AC Fundamental Constants - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AC Fundamental Constants


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AC Fundamental Constants

AC Fundamental Constants
  • Savely G Karshenboim
  • Pulkovo observatory (St. Petersburg)
  • and Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik

Astrophysics, Clocks andFundamental Constants
Astrophysics, Clocks andFundamental Constants
  • Why astrophysics?
  • Cosmology changing universe.
  • Inflation variation of constants.
  • Pulsars astrophysical clocks.
  • Quasars light from a very remote past.
  • Why clocks?
  • Frequency most accurately measured.
  • Different clocks planetary motion, pulsars,
    atomic, molecular and nuclear clocks different
    dependence on the fundamental constants.

Astrophysics, Clocks andFundamental Constants
  • Why astrophysics?
  • Cosmology changing universe.
  • Inflation variation of constants.
  • Pulsars astrophysical clocks.
  • Quasars light from a very remote past.
  • Why clocks?
  • Frequency most accurately measured.
  • Different clocks planetary motion, pulsars,
    atomic, molecular and nuclear clocks different
    dependence on the fundamental constants.

But everything related to astrophysics is model
dependent and not transparent.
Optical Atomic Clocks andFundamental Constants
  • Why atomic clocks?
  • Frequency measurements are most accurate up to
  • Different atomic and molecular transitions
    differently depend on fundamental constants (a,
    me/mp, gp etc).
  • Why optical?
  • Optical clocks have been greatly improved and
    will be improved further.
  • They allow a transparent model-independent
    interpretation in terms of a variation.

Atomic Clocks andFundamental Constants
  • Why atomic clocks?
  • Frequency measurements are most accurate up to
  • Different atomic and molecular thansitions
    differently depend on fundamental constants (a,
    me/mp, gp etc).
  • Why optical?
  • Optical clocks have been greatly improved and
    will be improved further.
  • They allow a transparent model-independent
    interpretation in terms of a variation.

Up to now the optical measurements are the only
source for accurate and reliable
model-independent constraints on a possible time
variation of constants.
  • Are fundamental constants fundamental?
  • Various fundamental constants
  • Origin of the constants in modern physics
  • Measurements and fundamental constants
  • Fundamental constants units of physical
  • Determination of fundamental constants
  • Precision frequency measurements variation of
  • Clocks for fundamental physics
  • Advantages and disadvantages of laboratory
  • Recent results in frequency metrology
  • Current laboratory constraints

  • Physics is an experimental science and the
    measurements is the very base of physics.
    However, before we perform any measurements we
    have to agree on certain units.

  • Physics is an experimental science and the
    measurements is the very base of physics.
    However, before we perform any measurements we
    have to agree on certain units.
  • Our way of understanding of Nature is a
    quantitive understanding, which takes a form of
    certain laws.

  • Physics is an experimental science and the
    measurements is the very base of physics.
    However, before we perform any measurements we
    have to agree on certain units.
  • Our way of understanding of Nature is a
    quantitive understanding, which takes a form of
    certain laws.
  • These laws themselves can provide no quantitive
    predictions. Certain quantitive parameters enter
    the expression of these laws. Some enter very
    different equations from various fields.

  • Physics is an experimental science and the
    measurements is the very base of physics.
    However, before we perform any measurements we
    have to agree on certain units.
  • Our way of understanding of Nature is a
    quantitive understanding, which takes a form of
    certain laws.
  • These laws themselves can provide no quantitive
    predictions. Certain quantitive parameters enter
    the expression of these laws. Some enter very
    different equations from various fields.
  • Such universal parameters are recognized as
    fundamental physical constants. The fundamental
    constants are a kind of interface to apply these
    basic laws to a quantitive description of Nature.

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.

Just in case G is the gravitaiton constant g
is acceleration of free fall.
Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant,

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c
  • practical point of view constants which are
    really necessary for various measurements (Bohr
    magneton, cesium HFS ...)

