Title: Chapter 11 Payroll responsibilities within the accounting dept.
1Chapter 11Payroll responsibilities withinthe
accounting dept.
Family Economics Financial Education
2The Payroll Department
- Within the Accounting Department
- Employer has the responsibility to pay each
employee a fair, non-discriminated salary - www.salary.com to find your worth, according to
zipcode - Pay will vary according to Cost of Living
- Real Estate prices and Taxes are the major
3Payroll Tax evasionVideo http//www.myfoxphilly.
- The five owners and managers of the Nifty Fifty's
restaurant chain have been charged with cheating
the IRS out of millions of dollars, the U.S.
Attorney's office announced on Wednesday. - Robert Mattei, 73, of Delray Beach, Florida Leo
McGlynn, 52, of Swarthmore, Pa. Brian Welsh, 48,
of Springfield, Pa. Joseph Donnelly, 49, of
Springfield, Pa. and Elena Ruiz, 46, of Drexel
Hill, PA were charged in connection with an
alleged tax evasion conspiracy. - U.S. Attorney Zane Memeger said the five cheated
the Internal Revenue Service by failing to
properly account for more than 15 million in
gross receipts, thereby evading 2.2 million in
federal employment and personal taxes. - http//abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?sectionnews/loc
4The Buffet Rule
- Listen
- www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2012/03/
5 Payroll Deductions
- http//www.ehow.com/video_5112528_understanding-pa
6Some Departments within accounting
- Auditing
- Payroll
- Benefits Administration Medical and Retirement
- Financial Reporting
- Cost
- Tax
- AP/AR management
7Accounting transactions
- Salary
- An Expense of doing business
- Gross Pay
- Salary Deductions (optional and required)
- Must be electronically deducted before employee
receives paycheck - Liabilities of doing business
- Transactions
- All payables are Credited (deducted from the
employees paycheck) - Employer owes this money to different
agencies/companies - Net Pay the amount the employee actually takes
home after all deductions are made
8The Debits and Credits
- Gross Salary Expense
- All Payables (deductions)
- Net Pay Cash
9What are Payroll Taxes?
- Taxes Required charges imposed on US citizens
by local, state, and federal governments - Used to provide public goods and services
- Largest amount of taxes a person pays is on
his/her income
What are some services in your community that are
funded by tax dollars?
- On average, approximately 40 of a persons
paycheck will be deducted due to taxes, benefits,
and investment choices before they even receive a
paycheck - Taxes- Required charges imposed on citizens by
local, state, and federal governments
- Provide public goods and services
What is an item or service that you use every day
that is paid for by taxes?
- Citizens pay many different types of taxes in
many different ways - Income tax, sales tax, property tax
- Largest amount of taxes is paid on income
- Federal Income Tax
- Based on how much you make
- US govt has 6 brackets
- State Income tax flat rate based on state
- Local Income tax flat rate based on township
- FICA (Social Security Tax) 4.2
- For those retired after age 62.5 or legally
disabled to work - Unemployment tax - .08
- Goes to those in your state that are unemployed
- Medicare 1.45
- Goes to those in our country who are uninsured,
underinsured, or those retired that are eligible
for govt aide
13Federal Income TaxBrackets
- 10 - 0 to 8,375
- 15 - 8,375 to 34,000
- 25 - 34,000 to 83,600
- 28 - 83,600 to 174,400
- 33 - 171,850 to 373,650
- 35 - 373,650 and up
14Taxes continued
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Collects federal
taxes, issues regulations, and enforces tax laws
written by the United States Congress for
individuals and private businesses
- Medical Benefits health insurance
- Employer responsibility to have a relationship
with 1 or more health insurance companies - Offer benefits to your employees
- Employer pays a the employee pays a
(premium) - More the employer pays, the greater expense BUT
it could make the employer more desirable/loyalty - Retirement Planning
- Employer offers an investment firm to withdraw a
of paycheck and invest in the stock market or
other investment tool - 401K (mutual funds or groups of stocks)
- IRA (retirement account, with interest)
- Money is UNTOUCHABLE until age 62.5 (penalty is
20 for early/partial withdrawal)
16Largest Investment firms THAT Employers work with
- Vanguard and Fidelity
- Employee meets with a Financial Advisor to
discuss investment strategy and retirement goals
at time of Hiring - Here is the Discussion
- How much should I invested each week from my
Gross Pay? - What stocks/investments/401ks should I invest in?
