Title: Payment Solutions 101
1Payment Solutions 101
- An Overview of the Payment Solutions Process at
Rice University
2Resources and References
- Payment Solutions Website
- Policies
- Purchasing
- Travel
- Business Meeting/Entertainment Expense
- Conflicts of Interest
- Signature and Approval Authority for Contracts
- Procedures Manuals
- FAQs
- Administrative Systems/Banner Security
3Department Responsibility
- Adhering to the Rice policies and procedures
- Providing sound stewardship of department funds
- Preparing and/or approving transactions (i.e.
invoices, check requests, travel envelopes, etc.)
for prompt payment with required supporting
documentation, account coding and appropriate
signature approval - Completing, approving and submitting purchasing
card applications - Completing, approving and submitting signature
authorization forms - Reconciling and reviewing monthly financial
reports and purchasing card statements on a
timely basis
4Department Responsibility (cont.)
- Identifying purchasing needs
- Ordering products and arranging for delivery
- Arranging for vendor payment with appropriate
documentation and coding - Reviewing and completing travel expense
envelopes/statements/business and entertainment
forms within thirty days of the trip/event
5Signature Authority
- Signature authority must be requested and
periodically confirmed by the department
chair/head (or delegated individual) and updated
in the signature card database - Areas of approval authority include
- Approval Levels (e.g. 2,500, 10,000 or
amount required) - Allowable Transactions (purchase orders,
invoices, travel, work orders, etc.) - Allowable Funds/Orgs
6 Signature Authority (cont.)
- Authorized signers must review and acknowledge
that they are familiar with the following
policies - Conflicts of Interest Related to the Purchasing
of Supplies, Services, and Equipment (No. 838) - Signature and Approval Authority for Contracts
(No. 810) - Purchasing Policy (No. 814), Travel Policy (No.
806) and the Business Meeting and Entertainment
Policy (No. 811) - Approvals
- Approver cant approve his or her own expense
- Approver cant approve if they attend the event
- Approver may never report to the individual for
whom the expense is incurred - Receipts over a year old require a Dean/VP
7Planning for Purchases
- Are there fund restrictions
- Gift (G)
- Endowment Spending (H)
- Research funds (R)
- Is there availability in your budget
- When available, give small, minority and
women-owned business enterprises the opportunity
to compete - Lease vs. Purchase Decision Making
- Contact General Counsel prior to signing the
lease agreement - Capitalized leases - contact Property Accounting
for special accounting rules (x 3429)
8Planning for Purchases (cont.)
- Hazardous Materials, Select Agents and Controlled
Substances - May only be ordered by individuals who have
completed the Environmental Health and Safety
training course - Contact the Environmental Health and Safety
Office (ext. 4444) - Research Animals
- May only be purchased through the Animal Resource
Facility - Contact the Animal Resource Facility Manager
(ext. 3502)
9Bidding Information
- Purchasers should solicit bids for goods and
services - A minimum of 3 documented bids or justification
for sole source purchasing is required for all
purchases totaling 25,000 or more - Sole source justification is required for all
professional services when the total contract is
over 25,000 - When the lowest bid is not accepted,
justification is required - Submit copy of bids and/or sole source purchasing
with documentation when appropriate and send to
Payment Solutions with a completed and approved
purchase order
10Document Coding
- Fund/Org/Account clearly recorded
- Program, Activity and/or Location codes should be
indicated following the fund/org/account code
combination when appropriate - Account coding
- Account code listings can be found on the Web
- Expense Codes (7XXXX)
- Equipment Codes (75XXX and 76XXX)
- Do not code any expense to an account beginning
with 6 - For questions regarding equipment coding contact
- Pat Jones ext. 3429
- For questions regarding all other coding contact
- Crystal Davis ext. 2478
- Flor Garcia ext. 3435
11Rice University Purchasing Card
RICE UNIVERSITY Tax Exempt 74-1109620
5567 0154 5555 5555
10/06 - 10/08
Samuel Smart Rice University
12Rice University Purchasing Card (cont.)