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c
  • practical point of view constants which are
    really necessary for various measurements (Bohr
    magneton, cesium HFS ...)
  • Most fundamental constants in physics
  • G, h, c properties of space-time

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c
  • practical point of view constants which are
    really necessary for various measurements (Bohr
    magneton, cesium HFS ...)
  • Most fundamental constants in physics
  • G, h, c properties of space-time
  • a property of a universal interaction

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c
  • practical point of view constants which are
    really necessary for various measurements (Bohr
    magneton, cesium HFS ...)
  • Most fundamental constants in physics
  • G, h, c properties of space-time
  • a property of a universal interaction

Just in case a is the fine structure
constant which is e2/4pe0hc.
Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c
  • practical point of view constants which are
    really necessary for various measurements (Bohr
    magneton, cesium HFS ...)
  • Most fundamental constants in physics
  • G, h, c properties of space-time
  • a property of a universal interaction
  • me, mp properties of individual elementary

Fundamental constants various physical phenomena
  • First universal parameters appeared centuries
  • G and g entered a big number of various problems.
  • G is still a constant, g is not anymore.
  • Universality
  • theoretical point of view really fundamental
    ones are such as G, h, c
  • practical point of view constants which are
    really necessary for various measurements (Bohr
    magneton, cesium HFS ...)
  • Most fundamental constants in physics
  • G, h, c properties of space-time
  • a property of a universal interaction
  • me, mp properties of individual elementary
  • cesium HFS, carbon atomic mass properties of
    specific compound objects

Lessons to learn
  • A variation of certain constants already took
    place according to the inflation model.
  • a is likely the most fundamental of
    phenomenological constants (the masses are not!)
    accessible with high accuracy.

Lessons to learn
  • A variation of certain constants already took
    place according to the inflation model.
  • a is likely the most fundamental of
    phenomenological constants (the masses are not!)
    accessible with high accuracy.

The only reason to be sure that a certain
constantis a constant is to trace its origine
and check.
  • Physics is based on measurements and a
    measurement is always a comparison.
  • Still there is a substantial difference between
  • a relative measurement (when we take advantage of
    some relations between two values we like to
    compare) and
  • an absolute measurements (when a value to compare
    with has been fixed by an agreement e.g. SI).

Fundamental constants units for physical
  • Early time units are determined by
  • humans (e.g. foot)
  • Earth (e.g. g 9.8 m/s, day)
  • water (e.g. r 1 g/cm3 Celsius temperature
  • Sun (year)
  • Now we change most of our definitions but keep
    size of the units!
  • The fundamental scale is with atoms and particles
    and most of constants are 1 or 1.

Fundamental constants units for physical
  • Early time units are determined by
  • humans (e.g. foot)
  • Earth (e.g. g 9.8 m/s, day)
  • water (e.g. r 1 g/cm3 Celsius temperature
  • Sun (year)
  • Now we change most of our definitions but keep
    size of the units!
  • The fundamental scale is with atoms and particles
    and most of constants are 1 or 1.
  • An only constant 1 is
  • Ry 13.6 eV
  • (or IH 13.6 V) since all electric potentials
    were linked to atomic and molecular energy.

Towards natural units
  • Kilogram is defined via an old-fashion way an
  • Second is defined via a fixed value of cesium HFS
  • f 9 192 631 770 Hz (Hz 1/s).
  • Metre is defined via a fixed value of speed of
  • c 299 792 458 m/s .
  • If we consider 1/f as a natural unit of time, and
    c as a natural unit of velocity, then their
    numerical values play role of conversion factors
  • 1 s 9 192 631 770 1/f,
  • 1 m/s (1/299 792 458) c.
  • Those numerical factors are needed to keep the
    values as they were introduced a century ago what
    is a great illusion of SI.
  • The fundamental constants serve us both as
    natural units and as conversion factors.

