G has people as vertices and their sight as
    directed edges

Restricted Directed Vision
  • In the Directed Case, we do not assume that A can
    see B if B can see A
  • In this case there are no specific values for
    H(G). However, there are simple upper bounds and
    lower bounds.

  • Given a directed graph G let c(G) denote the
    maximal number of vertex disjoint cycles in G,
    and let F(G) denote the minimum number of
    vertices whose removal from G makes the graph
    acyclic. Then c(G) H(G) F(G).
  • The lower bound is formed by realizing that we
    can guarantee at least one correct answer for
    every cycle

Vertex Disjoint Cycle
  • A directed cycle.
  • Sample

  • A directed graph with no directed cycles.
  • Sample

Upper Bound
  • Lets assume the graph G has N vertices and that
    the set of vertices whose removal would make G
    acyclic is called K
  • We arrange the graph such that K set of vertices
    are one the left side and everything else is on
    the right side
  • After the hats are set, we can choose each of the
    last n-k hat colors as to force the corresponding
    player to guess incorrectly given the colors of
    the preceding players

  • These upper and lower bounds are not sharp.
  • To prove that the upper bound is not sharp,
    consider G as triangle. F(G) is 2, but we know
    that H(G) is 1.

Usage of Hamming Codes
  • Developed by Richard Hamming in World War 2 that
    contributed to the fields of information theory,
    coding theory and cryptology.
  • The Hamming weight of a string is the number of
    symbols that are different from the zero-symbol
    of the alphabet used.
  • Example

Alphabet String Hamming weight
0,1 11101 4
0,1 11101000 4
0,1 00000000 0
' ',a-z hello world 10
Hamming Weight Example
  • Consider the sight graph below. How can we
    implement Hamming Weights to come up with an
    optimal guessing strategy?
  • This is a directed graph with hat colors 0 or
  • G(a) B E G(b) C E G(c) D E G(d)
    A E 1 with mod 2 arithmetic
  • G(e) 1 if(A B,B C,C D,A D 1) has
    Hamming weight 1
  • 0 if(A B,B C,C D,A D
    1) has Hamming weight 3.

Hamming Weight Example
  • Since a, b, c, and d are all making their guesses
    based on es hat color, they will make either 1
    or 3 correct guesses depending on what e is
  • e can then guess correctly and get at least one
    right answer, his own hat color, or guess
    incorrectly and get at least 3 correct answers
    from the rest

Using hypercubes to approach the game
  • An n dimensional hypercube is called an n-cube
  • Vertices - all 2n binary arrangements of length n
  • Edges - join vertices that differ by one letter
  • Ex. In the 4-cube there is an edge between 1101
    and 1100. This can be written as 110 where the
    indicates the spot not known. Applied to the hat
    problem, this would mean the fourth player can
    see a 1, 1, 0 for the first, second, and third
    players. Here the fourth player must guess a 1
    or 0 so the direction of the edge between 1101
    and 1100 can represent the chosen guess.
    (1101?1100 if the player guesses 1)

Hypercubes in balanced stategies
  • Theorem If there are n players and k different
    hat colors, then there exists a strategy which is
    balanced. That is, if xi of the players are
    wearing hats of color i (1 ? i ? k), then at
    least xi/k of the people wearing color i guess
    correctly for each value of i.
  • Constructing the hypercube involves grouping the
    vertices of the hypercube in i levels. Each
    vertex is in level i if the binary arrangements
    Hamming weight is i. The up-degree (down-degree)
    at a vertex in level i is the number of edges
    between that vertex and vertices in level i 1
    (i - 1).
  • Proof First proven where k 2 then extended to
    all values of k. Shows that at each vertex every
    edge coming in from below (above) is paired, if
    possible, with an edge going down (up)

Hypercubes and optimal stategies
  • In the 2-color game when n is even, each player
    is as likely to guess one hat color as to guess
    the other under many optimal strategies. (Optimal
    strategies are unbiased)
  • Proposition Suppose the set of hat colors is 0,
    1 and there are n players playing an optimal
    strategy, where n is even. For any fixed player
    i, looking over all possible hat placements, the
    number of times that player i guesses 0 is the
    same as the number of times that player guesses
  • Proof When n is even an optimal stategy
    corresponds to an n-cube with the in-degree equal
    to the out-degree at each vertex (the strategy
    corresponds to a Eulerian walk on the n-cube).
    The edges that point up represent guesses of 1
    and the edges pointing down represent guesses of
    0. Since it is a Eulerian walk the up and down
    edges are equal.
  • This proposition is extended to games with more
    than 2 colors.

The limited hats game
  • Consider the game with only a limited supply of
    hats. Let H(n a1, a2, , ak) denote the max
    number of correct guesses that we can gaurantee
    when there are n players and a1 hats of the first
    color, a2 hats of the second color, and so on up
    to ak of the kth color.
  • Ex. Three players, two blue hats and two red
    hats. Using the strategy of player a guessing
    the opposite of what player b is wearing, player
    b guessing the opposite of what player c is
    wearing, and player c guessing the opposite of
    what player a is wearing will guarantee 2 correct
    answers or H(3 2,2) 2.

  • G. Aggarwal, A. Fiat, A. V. Goldberg, J. D.
    Harline, N. Immorlica, and M. Sudan,
    Derandomization of auctions, Proceedings of the
    37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,
    2005, pp. 619 625.
  • Steve Butler, Mohammad T. Hajiaghayi, Roberty D.
    Kleinberg, Tom Leighton, Hat Guessing Games, SIAM
    J. Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.
  • Fred S. Roberts, Barry Tesman, Applied
    Combinatorics. Pearson Prentice Hall, New
    Jersery, 2005, pp. 633.
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