- The purchasing card is a corporate Mastercard
issued by JPMorgan Chase - The PCard is the preferred method of payment for
the following - general purchases less than 5,000
- travel, entertainment and business meeting
13Payment Options for Purchases Less than 5,000
- When accepted by the vendor, pay for your
purchase with your Rice University purchasing
card - If MasterCard is not accepted, arrange for the
vendor to invoice your department directly by
providing the following information - University address
- Department name and mail stop
- Contact name and phone number
- Please note
- Rice is exempt from paying Texas sales tax. When
arranging for payment, provide the vendor with
the Federal Tax ID number. This number is located
on the front of the purchasing card - Tax exempt certificate is located on the Payment
Solutions website
14Purchases Less than 5,000 With an Invoice
- Confirm that the invoice is an original invoice
- Review the invoice for accuracy
- Ensure that Texas sales tax is not being charged
- Code the invoice for payment (fund/org/account)
- Ensure that the invoice is approved by an
authorized signer. The signature on the invoice
indicates the items were received in good order
or the services performed were satisfactory - Send the invoice and all required documentation
to Payment Solutions, MS77 for processing
15Purchases Less than 5,000 Without an Invoice
- A check request form can be used to request
payment if no invoice is available - Payments must include
- Individuals
- Rice individual employee or student
- Non rice individual social security - W9 Form
(retain a copy for the department files) - Vendors
- New vendor completed W9 Form (retain a copy
for the department files) - Existing vendor name and address
- Code the check request with the appropriate
fund/org/account - Attach supporting documentation
- The check request must be approved by an
authorized signer
16Purchases Less than 5,000 Without an Invoice
- Clearly indicate any special handling requests
(i.e. attachments, call for pickup, etc) - Send the check request to Payment Solutions,
MS77 for processing - Check request should only be used to
- Pay a vendor who cannot/will not submit an
invoicenor accepts the purchasing card - Vendor cannot/will not deliver the goods or
services and then invoice the department directly - Pay honorarium or refunds
- Reimburse faculty/staff/students for expenses
greater than 100
17Reimbursement for Out of
Pocket Expenses
- Requires One Over signature approval
- Equal to or less than 100
- Reimburse with Petty Cash
- Submit Petty Cash Voucher to the Cashiers Office
- Call the Cashiers Office for information (ext.
4946) - Greater than 100
- Reimburse with a Check Request
- Attach original detailed receipts as backup
- Submit to Payment Solutions, MS77 for processing
18Reimbursement for Mileage Expenses
- Mileage reimbursements may be requested for round
trips in excess of five miles provided that the
employee provides the following information - the date of the incurred mileage
- a clear and precise business purpose of the trip
- the beginning and end points of the trip
- For reimbursement of mileage over 100, a mileage
voucher form (available from Payment Solutions)
should be completed, approved and submitted to
Payment Solutions, MS77 - Approved mileage vouchers equal to or less than
100 should be submitted to the Cashiers Office
for reimbursement - Mileage associated with travel should be
submitted on a travel form to avoid possible
duplication - Mileage rates available on the Payment Solutions
19Purchases Equal to or Greater than 5,000
- Require a purchase order
- Dividing a large transaction into dollar amounts
below the total PO in order to circumvent
required approvals is not allowed - First time vendors may require credit information
along with the tax exempt certificate before they
will extend credit to the University. Payment
Solutions has the credit reference form available
to the departments on the Payment Solutions
20Purchase Orders
- Purchase Order forms are available from Payment
Solutions - Call ext. 6700
- Email your request to payment_at_rice.edu
- 4 part form which is a commitment for payment
- Yellow is the work copy
- White is the vendor copy
- Blue is the department copy
- Green is the receiving report
- Detailed instructions are in the Purchasing and
Payment Manual
21Purchase Orders
- Equipment purchased (account code - 75XXX and
76XXX) - Complete and attach a Property Control
Registration Form - This form is available from Property Accounting
(ext. 3428) - Equipment purchased on a research fund (75XXX)
- In addition to a Property Control Registration
Form complete and attach a Procurement Brief
22PO Receiving Report
- Receiving Copy (green)
- For purchases equal to or greater than 5,000,
receipt of goods and services must be performed
and acknowledged by a Rice employee other than
the approver - Partial payments - submit copy of green receiving
report with the partial payment box checked - Final payments - submit original green receiving
report with the final payment box checked - On occasion, the total amount due on the invoice
will be greater than the original purchase order
amount. When this occurs, the difference will be
paid if it is less than 10 of the total purchase
order amount
23Invoice Payment on POs
- By signing the invoice, the signer is indicating
that - the original invoice is being submitted
- the PO number is recorded on the invoice
- Texas sales tax is not being charged
- the purchased items noted on the invoice have
been received in good order and the invoice is to
be paid
24Professional Services
- Require a Professional Services Agreement (PSA)
when the total amount of services purchased is
5,000 or greater - Departments are encouraged to work with the
Office of General Counsel to review written
agreements and contracts prior to the document
being approved and signed - A purchase order should be prepared for the total
cost of services. The purchase order is important
to encumber the funds and provide funding
information - If the agreement or contract is signed by an
authorized signer the purchase order does not
need to be signed
25Professional Services (cont.)