Towards natural units
  • Kilogram is defined via an old-fashion way an
  • Second is defined via a fixed value of cesium HFS
  • f 9 192 631 770 Hz (Hz 1/s).
  • Metre is defined via a fixed value of speed of
  • c 299 792 458 m/s .
  • If we consider 1/f as a natural unit of time, and
    c as a natural unit of velocity, then their
    numerical values play role of conversion factors
  • 1 s 9 192 631 770 1/f,
  • 1 m/s (1/299 792 458) c.
  • Those numerical factors are needed to keep the
    values as they were introduced a century ago what
    is a great illusion of SI.
  • The fundamental constants serve us both as
    natural units and as conversion factors.

If the constants are changing the units are
changing as well.
Constants their numerical values
  • We have to distinguish clearly between
    fundamental constants and their numerical values.
  • The Rydberg constant is defined via e, h, me, e0
    and c.
  • It has no relation to cesium and its hyperfine
    structure (nuclear magnetic moment).
  • While the numerical value of the Rydberg constant
  • 2 Ry 9 192 631 770 / Cs HFSAt.un.
  • is related to cesium and SI, but not to Ry.
  • If e.g. we look for variation of constants
    suggesting a variation of cesium magnetic moment,
    the numerical value of Ry will vary, while the
    constant itself will not.

Progress in determination of fundamental constants
  • This is the progress for over 30 years.
    Impressive for some of constants (Ry, me/mp) and
    moderate for others.

Progress in determination of fundamental constants
Note the progress is not necessary an increase
of accuracy,
  • This is the progress for over 30 years.
    Impressive for some of constants (Ry, me/mp) and
    moderate for others.

Progress in determination of fundamental constants
  • This is the progress for over 30 years.
    Impressive for some of constants (Ry, me/mp) and
    moderate for others.

Lessons to learn
  • If fundamental constants are changing, the units
    are changing as well.
  • Variation of a dimensional quantity can in
    principle be detected.
  • However, it is easier to deal with dimensionless
    quantities, or numerical values in well-defined

Lessons to learn
  • Fundamental constants have been measured not so
    accurately as we need.
  • We have to look for consequenses of their
    variations for most precision measured
  • One can note from accuracy of the Rydberg
    constant those are frequencies.

Optical frequency measurements
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Optical frequency measurements
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Now clocks enter optics and because of more
oscillations in a given period they are
potentially more accurate.
Optical frequency measurements
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Now clocks enter optics and because of more
oscillations in a given period they are
potentially more accurate.
That is possible because of frequency comb
technology which offers precision comparisons
optics to optics and optics to RF.
Optical frequency measurements a variations
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Now clocks enter optics and because of more
oscillations in a given period they are
potentially more accurate.
That is possible because of frequency comb
technology which offers precision comparisons
optics to optics and optics to RF.
Meantime comparing various optical transitions
to cesium HFS we look for their variation at the
level of a part in 1015 per a year.
What is the frequency comb?
  • When an optical signal is modulated by an rf, the
    results contains foptnfrf, where n 0, 1, 2
  • When the rf signal is very unharmonic, n can be
    really large.
  • For the comb one starts with femtosecond pulses.
  • Each comd line can be presented as foffnfrep.
  • A measurement is a comparison of an optical
    frequency f with a comb line, determining their
    differnce which is in rf domain.
  • An important issue is an octave, i.e. a spectrum
    where fmax lt 2fmix.
  • That is achieved by using special fibers.
  • With octave one can express foff in terms of frep.

What is the frequency comb?
  • When an optical signal is modulated by an rf, the
    results contains foptnfrf, where n 0, 1, 2
  • When the rf signal is very unharmonic, n can be
    really large.
  • For the comb one starts with femtosecond pulses.
  • Each comd line can be presented as foffnfrep.
  • A measurement is a comparison of an optical
    frequency f with a comb line, determining their
    differnce which is in rf domain.
  • An important issue is an octave, i.e. a spectrum
    where fmax lt 2fmix.
  • That is achieved by using special fibers.
  • With octave one can express foff in terms of frep.

