Title: Leadership: The CIO
1Leadership The CIO
2Chief Information Officer
- This chapter was at end of 6th edition
- Learning objectives
- Job duties and responsibilities of CIO and CEO
and other leaders - Key knowledge, skills, abilities that CIO must
have - Various paths to becoming CIO
- Organizational chart for HIT
- Future challenges to CIO
3Chief Information Officer
- Leadership
- Human resources
- Management expertise
- Not just running things, but also planning for
future. - transitioning
4Leadership and management
- Too much required knowledge for any one person
- Managing and coordinating the content experts
5CFO and CIO
- Years ago, the chief financial officer was chief
information officer - Reflects ITs start in handling
- Payroll
- Accounts payable and receivable
- Communication with payers
- All involve money flows
6CIO as separate job
- New requirements beyond money control
- Clinical information systems
- Regulatory compliance
- Strategic planning and decision support
7Successful organizations do this with IT
- Actively design governance
- Know when to redesign
- Involve senior managers
- Make choices
- Have an exception-handling process
8Successful organizations do this with IT
- Provide right incentives
- Establish ownership and accountability
- Design governance at multiple levels in the
organization - Transparency and education
- Implement common mechanisms across the six key
9Successful organizations do this with IT
- Actively design governance
- Focus on goals and objectives of the
organization, not just the IT dept.s operations
10Successful organizations do this with IT
- Know when to redesign
- CIO must design procedures for reviewing what IT
does - Involves teamwork outside of IT
- Lead the review
11Successful organizations do this with IT
- Involve senior managers
- Bring senior management into technology decisions
- Bring, to senior management, technology decisions
with strategic implications
12Successful organizations do this with IT
- Provide right incentives
- Establish ownership and accountability
- Encourage a broad view of the organization,
- Not turf protection
13CIOs functional responsibilities
- Reports directly to the CEO
- Enterprise planning
- Leadership
- Management oversight
- Human resources
- Financial management
14CIO responsibilities
- Careful planning process
- Master plan
- updated annually
- Linked to organizations strategic plan
15CIO responsibilities
- User-driven focus
- Active involvement of personnel at all levels
- In choosing technology
- Designing installation and transition
- Operation
- Evaluation
16CIO responsibilities
- Recruiting
- Competent personnel
- Vendor selection
17CIO responsibilities
- Integration / interoperability of
- Data files
- Interfaces
- Especially tricky for complex organizations with
subsidiaries - The prospects for interoperability must be
considered for any proposed acquisition.
18CIO responsibilities
- Assure that legal and ethical obligations are met
- Confidentiality
- Patients
- Medical staff
- employees
19CIO responsibilities for new projects
- Establish interdisciplinary teams to design new
systems - Systems analysts and computer programmers fit in
here - CIO doesnt have to have their expertise, but has
to be able to understand them - User-driven focus rather than technology-driven
20CIO responsibilities for new projects
- Careful systems analysis must precede
implementation - Preliminary design specifications for technology
applications must fit with master plan - Lay out all details before implementation starts
21CIO responsibilities for new projects
- Careful scheduling of all activities
- Periodic progress reports
- Plan for training of personnel on new system
22CIO responsibilities for new projects
- Always test system before going live
- Test must be comprehensive
- Software and procedures
- Personnel training
- User reaction
- Effectiveness at meeting stated objectives
- Cost in practice compared with initial projections
23CIO responsibilities for new projects
- Maintenance
- Must be planned for
24CIO responsibilities for new projects
- Audits and formal evaluations
25What makes a successful CIO
- Skills in
- Business
- Clinical processes
- Leadership
- Administration
- Communication
- technical savvy downplayed? Or is this
reacting to past tendency to promote a geek to
26What makes a successful CIO in practice
(well-regarded within organization)
- Business basics
- Getting things done on time and on budget
- Involvement in broader goals less often cited
- Successful CIOs have active support and
involvement of CEO. - Work experience in health care IT cited
- geek with management training and experience?
- Clinical experience less often found
27Organization of IT department
- This book advocates that the CIO should report to
the CEO directly - Broadening responsibilities, centrality of IT
- A survey finds, however, that only 37 of CIOs
report to CEOs. - 38 report to CFOs (reflecting old IT focus)
- 25 report to COO, chief medical officer, or other
28Organization of IT department depends on
- Centralization/decentralization of computer
systems - Book seems to advocate centralization for
interoperability - Systems developed in-house vs. purchased software
or systems developed by outside application
service providers - In-house vs. outsourced functions
29IT organizational chart
30IT organizational chart
- In large organizations, each block is a manager
with staff - In small organizations, each block may be one
person. One person may share functions.