- What is my RISK tolerance?
- How long do I plan to work for?
- What age would I like to retire at?
- How much do I want waiting for me when I retire
so I live comfortably?
17How are Taxes Paid?
- By Workers
- Through deductions made from your Gross Salary by
your Employer Income Taxes - By homeowners Real Estate and School Taxes
- By shoppers Sales Tax
- By businesses their profit is taxed
18Real Estate taxes
- These taxes are separate and not deducted from
ones paycheck - This is owed once a year by homeowners check
sent to Local Government - Broken into 2
- Property based on value of home
- School based on needs of school
19Starting a New Job
20Form W-4
- Employees Withholding Allowance Certificate
- Determines the percentage of gross pay which will
be withheld for taxes - Allowances
- Used to determine the amount of federal taxes
withheld from the paycheck - Dependents lower your taxes!
- Dependent a person who relies on the taxpayer
for financial support
21Form I-9
- Employment Eligibility Verification Form
- Used to verify the eligibility of individuals to
avoid hiring undocumented workers or others who
are not eligible to work in the United States - Must provide documentation which establishes
identity and employment eligibility - Examples include drivers license, passport,
Social Security card, and birth certificate
22Form I-9Employment Eligibility Verification Form
- Verifies the eligibility of individuals to avoid
hiring undocumented workers or others who are not
eligible to work in the United States
23Methods for paying employees
- Live Check
- Direct Deposit
24Reading a Paycheck
Family Economics Financial Education
Why is it important to read your paycheck stub?
25Paycheck Stub
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Paycheck Stub
- A document included each pay period which
outlines paycheck deductions
26Personal Information
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Personal Information
- States the employees full name, address, and
social security number - Always check to ensure this information is correct
27Pay Period
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Pay Period
- The length of time for which an employees wages
are calculated most are weekly, bi-weekly, twice
a month, or monthly - The last day of the pay period is not always
payday to allow a business to accurately compute
28Gross Pay
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Gross Pay
- The total amount of money earned during a pay
period before deductions - This is calculated by multiplying the number of
hours worked by the hourly rate - If a person is on salary, it is the total salary
amount divided by the specified time period
29Net Pay
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Net Pay
- The amount of money left after all deductions
have been withheld from the gross pay earned in
the pay period
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Deductions
- The amount of money subtracted from the gross pay
earned for mandatory systematic taxes, employee
sponsored medical benefits, and/or retirement
On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go On-The-Go
EmployeeBeakens, Joe SSN201-92-4856 SSN201-92-4856 Check 164 Check 164 Check Amount1,102.98
Employee Address293 Michael GroveBillings, MT 59102
Pay Type-Gross Pay Deductions Deductions Current Year-to-date
1,353.33 Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K Federal WithholdingState WithholdingFed OASDI/EE or Social Security Fed MED/EE or MedicareMedical401K 106.0040.8283.9119.620.000.00 503.46117.72636.00244.920.000.00
Totals Totals 250.35 1,502.10
Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009 Pay Period 6/11/2009-7/11/2009
- Year-to-Date
- Total of all of the deductions which have been
withheld from an individuals paycheck from
January 1 to the last day of the pay period
indicated on the paycheck stub
- Review the following concepts
- Form W-4
- Form I-9
- Reading a paycheck definitions
- Net vs. gross pay
- Required and Optional deductions
- Calculating Payroll
- Using Excel to calculate payroll and make
deductions - Chapter 11 on website