What is the frequency comb?
  • When an optical signal is modulated by an rf, the
    results contains foptnfrf, where n 0, 1, 2
  • When the rf signal is very unharmonic, n can be
    really large.
  • For the comb one starts with femtosecond pulses.
  • Each comd line can be presented as foffnfrep.
  • A measurement is a comparison of an optical
    frequency F with a comb line, determining their
    differnce which is in rf domain.
  • An important issue is an octave, i.e. a spectrum
    where fmax lt 2fmix.
  • That is achieved by using special fibers.
  • With octave one can express foff in terms of frep.

What is the frequency comb?
  • When an optical signal is modulated by an rf, the
    results contains foptnfrf, where n 0, 1, 2
  • When the rf signal is very unharmonic, n can be
    really large.
  • For the comb one starts with femtosecond pulses.
  • Each comd line can be presented as foffnfrep.
  • A measurement is a comparison of an optical
    frequency F with a comb line, determining their
    differnce which is in rf domain.
  • An important issue is an octave, i.e. a spectrum
    where fmax lt 2fmix.
  • That is achieved by using special fibers.
  • With octave one can express foff in terms of frep.

Presence of regular reference lines, distance
between which is in rf domain, across all the
visible spectrum (and a substantial paft of IR
and UV) allows a comparison of two opical
lines, or an optical againts a radio frequency.
Optical frequency measurements a variations
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Now clocks enter optics and because of more
oscillations in a given period they are
potentially more accurate.
I regret to inform you that the result for the
variations is negative.
That is possible because of frequency comb
technology which offers precision comparisons
optics to optics and optics to RF.
Meantime comparing various optical transitions
to cesium HFS we look for their variation at the
level of a part in 1015 per a year.
Optical frequency measurements a variations
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Now clocks enter optics and because of more
oscillations in a given period they are
potentially more accurate.
I regret to inform you that the result for the
variations is negative.
That is possible because of frequency comb
technology which offers precision comparisons
optics to optics and optics to RF.
Meantime comparing various optical transitions
to cesium HFS we look for their variation at the
level of few parts in 1015 per a year.
I am sorry!
Optical frequency measurements a variations
  • Length measurements are related to optics since
    RF has too large wave lengths for accurate
  • Clocks used to be related to RF because of
    accurate frequency comparisons and conventional
    macroscopic and electromagnetic frequency range.

Now clocks enter optics and because of more
oscillations in a given period they are
potentially more accurate.
I regret to inform you that the result for the
variations is negative.
That is possible because of frequency comb
technology which offers precision comparisons
optics to optics and optics to RF.
Meantime comparing various optical transitions
to cesium HFS we look for their variation at the
level of few parts in 1015 per a year.
I am really sorry!
Atomic Clocks andFundamental Constants
  • Clocks
  • Atomic and molecular transitions
  • their scaling with a, me/mp etc.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of clocks to search
    the variations.
  • Recent progress.

Atomic Clocks
  • Caesium clock
  • Primary standard
  • Locked to an unperturbed atomic frequency.
  • All corrections are under control.

Atomic Clocks
  • Caesium clock
  • Primary standard
  • Locked to an unperturbed atomic frequency.
  • All corrections are under control.

Clock frequency atomic frequency
Atomic Clocks
  • Caesium clock
  • Primary standard
  • Locked to an unperturbed atomic frequency.
  • All corrections are under control.
  • Hydrogen maser
  • An artificial device designed for a purpose.
  • The corrections (wall shift) are not under
  • Unpredictable drift bad long term stability.

Clock frequency atomic frequency
Atomic Clocks
  • Caesium clock
  • Primary standard
  • Locked to an unperturbed atomic frequency.
  • All corrections are under control.
  • Hydrogen maser
  • An artificial device designed for a purpose.
  • The corrections (wall shift) are not under
  • Unpredictable drift bad long term stability.

