Progressives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Progressives Social Reform Education Women s right to vote Prohibition Minorities – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Progressives

  • Social Reform
  • Education
  • Womens right to vote
  • Prohibition
  • Minorities

John Dewey (1859-1952).
  • John Dewey
  • - important American philosopher and educator,
  • - Rejected rote learning
  • - learn by doing rather than just by reading.

Rural one-room sod school house, Decatur, Kansas.
  • Schoolhouses such as this Decatur, Kansas, rural
    one-room sod school were replaced by consolidated
    school districts and graded classes as John
    Deweys educational ideas took hold. 1907 photo
    by Joseph H. Young.

Carrie Nation (1848-1911), on shipboard.
  • Carrie Nation
  • evils of alcohol , one of the worst causes of
  • Became famous in 1900 when she attacked saloons
    with a hatchet
  • She was arrested more than 30 times in her
    prohibition campaign.

  • Prohibition
  • laws outlawing the manufacture and sale of
    alcoholic beverages altogether
  • Temperance movement
  • 18th Amendment to the US Constitution was passed
    in 1919, effective 1920
  • Temperance- the belief that alcoholic drinks
    should not be used at all

Governor Peter Norbeck (1870-1936) of South
Dakota signs his state's "bone dry law," February
21, 1917
Womens Suffrage
Suffrage women should have the right to vote
  • The demand for suffrage had been growing
    steadily since the first women's rights meeting
    at Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. Conflict
    between two rival organizations, the National
    Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman
    Suffrage Association, had ended when they merged
    to become the National American Woman Suffrage
    Association (NAWSA). Between 1904 and 1915, the
    NAWSA undertook a highly successful state and
    local organizational campaign that first sought
    change in individual state laws, then the
    adoption of an amendment to the Constitution to
    win suffrage at the national level.

  • Opponents of suffrage for women also organized
    nationally. This headquarters of the National
    Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage was in
    Washington, D.C., 191-.

Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt (1859-1947).
  • Carrie Chapman Catt, a respected educator and
    long-time suffrage leader, became the president
    of the NAWSA in 1915 and led it into a new period
    of growth. Determined to implement her "Winning
    Plan," she hired lobbyists in Washington, paid
    women organizers to travel throughout the nation
    setting up suffrage groups, and introduced new
    tactics in the struggle such as open-air
    meetings, widespread distribution of suffrage
    leaflets, and suffrage parades.

March 3, 1913 suffragists parade, Washington, DC.
  • This parade of suffragists, held the day before
    the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson, created a
    national shock when hostile onlookers, unopposed
    by local police, attacked the marchers. In the
    ensuing uproar, the vocal and physical attacks on
    the women brought many who were previously
    neutral into the cause for women's suffrage.

  • Alice Paul (1885-1977), the organizer of the
    March 1913 parade, advocated a more militant
    approach to the campaign for votes for women than
    did the NAWSA.
  • In 1913 she organized the Congressional Union.
  • After the outbreak of WWI, with the cooperation
    of women workers whose participation in the war
    effort was increasingly being sought by President
    Wilson, she organized the Woman's Party.

1918 photo
In 1917, the members of the Womens Party began
24-hour picketing of the White House, calling on
Wilson to support the vote for women, with picket
signs that read "Democracy Should Begin at Home."
  • Paul and her followers were arrested, then
    force-fed in prison when they went on hunger
    strikes to protest their treatment. Although many
    of the more moderate supporters of the NAWSA were
    opposed to such tactics, revulsion against the
    harsh treatment given them did combine with the
    lobbying and organizing tactics of Catt and her
    followers to change Wilson's opinion. In January
    1918 he capitulated, and allowed the Democratic
    leadership in Congress to vote in favor of the
    19th Amendment.

Representative Jeanette Rankin (1880-1973). 1915
Harris Ewing photo.
  • Jeanette Rankin, who in 1916 was the first woman
    to be elected to Congress, introduced the 19th
    Amendment on the floor of the House of
    Representatives on January 10, 1918 before
    galleries packed with watching women.
  • The House passed it by 274 to 136, one vote over
    the necessary two-thirds majority, but Senate
    passage took another year and a half.
  • Submitted to the states in June of 1919, the
    constitutional amendment granting women the right
    to vote achieved the required ratification by 36
    states in August 1920 with a vote in the
    Tennessee House, where it passed after intense
    lobbying by suffragist organizations.

  • The 19th Amendment goes to the states for
    ratification on May 19, 1919, as Speaker of the
    House of Representatives Frederick H. Gillette
    (1851-1935) signs the joint resolution proposing
    to change the constitution to read that "the
    right of citizens of the United States to vote
    shall not be denied or abridged by the United
    States or any State on account of sex." The
    Amendment became a part of the Constitution when
    it was ratified by the 36th state, Tennessee, in
    August 1920 women get the right to vote.

Minority Problems attempts at reform
  • African Americans still lived in rural areas of
    the South. sharecropper
  • disenfranchised by poll taxes and "grandfather
    clauses," and rigidly segregated by "Jim Crow"
    laws in schools, hotels, hospitals, and other
    public facilities.

  • An African-American couple photographed in their
    Virginia home in 1900. The newspapers on the
    walls were pasted there to serve as insulation.

