Mrs. Shirk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mrs. Shirk


Mrs. Shirk s Class Welcome to 8th grade – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: loudspeaker | mrs | shirk


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mrs. Shirk

Mrs. Shirks Class
  • Welcome to 8th grade

Entering the classroom
  • Line up outside the room and wait for the
    students from the previous class to exit
  • Enter quietly.
  • Sit quietly in your seat.

Beginning of Class
  • Sit in your assigned seat.
  • Get your materials ready (sharpen your pencil,
    get paper and notebook, open your book).
  • Do your bellringer-List date, question, and

Late to class
  • Check the agenda and get on task!

End of period
  • Work on exit/homework assignment until the bell
  • Wait for Mrs. Shirk to dismiss you at the end of
  • Quietly and quickly exit the room.

Fire Drill Procedure
  • Quietly and quickly line up.
  • Wait for Mrs. Shirk to dismiss.
  • Last person from room turn out lights.
  • Turn right when you exit the room and exit the
    building from the bus riders entrance to the
    school. (If gates are pulled or there is an
    actual fire blocking our way, turn around and go
    out the 8th grade wing door facing Yellow Bud)
  • Line up off the parking lot.
  • Listen for Mrs. Shirk to call your name.
  • Wait to be told to go back into the building
  • Walk back into the building in a quiet and
    orderly way
  • Enter the room and take your seat quietly.

Listening to/Responding to questions
  • Listen for the teachers complete question and
    directions. If you are to discuss with a partner
    first, do so.
  • Raise your hand and wait quietly for the teacher
    to call on you before answering.

How to participate in class
  • Listen carefully to the teacher and all
  • Stay on task-follow directions
  • Work with your partner-talk quietly and take
    notes on what your teacher told you to discuss.

Desk organization
  • Important materials on desk.
  • Things you are not using under the desk in the

Signal that you dont understand
  • Raise your hand.
  • Wait for Mrs. Shirk to call on you.
  • Explain what you dont understand.
  • Listen carefully to Mrs. Shirks explanation.

When you return from an absence
  • Log on to the computer.
  • Go to
  • Click on School Staff on the right of the page.
  • Click on Deanna Shirk
  • Bring up the classroom calendar.
  • Click on the color tab for your class period for
    the day you missed. This will bring up the
    assignments that were completed when you were

Working in groups
  • Talk quietly at all times!
  • Assign a group leader.
  • Review your task.
  • Divide the task. (Leader, presenter, recorder,
  • Be working on your task at all times.
  • When time is called, quit talking and give your
    attention to the teacher/presenter.

Taking notes
  • Have a three ring folder that you can keep any
    important notes in.
  • If I write it on the board, you should write it
    in your notes.
  • Keep your notes in your folder.

Passing Papers (when Mrs. Shirk gives you papers)
  • Take one paper from the top of the pile and pass
    the pile quietly to the person behind you.

Heading your paper
  • On the right hand side.
  • Name-First and last
  • Date
  • Class periodyt

Turning in your work
  • If everyone is turning in work individually.
  • Quietly walk to the front of the room and place
    your paper in the proper inbox for your class.
  • If everyone is turning them in at once
  • Pass your paper to the front of the row. The
    first person in the row will take the entire pile
    of papers and place them in the proper inbox for
    your class.

Going to the bathroom
  • You will not be allowed to go to the bathroom
    when Mrs. Shirk is teaching or explaining
    something to you.
  • Appropriate times to go to the bathroom
  • Before class has started- bellringer
  • Between classes
  • When the class is working on individual practice

Procedure for Bathroom
  • Quietly ask Mrs. Shirk if you may go to the
    bathroom- at the appropriate time.
  • Once you have permission to go to the bathroom,
    sign out on the Out of Sight Out of Mind
    sheet-Put your name, what time you are going, and
    where you are going.
  • Take the purple hall pass with you to the
  • When you return, squirt hand sanitizer on your
    hands and the hall pass and sanitize both.
  • Sign back in on the Out of Sight Out of Mind

Getting out Your materials
  • When possible, gather all materials that you know
    you will need at the beginning of class (paper,
    pencil, book, laptop if we are using them for the
  • When you need to gather additional materials
  • Send one person from your group to gather if you
    are working in a group.
  • Quietly go the where the materials are gathered,
    get what you need, and return to your seat/group.

Moving around the room.
  • When you have to move to another part of the room
    to get materials or turn in work
  • Take the shortest route to getting what you need.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  • Do not handle other students things
  • Quickly and quietly get what you need
  • Quickly and quietly return to your seat and
    resume working.

Returning to a task after interruption
  • If we have a fire drill, visitor to our room, or
    an announcement that interrupts our work
  • Remain quiet during the interruption
  • If the interruption does not require your
    attention, continue working (visitor to class
    that needs to see Mrs. Shirk)
  • If the interruption does take your attention,
    quickly resume work when the interruption has
    ended- NO TALKING

When you finish early
  • You will be required to complete a certain
    amount of independent writing every six weeks.
    The topic of writing is your choice, but it must
    stay within the guidelines of school rules. You
    may use Mrs. Shirks writing topic starters to
    help you get started if you can not think of a
    topic. When you finish work early, you may work
    on your independent writing in your journal. You
    may not talk.

  • Whenever there is an announcement made over the
    loudspeaker, that is important information.
  • Remain quiet.
  • Stop what you are doing and listen to the
    announcement-it might be important information
    that YOU need.
  • Return to your work at the end of the
  • If the announcement requires that you leave the
    room, quietly ask Mrs. Shirk for permission to
    leave the room and be sure to sign the Out of
    Sight Sheet.

  • If we have to move to somewhere else as a class.
  • Line up single file.
  • No talking in the hall.
  • Move quickly and take your seat at our
    destination immediately.

When a visitor enters the room
  • Show your best behavior.
  • Stay on task-do not discontinue working unless
    Mrs. Shirk tells you to do so.
  • Do not speak to the visitor unless Mrs. Shirk
    tells you to.

If the teacher is out of the classroom
  • Continue working quietly
  • Do not leave your seat
  • If the phone rings, politely answer, Mrs.
    Shirks room, and let the person know that I
    stepped out of the room and take a message.
    Otherwise, do NOT answer the phone.

When teacher is absent
  • If there is a substitute
  • Be on your best behavior-Remember, a pink slip
    from a substitute is an automatic after school
  • Continue to use the classroom procedures that we
    have learned.
  • I need one volunteer from the class to make sure
    that the substitute knows where everything is and
    help if needed.

If you are sick
  • If you feel like you might be sick, you have
    permission to NOT ask permission to leave the
    room. Go to the restroom and Mrs. Shirk will
    send someone to check on you.

Manners go a LONG way
  • Use your manners! Say please, thank you, you are
    welcome. It makes school such a nice place to be
    when we are nice to each other.

Check Yourself
  • If you misbehave
  • You will be given ONE warning-Mrs. Shirk will put
    a sticky note on your desk.
  • The next time you misbehave, you will write your
    name on the board-neatly and big enough to see,
    but not huge
  • If you misbehave again, you will get a check mark
    by your name and you will receive a pink slip

  • Laptops will be stacked no more than 6 high
  • All laptops should face the wall when stacked.
  • Do not charge your laptop until the battery is
    below 10.
  • Do not get another laptop if the battery level is
    low, plug in the one you already have.
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