Clock frequency atomic frequency
Clock frequency ? atomic frequency
Atomic Clocks
  • Caesium clock
  • Primary standard
  • Locked to an unperturbed atomic frequency.
  • All corrections are under control.
  • Hydrogen maser
  • An artificial device designed for a purpose.
  • The corrections (wall shift) are not under
  • Unpredictable drift bad long term stability.

Clock frequency atomic frequency
Clock frequency ? atomic frequency
If we like to look for a variation of natural
constants we have to deal with standards
similar to caesium clock.
Atomic Clocks
  • Caesium clock
  • Primary standard
  • Locked to an unperturbed atomic frequency.
  • All corrections are under control.
  • Hydrogen maser
  • An articitial device designed for a purpose.
  • The corrections (wall shift) are not under
  • Unpredictable drift bad long term stability.

Clock frequency atomic frequency
Clock frequency ? atomic frequency
To work with such a near primary clock is the
same as to measure an atomic frequency in SI or
other appropriate units.
If we like to look for a variation of natural
constants we have to deal with standards
similar to caesium clock.
Scaling of atomic transitions

Gross structure Ry
Fine structure a2 Ry
HFS structure a2 mNucl/mB Ry
Relativistic corrections F(a)
Scaling of atomic transitions

Gross structure Ry
Fine structure a2 Ry
HFS structure a2 mNucl/mB Ry
Relativistic corrections F(a)
That is what one can easily derive for
hydrogen. More complicated atoms lead to more
complicated calculation of numerical factors.
Scaling of atomic transitions

Gross structure Ry
Fine structure a2 Ry
HFS structure a2 mNucl/mB Ry
Relativistic corrections F(a)
Characteristic electron velocity in an atom is
Scaling of molecular transitions

Electronic transitions Ry
Vibrational transitions (me/mp)1/2 Ry
Non-harmonic corrections F ((me/mp)1/4)
Rotational transitions me/mp Ry
Relativistic corrections F(a)
Scaling of atomic and molecular transitions
  • Atomic transitions
  • Gross structure
  • Fine structure
  • HFS structure
  • Relativistic corrections
  • Molecular transitions
  • Electronic transitions
  • Vibrational transitions
  • Rotational transitions
  • Relativistic corrections

Scaling of atomic and molecular transitions
  • Atomic transitions
  • Gross structure
  • Fine structure
  • HFS structure
  • Relativistic corrections
  • Molecular transitions
  • Electronic transitions
  • Non-harmonic corrections
  • Rotational transitions
  • Relativistic corrections

Up to date the most accurate results have been
obtained for atomic transitions related to gross
and HFS structure. Others are not competitive.
Scaling of atomic and molecular transitions
  • Atomic transitions
  • Gross structure
  • Fine structure
  • HFS structure
  • Relativistic corrections
  • Molecular transitions
  • Electronic transitions
  • Non-harmonic corrections
  • Rotational transitions
  • Relativistic corrections

That is not so bad because the relativistic
corrections are large. Sometimes really
large. They are (Za)2.
Up to date the most accurate results have been
obtained for atomic transitions related to gross
and HFS structure. Others are not competitive.
Scaling of atomic and molecular transitions
  • Neutral atom (Rb, Cs)
  • Nucleus
  • charge Ze
  • Electron core
  • charge -(Z-1)e
  • charge of nucleus electron core e
  • Valent electron
  • partly penetrates into core
  • v/c a (outside core)
  • v/c Za (inside core)

Scaling of atomic and molecular transitions
  • Atomic transitions
  • Gross structure
  • Fine structure
  • HFS structure
  • Relativistic corrections
  • Molecular transitions
  • Electronic transitions
  • Non-harmonic corrections
  • Rotational transitions
  • Relativistic corrections

