Understanding Diffraction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Understanding Diffraction


MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Understanding Diffraction Part of A Learner s Guide AN INTRODUCTORY E-BOOK Anandh Subramaniam & Kantesh Balani Materials Science and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Understanding Diffraction

Understanding Diffraction
  • Understanding Diffraction.(Using some
    illustrative but crude analogies!).
  • Understanding Crystallite size broadening.(The
    basis of Scherers formula).

Analogies are very brittle? do not stretch them!
  • Diffraction sometimes seems a mysterious
    phenomenon, which is difficult to understand.
  • We have noted that electromagnetic waves (light,
    X-rays etc.), water waves (i.e. elastic waves in
    a solid or fluid), matter waves (electrons,
    neutrons) etc. can be diffracted.? In fact it is
    best to start understading diffraction using
    water waves with a single slit.
  • Diffraction can be thought of as a special case
    of constructive and destructive interference (a
    case where there is a large number of
    scatterers).? What are these scatterers? A
    Any entity which impedes (partially and
    redirects) the path of wave can be conceived as
    a scatterer. Scatterers has to be understood in
    conjunction with the wave being considered i.e.
    an entity may be a scatter for one kind of
    waves, but not for another (e.g. an array of
    atoms is a scatterer for X-rays, but it is not a
    scatterer for water waves). ? In a periodic
    array they can be entities of the motif i.e. a
    geometrical entity (atoms, ions, blocks of wood),
    physical property (e.g. aligned spins) or a
    combination of both.
  • Experiments have been conducted where matter
    waves have been diffracted from a crystal made
    of electromagnetic radiation (waves)! (Atoms
    diffracted from a Laser lattice).
  • We will use some crude analogies and some
    schematic cartoons to get a hang of this
    phenomenon ? these should not be taken literally.

Usually in a periodic array. Though other
simple configurations may be envisaged.
What is the minimum I need to see
  • The bare minimum is one edge. Two edges forming
    a single slit is better to get a better picture.
  • An experiment with two slits (e.g Youngs double
    slit experiment), is very fascinating in many
  • The phenomenon of diffraction is often stated as
    bending of waves around edges.
  • When a wave encounters a slit, this aspect leads
    to intensity in the geometrical shadow region of
    the slit (i.e. the interference pattern observed
    on the screen consists of peaks and valleys, with
    some intensity pattern in the geometrical shadow
    region as well).
  • One method to understand this is the Huygens
    wavelet construction. (Wherein, each point in the
    unobstructed wave-front is considered as a source
    of wavelets. These wavelets propagate to the
    screen and lead to a interference pattern).

Which blocks part of the wave.
Let us start by throwing some balls on a wide
Geometrical shadow region of zero intensity
Near the edges the intensity will be different
(but we will ignore this for now)
Intensity on screen
If we shine incoherent light we will get a
similar intensity distribution.
The balls in the gap pass right through in a
straight line (well most of the ones!), while
the ones blocked by the obstruction reflect back
(reflection not shown).
Intensity no. of balls/area/time
Warning these cartoons do not depict
diffraction- they are a way to start visualizing
the issues!
What about the ones hitting the edge?
More cartoons on network
Altered intensity pattern (this is not one peak
but a broad diffuse one as the way the balls hit
the barrier edge will send them off in different
Intensity on screen
Centre of mass near edge.
Glancing angle collision.
This is not what happens in diffraction. This is
to tell you that watch out for sharp corners!!
What if the slit width is of the order of the
ball size?
There is intensity in the geometrical shadow
region as well!
Region of geometrical shadow
  • So we have seen that even with macroscopic balls
    it is possible to get intensity in the region
    of the geometrical shadow.
  • For this effect to be prominent we have noticed
    that the slit width has to be of the order of the
    size of the ball.

Another crude analogy to understand diffraction
  • Consider a series of speed breakers (bumps) on
    the road (say sinusoidal bumps of amplitude A
    ?/2). Let a vehicle (with tire diameter d)
    arrive at a velocity v.
  • Three cases can be considered here (i) d gtgt ?
    (large dump trucks, with tire diameter twice the
    height of a human) , (ii) d ? (a scooter tire),
    (iii) d gtgt ? (a toy car).
  • In the first and last scenarios the vehicle does
    not feel any jerk. In the case of the scooter
    tire, we feel a lot of jerk and thrown about a
    lot in the z-direction.
  • This analogy helps us visualize the statement
    if the wavelength is of the order of the scatter
    spacing then we are in the diffraction dominated

Understanding constructive and destructive
  • In these set of slides we will try to visualize
    how constructive and destructive interference
    take place (using the Braggs view of diffraction
    as reflection from a set of planes).
  • It is easy to see as to how constructive
    interference takes place however, it is not that
    easy to see how rays of the Bragg angle go

(press page down button to see the successive
Constructive Interference
Here we see waves scattered from two successive
planes interfering constructively. (A phase
shift of ? occurs at Y on scattering)
  • Note the phase difference of ? introduced during
    the scattering by the atom at Y.
  • The extra path length travelled by Ray-2 (as
    compared to Ray-1) is ?/2 ?/2 ?.
  • In general for constuctive interference the path
    difference has to be an integral multiple of ?
    1?, 2?, 3?, 4?,...

The rays ray-1 and ray-2 arrive in phase in the
X-B plane.
Assuming that path difference of ? gives
constructive interference Similar to the path
difference of ?, path difference of 2?, 3? n?
also constructively interfere.
Path difference between Ray-1 Ray-2
1st order reflection
All Constructively interfere
2nd order reflection
3rd order reflection
Also to be noted is the fact that if the path
difference between Ray-1 and Ray-2 is ? then the
path difference between Ray-1 and Ray-3 is 2? and
Ray-1 and Ray-4 is 3? etc.
Going across planes
Destructive Interference
Exact destructive interference (between two
planes, with path difference of ?/2) is easy to
visualize. The angle is not Braggs angle (let us
call it ?d ).
Destructive Interference
At a different angle ? the waves scattered from
two successive planes interfere (nearly)
Warning this is a schematic
  • In the previous example considered ? was far
    away (at a larger angular separation) from
    ?Bragg and it was easy to see the (partial)
    destructive interference.
  • In other words for incidence angle of ?d (couple
    of examples before) the phase difference of ? is
    accrued just by traversing one d.
  • If the angle is just away from the Bragg angle
    (?Bragg), then one will have to go deep into the
    crystal (many d) to find a plane (belonging to
    the same parallel set) which will scatter out of
    phase with this ray (phase difference of ?) and
    hence cause destructive interference.
  • In the example below we consider a path
    difference of ?/10 between the first and the
    second plane (hence, we will have to travel 5
    planes into the crystal to get a path difference
    of ?/2).

  • If such a plane (as mentioned in the page before)
    which scatters out of phase with a off Bragg
    angle ray is absent (due to finiteness of the
    crystal) then the ray will not be cancelled and
    diffraction would be observed just off Bragg
    angles too ? line broadening!(i.e. the
    diffraction peak is not sharp like a ??-peak in
    the intensity versus angle plot)
  • Line broadening can be used to calculate
    crystallite size (grain size).
  • This is one source of line broadening. Other
    sources include residual strain, instrumental
    effects, stacking faults etc.

Click here to know more about peak broadening.
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