  • African Americans faced increasing violence,
    particularly in the South. Lynchings such as this
    one (in Florida, 1928) were made possible in part
    because the tensions of economic competition
    between poor whites and African Americans
    occurred at a time when the latter had lost the
    protective power of the vote. Between 1900 and
    1914, white mobs murdered more than 1,000
    African-American men and women in barbaric
    executions that became public spectacles.
    Outraged African-American organizations
    unsuccessfully appealed to Congress for federal
    laws against lynching.

Booker T. Washington was the foremost black
educator of the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. He also had a major influence on
southern race relations and was the dominant
figure in black public affairs from 1895 until
his death in 1915. Washington called for
Negroes to give up higher education and politics
in order to concentrate on gaining industrial
wealth. Though Washington offered little that
was innovative in industrial education, which
both northern philanthropic foundations and
southern leaders were already promoting, he
became its chief black exemplar and spokesman. In
his advocacy of Tuskegee Institute and its
educational method, Washington revealed the
political adroitness and accomodationist
philosophy that were to characterize his career
in the wider arena of race leadership.
  • He convinced southern white employers and
    governors that Tuskegee offered an education that
    would keep blacks "down on the farm" and in the
  • To prospective northern donors and particularly
    the new self- made millionaires such as
    Rockefeller and Carnegie he promised the
    inculcation of the Protestant work ethic.
  • To blacks living within the limited horizons of
    the post- Reconstruction South, Washington held
    out industrial education as the means of escape
    from the web of sharecropping and debt and the
    achievement of attainable, goals of
    self-employment, land-ownership, and small
  • Washington cultivated local white approval and
    secured a small state appropriation, but it was
    northern donations that made Tuskegee Institute
    by 1900 the best-supported black educational
    institution in the country.

One of Theodore Roosevelt's first controversial
actions as president was to invite
African-American leader Booker T. Washington to
dine with him privately at the White House in
October 1901. This recognition solidified Booker
T. Washington's control over the limited
political patronage given to African Americans,
and raised an outcry among southern Democrats.
Roosevelt defended his actions, but did not again
openly socialize with Washington or any other
African-American leader.
DuBois (1868-1963) had a different prescription
for curing the ills of the black community. He
believed that only though education could blacks
gain status and that Washington's idea promoted
black submission to whites. DuBois' wrote many
books and essays expressing his beliefs about
racial assimilation, cooperation, and the use of
education to end prejudice. DuBois openly broke
with the stance of Booker T. Washington in 1903
with the publication of The Souls of Black Folk.
The Souls of Black Folk was a very popular
analysis of the conflicts blacks were subjected
to in society.
Another great achievement was that of the
formation of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) which he
founded along with a number of other black and
white leaders who shared his beliefs in 1909. He
served as director of publicity from 1919-1934.
He was also a consultant to the United Nations
and edited his magazine, Crisis, from 1910 -1932.
By 1914, the NAACP had grown to 50 branches with
6,000 members.
  • African Americans were not the only minority to
    be ignored by the reformers of the Progressive
    movement. These rural Mexican-Americans,
    photographed on the Texas border, lived in
    poverty much like that of rural African
    Americans. A series of conflicts between Hispanic
    and Anglo residents on both sides of the
    Texas/Mexican border in the late 19th century -
    the "Cart Wars" and the "Salt War" - had left a
    legacy of bitterness and racism that exploded
    against Mexican-Americans just before WWI.
    Between 1915 and 1917, vigilante groups lynched
    about 300 Mexicans in the border area.

  • The racism that led to the lynchings had another
    dimension in anti-Semitism. The Leo Frank case
    illustrated the violence that underlay much of
    the optimism and change of the Progressive era.
    Frank, a wealthy Cornell University graduate, was
    tried and convicted in 1914 for the murder of an
    employee of the Georgia pencil factory which he
    managed. When the governor of Georgia became
    convinced that the evidence against him was
    inconclusive and changed his death sentence to
    life imprisonment, a mob dragged Frank from the
    state prison and hanged him. New evidence in the
    1980s conclusively proved Frank's innocence, and
    he was posthumously pardoned.

Leo Frank
  • African Americans were important originators of
    new directions in the evolution of American
    culture in the early 20th century, particularly
    in music. Willie "Bunk" Johnson (standing, second
    from left) and his Original Superior Orchestra, a
    leading jazz band from New Orleans, inspired the
    young trumpeter Louis Armstrong with his playing
    in the Storyville "red light" district of New
    Orleans. The phonograph helped spread the
    popularity of the faster rhythms of ragtime, and
    the syncopation of jazz.

  • Louis Armstrong (1900-1971), shown here on the
    riverboat S.S. Capital in 1919 with Marable's
    Capital Revue, helped make the improvizational
    innovation of jazz a national phenomenon when he
    moved to Chicago in the 1920s.

  • Ragtime and jazz were not the only kinds of
    music to originate in segregated African-American
    clubs and communities, and then spread to become
    part of mass entertainment. William Christopher
    Handy (1893-1958), shown here being recognized
    for his contributions in the 1940s, brought the
    rural southern folk music of the "blues" to
    northern cities, playing at the Chicago World's
    Columbian Exposition in 1893. He then drifted
    eventually to Memphis, which he helped make the
    mecca for the blues.
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