That is not so bad because the relativistic
corrections are large. Sometimes really
large. They are (Za)2.
Up to date the most accurate results have been
obtained for atomic transitions related to gross
and HFS structure. Others are not competitive.
Best data from frequency measurements
Atom Frequency GHz df/f 10-15 Df/Dt Hz/yr _at_
H, Opt 2466061 14 -816 MPQ
Ca, Opt 455986 13 -45 PTB
Rb, HFS 6.8 1 (05)10-6 LPTF
Yb, Opt 688359 9 -13 PTB
Yb, HFS 12.6 73 (44) 10-4 NML
Hg, Opt 1064721 9 07 NIST
Best data from frequency measurements
Best data from frequency measurements
More even better data from frequency measurements
More even better data from frequency measurements
More even better data from frequency measurements
  • NIST quantum logics direct comparison between
    two optical clocks

More even better data from frequency measurements
  • 1D optical lattice

Best data from frequency measurements
A direct measurement
Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • and thus
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Ca
    (PTB), Yb (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Calcium (NIST), aluminum ion (NIST), strontium
    ion (NPL) and neutral strontium (Tokyo, JILA,
    LNE-SYRTE) and mercury (LNE-SYRTE) and octupole
    Yb (NPL) are coming.

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Ca,
    Yb (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/d lna

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • (MPQ), Ca, Yb (PTB) versus Cs HFS.
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/d lna
  • Method
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements of optical transitions in Hg
    (NIST), H

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Yb
    (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Ca, Sr, Sr, Hg, Al and octupole Yb are coming
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/da

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Yb
    (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Ca, Sr, Sr, Hg, Al and octupole Yb are coming
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/da


Sr, Sr, Ca, Al
octupole Yb
Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Yb
    (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Ca, Sr, Sr, Hg, Al and octupole Yb are coming
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/da

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Yb
    (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Ca, Sr, Sr, Hg, Al and octupole Yb are coming
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/da

Progress in a variations since the 1st ACFC
meeting (June 2003)
  • Method
  • f C0 c Ry F(a)
  • d lnf/dt d lncRy/dt
  • A d lna/dt.
  • Measurements
  • Optical transitions in Hg (NIST), H (MPQ), Yb
    (PTB) versus Cs HFS
  • Ca, Sr, Sr, Hg, Al and octupole Yb are coming
  • Calculation of relativistic corrections
    (Flambaum, Dzuba)
  • A d lnF(a)/da

Further constraints
  • Model independent constraints can be reached for
    variations of a, Ry, and certain nuclear
    magnetic moments in units the Bohr magneton.

Further constraints
  • Model independent constraints can be reached for
    variations of a, Ry, and certain nuclear
    magnetic moments in units the Bohr magneton.
  • Those are not fundamental.

Further constraints
  • Model independent constraints can be reached for
    variations of a, Ry, and certain nuclear
    magnetic moments in units the Bohr magneton.
  • Those are not fundamental.
  • However, we badly need a universal presentation
    of all data for a cross check.

Further constraints
  • Model independent constraints can be reached for
    variations of a, Ry, and certain nuclear
    magnetic moments in units the Bohr magneton.
  • Those are not fundamental.
  • However, we badly need a universal presentation
    of all data for a cross check.
  • The next step can be done with the help of the
    Schmidt model.

Further constraints
  • Model independent constraints can be reached for
    variations of a, Ry, and certain nuclear
    magnetic moments in units the Bohr magneton.
  • Those are not fundamental.
  • We badly need a universal presentation of all
    data for a cross check.
  • The next step can be done with the help of the
    Schmidt model.
  • The model is not quite reliable and the
    constraints are model dependent.

Further constraints
  • Model independent constraints can be reached for
    variations of a, Ry, and certain nuclear
    magnetic moments in units the Bohr magneton.
  • Those are not fundamental.
  • We badly need a universal presentation of all
    data for a cross check.
  • The next step can be done with the help of the
    Schmidt model.
  • The model is not quite reliable and the
    constraints are model dependent.

