Sydney Boys High School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sydney Boys High School


Sydney Boys High School About 1100 students 80% NESB Selective 1 in 3 Chinese 20% ESL Year 7 2002: 180, 156 NESB, 33 3-7 yrs; 3 1-3 yrs – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Neil1173


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sydney Boys High School

Sydney Boys High School
  • About 1100 students
  • 80 NESB
  • Selective
  • 1 in 3 Chinese
  • 20 ESL
  • Year 7 2002 180, 156 NESB, 33 3-7 yrs 3 1-3

LBOTE population 1997-2002
French and English class
  • On selective schools test English performance,
    felt to be needy
  • Chinese 20
  • Korean 3
  • Vietnamese 3
  • Tamil and other 4
  • Native speakers 0
  • Speaking English or in Australia less than 5
    years 6

English class (Walles)
  • Considered a high flier group
  • Chinese 14
  • Korean 3
  • Vietnamese 3
  • Hindi and other 6
  • Native speakers 3
  • Speaking English or in Australia less than 5
    years 5

The English lessons
  • Both classes were working on Narrative
  • Both used the cut-up Fire Spirit story to
    explore the structure of narrative
  • Both were required to master metalanguage for
    talking about narrative
  • Both were working towards writing a major
  • In Ms Walless class the concept of narrative
    voice was explored a little more deeply
  • Ms Rosss class is early in the lesson sequence,
    Ms Walless a little later

Something was happening
  • They were clearly good lessons. Handover was
    occurring, metalanguage being used,
  • meta-awareness evidenced.
  • But exactly what was going on in these classes?

That is what we set out to discover
  • How can the competent adult lend consciousness
    to a child who does not have it on his own?
    What is it that makes possible this implanting of
    vicarious consciousness in the child by his adult
    tutor? It is as if there were kind of
    scaffolding erected for the learner by the tutor.
    But how?
  • -- Jerome Bruner (1986)

More formally we were interested in
  • Meta-awareness of learning how to learn and
    role of meta-language in learning interaction
    between ESL and mainstream teachers in supporting

To explore this we
  • Videoed lessons
  • Looked at transcripts
  • Looked at work samples
  • Examined the texts from which students were

Come into Ms Rosss class
  • Reducing 50 minutes to about five reveals a
    narrative structure in the lesson
  • Orientation including a recapitulation of
    previous work
  • The task itself provides the complications
  • When the target text is revealed there is a
  • In the final minutes Ms Ross and the ESL teacher
    provide a resolution and coda.

Could this narrative structure
  • itself be a form of scaffolding?
  • Note how metalanguage is foregrounded in the
    opening stage

Your job today
  • to try to put the story back together
  • Concern for clear instructions

Students talk using metalanguage
  • A Orientation, right? Youve got a complication
    complication is in the middle. This is in the
    middle. This should be in the middle Where in
    the middle? Lets just read it

Students talk
  • B Ill give you a clue. Match the cuts!
  • A They dont match!
  • Only engagement with the text will lead to an

Teacher-student talk
  • ESL Youre happy with those?
  • Student reads to support his choices.
  • ESL You disagree with him?
  • Negotiating differences. Notice the body
    language and the student on the right has been
    in Australia only 2 years!

  • ESL if you actually turn that round the other
    way it still works
  • Student yeah!
  • ESL That could be something you talk about
    tomorrow I reckon youve got a good argument for
    the way youve done it
  • Ms Ross and you could talk about then how long
    the orientation for your own stories should be

Observations on Ms Rosss lesson
  • Designed-in scaffolding from the opening
    recapitulation and eliciting metalanguage through
    task (cut-up) involving a number of modalities.
  • Centrality of text. Text united the whole
    exercise. Note how often students examined,
    argued from text to realise the metalinguistic
    through the concrete example before them

Observations on Ms Rosss lesson
  • Scope for contingent scaffolding,
    student-to-student, teacher-to-student
  • Possibility of independent exercise of judgment
    in group situation
  • This made more so by the fact there was more than
    one possible story structure
  • That fact emerged authentically in the course of
    the task not foreseen!

What we found
  • Of necessity, Sydney Boys High has mainstreamed
    its ESL learners.
  • Language teaching methodologies have generally
    accepted the notion that language teaching is
    more effective when learners are presented with
    meaningful language in context, and the
    integration of ESL learning with curriculum
    content is now broadly accepted as supportive of
    second language learning. (Gibbons 2002)

What we found
  • We can think of each teacher as a discourse
    guide and each classroom as a discourse village,
    a small language outpost from which roads lead to
    larger communities of educated discourse
  • teachers have to start from where the
    learners are, to use what they already know, and
    help them go back and forth across the bridge
    from everyday discourse into educated
    discourse. -- N Mercer The Guided Construction
    of Knowledge, Clevedon, Multilingual Matters 1995

What we found
  • L Van Lier (1996)
  • Recall that there are two sides to
    contingency a contextual anchoring which
    relates that which is said to that which is
    known, including that which has been said before,
    and an expectancy which encourages students to
    reach higher levels of functioning

What we found
  • Contingent utterances, then, do a number of
    valuable things, among them
  • They relate new material to known material
  • They set up expectancies for what may come next
  • They validate (value, respect) both preceding and
    next utterance
  • They are never entirely predictable, nor entirely
  • They promote intersubjectivity
  • They ensure continued attention

What we found
  • L Van Lier (1996)
  • careful reflection on and monitoring of how we
    interact with our students should assist us in
    developing ways of tactful teaching (van Manen
    1991), that is, the ability to act quickly,
    surely, confidently and appropriately in complex
    or delicate circumstances Tact cannot be
    planned, rather it is a mindfulness that permits
    us to act thoughtfully with children and young
    people. This is not something you can just learn
    and apply It has to become part of our way of

What we found
  • The greatest benefit of the project for us was
    the opportunity it gave for careful reflection on
    and monitoring of how we interact with our


The ESL teacher
  • Assists mainstream teacher with input on unit of
    work needs of students linguistic, cultural
  • Is watching and listening can act contingently
    with whole class, groups or individuals

The final result
  • Independent learners ready for whatever
    challenges lie ahead
  • Thanks to quality pedagogy including artfully
    designed scaffolding at every stage

Find more on the SBHS ESL site
  • You can find a page on the scaffolding project at
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