31Info Systems Operations functions
- Systems
- Maintenance
- Analysis
- Programming
- Software evaluation
- User support
- Operations
- Computer
- Network
- Data preparation
32IT organization
- In many organizations, IT people lower in the
organization chart report to clinical departments
rather than, or in addition to, up the ladder to
the CIO. - Thats how USC operates
- Complicates leadership role of CIO
- Departmental decisions affect the whole
- But the responsibility is local
33Staffing the IT department
- Taking qualifications seriously. For example,
the head of health information management should
be experienced and certified http//www.ahima.org/
certification/ - With broad knowledge of information flow and
electronic health records
34Professional personnel
- Systems analysts
- Tech knowledge
- Must be able to deal with people
- Human-machine interaction
- Computer programmers
- More technically focussed
- Shifting from mainframe to networks with
distributed computing - Highly creative processes
35Technical personnel
- Technical leadership
- Up on latest technical developments
- Financial manager
- Interpersonal relationships
- Professional and technical staff have grown and
are expected to grow more
36Budgeting and IT
- Direct spending 2.5 of budget, typically
- But impact is much broader
- Labor costs table of 2006 typical salaries
- CIO 150,000
- Info Sys director 104,000
- Systems analyst 63,000
- Help desk operator 46,000
37Outsourcing vs. in-house
- When you read those requirements for personnel
and expected salaries, staffing that IT
organizational chart can look daunting. - Buy better than Make?
38Benefits of outsourcing
- Less in-house staff
- Less in-house capital equipment investment
- More flexibility as requirements and technology
change - Youre not stuck with old stuff
- Faster to get a solution thats already developed
- Predictable costs
39Dangers of outsourcing
- Dependent on vendor, who may go broke or make
changes to meet other market demands - Vendors can charge
- Especially once your business model depends on
them - Contractors not intimately familiar with your
40One authors suggestions
- Seek long-term commitment from vendor
- But there goes your flexibility
- Require relevant experience
- Develop performance measures
- In general, outsourcing is more manageable if
the product is well-specified. - Dont jump at the low bid.
41Accounts receivable as candidate for outsourcing
- Outsourcing doesnt reduce costs, but outsources
are more ruthless and more consistent at
collecting - Collecting is outsourcers business, so they have
more specialized expertise - Collecting is outsourcers business, so they have
more appropriate technology - You can focus on health services, rather than
bill collecting
42Outsourcing example
- Jefferson Regional Medical Center (Pittsburgh)
and Siemens Medical Solutions - Billing and clinical support
- Worked with functional departments as an in-house
IT operation would - PDAs for physicians
- Technology changing fast
43Outsourcing survey
- gt30 outsourced
- Web site
- Dictation and transcription
- lt20 outsourced
- Project management
- Help desk
- Database management
- telecommunications
44Near-term issues for CIOs
- Low hospital budgets for IT
- Particularly regarding electronic medical records
and clinical applications - Need to argue for increased budgets based on
- Accountability measures that need to be designed
and implemented
45Near-term issues for CIOs
- Changing technologies
- Radio identification (RF) replacing bar codes
- smart phones replacing PDAs
46Near-term issues for CIOs
- Interoperability
- Standardization, driven by national policy, is
coming. - Confusion meantime, because we can only guess
what the standard will be
47Near-term issues for CIOs
- Ambulatory settings
- Integration of electronic medical records
48The CIO in the organization
- CIOs do not directly use technical skills, but
probably need technical skills to go up the
49The CIO in the organization
- Up
- Relations with CEO and Board of Directors
- Horizontal
- Relations with Chief Financial Officer, Chief
Medical Officer, head of nursing - Internal
- Management of the IT unit
50The CIO in the organization
- Responsibility shifting back to CFO because of
Sarbanes-Oxley reporting requirements?
51Near-term application development
- Reduction of medical errors and enhancing patient
safety - Computerized physician order entry
- Computer-based records
- Patient-provider communications
- Information
- Monitoring systems for patients at home
- New national priorities
- Y2K and HIPAA took over for a while
524 levels of interoperability
- Data not in electronic form (must be read or
spoken) - Word-processor data (must be read by people)
- Data files with incompatible formats (require
conversion that never works 100 automatically) - Data files with different formats (require
53Other coming challenges
- Security
- Breaches and leaks
- Regional information exchange
- With public agencies and other providers
- Web-based applications
- Outsourcing
54Big points
- The CIO position has evolved into a top executive
position - Broad organizational skills required
- IT has broadened in its reach. Internal and
external pressures increase ITs role. - CIO must work up, horizontally, and internally