However Nothing is better!
Current laboratory constraints on variations of
X Variation d lnX/dt Model
a ( 0.32.0)10-15 yr -1 --
c Ry ( 2.13.1)10-15 yr -1 --
me/mp (2.96.2)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
mp/me (2.95.8)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
gp ( 0.10.5)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
gn (33) 10-14 yr -1 Schmidt model
Current laboratory constraints on variations of
X Variation d lnX/dt Model
a ( 0.32.0)10-15 yr -1 --
c Ry ( 2.13.1)10-15 yr -1 --
me/mp (2.96.2)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
mp/me (2.95.8)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
gp ( 0.10.5)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
gn (33) 10-14 yr -1 Schmidt model
At present dlnX/dt for a and c Ry are
improved substantially
From talk by Ekkehard Peik at Leiden-2009 workshop
From talk by Ekkehard Peik at Leiden-2009 workshop
Current laboratory constraints on variations of
X Variation d lnX/dt Model
a ( 0.32.0)10-15 yr -1 --
c Ry ( 2.13.1)10-15 yr -1 --
me/mp (2.96.2)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
mp/me (2.95.8)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
gp ( 0.10.5)10-15 yr -1 Schmidt model
gn (33) 10-14 yr -1 Schmidt model
Various constraints
Astrophysics contradictions at level of 1 part in 1015 per a year a non-transperant statistical evaluation of the data time separation 1010 yr.

What are astrophysical data from?
  • Quasars produce light from very remote past.
  • Travelling to us the light cross delute clouds.
  • We study absorbsion lines.
  • The lines are redshifted.
  • To identify lines we compare various ratios they
    should match the laboratory values.
  • The ratios are sensitive to value of a, me/mp and
    me/mp in different ways.
  • Small departures from the present-day laboratory
    results are analized as a possible systematic
    effect due to a variation of fundamental

What are astrophysical data from?
  • Quasars produce light from very remote past.
  • Travelling to us the light cross delute clouds.
  • We study absorbsion lines.
  • The lines are redshifted.
  • To identify lines we compare various ratios they
    should match the laboratory values.
  • The ratios are sensitive to value of a, me/mp and
    me/mp in different ways.
  • Small departures from the present-day laboratory
    results are analized as a possible systematic
    effect due to a variation of fundamental

Julian A. King et al., arXiv1202.4758
Consequences for atomic clocks (from
Victor Flambaum)
  • Sun moves 369 km/s relative to CMB cos (f) 0.1
    towards area with larger a
  • This gives average laboratory variation
  • Da/a 1.5 10 -18 cos(f) per year
  • Earth moves 30 km/s relative to Sun-
  • 1.6 10 -20 cos(wt) annual modulation

Various constraints
Astrophysics contradictions at level of 1 part in 1015 per a year a non-transperant statistical evaluation of the data time separation 1010 yr. Geochemistry (Oklo Co) a model-dependent evaluation of data based on a single element (Oklo) a simplified interpretation in terms of a contradictions at level of 110-17 per a year separation 109 yr.

What is Oklo?
  • Some time ago French comission for atomic energy
    reported on reduction of amount of U-235 the
    U-deposites (1972) in Oklo (Gabon, West Africa)
    contains 0.705 instead of 0.712.
  • The interpretation was a fossil natural nuclear
  • It happens because 2 Gyr ago the uranium was
  • That was so-called water-water reactor.
  • The operation lasts from 0.5 to 1.5 Myr.
  • The fission produces Sm isotopes and Sm-149 has a
    neutron-capture resonance at 97.3 meV.