- When sponsored agreement dollars are charged
attach a copy of the PSA or agreement to every
invoice submitted for payment - For all other funds charged, a copy of the PSA or
agreement should be attached to the first invoice
and subsequent invoices may certify that a PSA or
agreement is on file in the department
- Refunds
- Send Deposit Voucher Form to Cashiers Office,
MS55 - Rice checks payable to vendors should not be
deposited by the department. Forward them to
Disbursements - Credit Memos
- Treated the same as an invoice. Signature
authority, coding and documentation are needed
- Void Checks/Stop Payments
- Contact Disbursements Office
- Teresa Blumentritt ext. 4812
- Patricia Morrison ext. 4546
- Changes in Original Coding
- Submit an Expense and Revenue Correction Form to
MS70 - Crystal Davis ext. 2478
- Flor Garcia ext. 3435
28Travel, Business Meeting Entertainment Expenses
- IRS regulations apply to the following expenses
and require additional information - Faculty/Staff/Students
- Online TEBM Envelope
- Travel Statement
- B/E Form
- Require One-Over Approval
- Travel Advances
- Student travel
- Group travel
- International travel
- Travel B/E Procedures Manuals
29Travel, Business Meeting Entertainment Expenses
- Travelers Responsibilities
- Obtaining and saving true and accurate original
and detailed receipts - Providing all required receipts to the preparer
of the travel envelope/ statement - Verifying the expenditure amounts recorded on the
final travel envelope/statement are accurate - Verifying that all costs allowed by the
university policy have been included on the final
travel envelope/statement - Signing the travel envelope/statement
- Ensuring that a complete and accurate travel
envelope/statement is submitted within 30 days
upon completion of the trip. IRS rules require
travel expenses to be documented in a timely
30Travel, Business Meeting Entertainment Expenses
- All Rice travel should be cleared using the
online travel envelope/statement - Non-Rice employees can use the online
envelope/statement - The department is responsible for maintaining the
physical travel envelopes/statements ensuring
that any exceptions to the Travel Policy and
procedures are noted - The department is responsible for providing
currency translation documentation for receipts
in foreign currency
31Relocation Expenses
- IRS regulations apply. Get details before
committing - Teresa Blumentritt x4812 or Tessie Skulski x 4004
- Monitored by the Controllers Office regarding
taxation issues - Information available in the Purchasing and
Payment Manual - Expenses/Reimbursements reported on a Relocation
Expense Report. This form can be found on the
Controllers Website
32Payments to Faculty, Staff and Students
- Reimbursement for Out of Pocket Expenses
- Mileage Reimbursement
- Relocation Expenses
- Prizes/Awards/Scholarships
- Payment for Services Rendered
33Payment of Prizes, Awards, Scholarships
- These types of student payments are submitted on
a paper Check Request form with appropriate
backup - MUST be submitted to the Student Financial
Services department for review/approval - Payments to previously enrolled students are
processed by Payment Solutions - Payments to currently enrolled students must be
posted to the students account and are processed
via the Cashiers Office/Disbursements
34Payment to Faculty/Staff/Students for Services
- A Personnel Action Form (PAF - not a check
request) must be completed for a payment to a
Rice employee for services rendered or a one time
payment for a special project. A student PAF must
be completed for services rendered to Rice by a
student - For Faculty/Staff, the PAF is sent to Human
Resources - For Students, the PAF is sent to Student
Financial Services - Contact HR regarding any assignment of a
secondary job that might move a non-exempt
employee into the area of overtime compensation
35Research Procurement
- Know your grant/contract. Some have restrictions.
- All expenses must have clear relationship/benefit
to the contract/grant - See Section 11 of Purchasing and Payment Manual
- Requires Principal Investigator (PI) or PI
designee signature - OSR Website
- Links to federal guidelines which determine
whether the expense is allowed
36Common Research Restrictions
- Entertainment Expenses
- Alcohol Expenses
- International Travel
- Use of US Flag Carrier
- Others -- see Section 11 of the Purchasing
Manual - Attend Research Administrators Meetings hosted
by OSR and Research Accounting
37Property Accounting
- Monitor/track capital equipment purchases
- Capital equipment purchases require a Property
Control Registration Form and approval from
Property Accounting - Section 12 of the Purchasing and Payment Manual
- Contact Pat Hall-Jones ext 3429 (Property
Accounting Manager)
38For Questions and/or Trainingcontact Regina
Diaz ext. 6715 or Regina.R.Diaz_at_Rice.edu