What is Oklo?
  • Some time ago French comission for atomic energy
    reported on reduction of amount of U-235 the
    U-deposites (1972) in Oklo (Gabon, West Africa)
    contains 0.705 instead of 0.712.
  • The interpretation was a fossil natural nuclear
  • It happens because 2 Gyr ago the uranium was
  • That was so-called water-water reactor.
  • The operation lasts from 0.5 to 1.5 Myr.
  • The fission produces Sm isotopes and Sm-149 has a
    neutron-capture resonance at 97.3 meV.

What is Oklo?
  • Some time ago French comission for atomic energy
    reported on reduction of amount of U-235 the
    U-deposites (1972) in Oklo (Gabon, West Africa)
    contains 0.705 instead of 0.712.
  • The interpretation was a fossil natural nuclear
  • It happens because 2 Gyr ago the uranium was
  • That was so-called water-water reactor.
  • The operation lasts from 0.5 to 1.5 Myr.
  • The fission produces Sm isotopes and Sm-149 has a
    neutron-capture resonance at 97.3 meV.

What is Oklo?
  • Some time ago French comission for atomic energy
    reported on reduction of amount of U-235 the
    U-deposites (1972) in Oklo (Gabon, West Africa)
    contains 0.705 instead of 0.712.
  • The interpretation was a fossil natural nuclear
  • It happens because 2 Gyr ago the uranium was
  • That was so-called water-water reactor.
  • The operation lasts from 0.5 to 1.5 Myr.
  • The fission produces Sm isotopes and Sm-149 has a
    neutron-capture resonance at 97.3 meV.

Just in case Myr mega-year Gyr giga-year
meV milli-electron-volt
What is Oklo?
  • Some time ago French comission for atomic energy
    reported on reduction of amount of U-235 the
    U-deposites (1972) in Oklo (Gabon, West Africa)
    contains 0.705 instead of 0.712.
  • The interpretation was a fossil natural nuclear
  • It happens because 2 Gyr ago the uranium was
  • That was so-called water-water reactor.
  • The operation lasts from 0.5 to 1.5 Myr.
  • The fission produces Sm isotopes and Sm-149 has a
    neutron-capture resonance at 97.3 meV.

What is Oklo?
  • Some time ago French comission for atomic energy
    reported on reduction of amount of U-235 the
    U-deposites (1972) in Oklo (Gabon, West Africa)
    contains 0.705 instead of 0.712.
  • The interpretation was a fossil natural nuclear
  • It happens because 2 Gyr ago the uranium was
  • That was so-called water-water reactor.
  • The operation lasts from 0.5 to 1.5 Myr.
  • The fission produces Sm isotopes and Sm-149 a
    neutron-capture resonance at 97.3 meV.
  • In 1976 Shlyachter suggested
  • to examine Sm isotopes to test
  • variation of the constants.

Various constraints
Astrophysics contradictions at level of 1 part in 1015 per a year a non-transperant statistical evaluation of the data time separation 1010 yr. Geochemistry (Oklo Co) a model-dependent evaluation of data based on a single element (Oklo) a simplified interpretation in terms of a contradictions at level of 110-17 per a year separation 109 yr.
Laboratory (HFS incl.) particular experiments which may be checked recent and continuing progress involvment of the Schmidt model access to gn time separation 10 yr.
Various constraints
Astrophysics contradictions at level of 1 part in 1015 per a year a non-transperant statistical evaluation of the data time separation 1010 yr. Geochemistry (Oklo Co) a model-dependent evaluation of data based on a single element (Oklo) a simplified interpretation in terms of a contradictions at level of 110-17 per a year separation 109 yr.
Laboratory (HFS incl.) particular experiments which may be checked recent and continuing progress involvment of the Schmidt model access to gn time separation 10 yr. Laboratory (opt. Cs) particular experiments which may be checked recent and continuing progress model-independence access only to a and cRy reliability time separation 1-3-10 yr.
  • No fundamental constants have been hurt during
    preparation of this talk. Neither their
    variations in the Earth area have been reported
    to any scientific authority.
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