Title: Lecture 9. Many-Electron Atoms
1Lecture 9. Many-Electron Atoms
- Engel, Ch. 10
- Ratner Schatz, Ch. 7-9
- Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Atkins Friedman
(4th ed. 2005), Ch.7 - Computational Chemistry, Lewars (2003), Ch.4
- A Brief Review of Elementary Quantum Chemistry
- http//vergil.chemistry.gatech.edu/notes/quantrev
2Helium First (1 nucleus 2 electrons)
- Electron-electron repulsion
- Indistinguishability
newly introduced
Electron-electron repulsion
H atom electron at r1
H atom electron at r2
r12 term removes spherical symmetry in He.
Cannot solve the Schrödinger equation
analytically (not separable/independent any more)
3Many-electron (many-body) wave function
To first approximation electrons are treated
H atom orbital
An N-electron wave function is approximated by a
product of N one-electron wave functions
(orbitals). (Hartree product)
Orbital Approximation or Hartree
ApproximationSingle-particle approach or
One-body approach
Does not mean that electrons do not sense each
other.(Well see later.)
4Hartree Approximation (1928)Single-Particle
Nobel lecture (Walter Kohn 1998) Electronic
structure of matter
- Impossible to search through
- all acceptable N-electron
- wavefunctions.
- Lets define a suitable subset.
- N-electron wavefunction
- is approximated by
- a product of N one-electron
- wavefunctions. (Hartree product)
5Electron has intrinsic spin angular momentum,
which has nothing to do with orbital angular
momentum in an atom.
6(No Transcript)
8Electrons are indistinguishable.
? Probability doesnt change.
9Antisymmetry of electrons (fermions)
Electrons are fermion (spin ½). ? antisymmetric
Quantum postulate 6 Wave functions describing a
many-electron system must change sign (be
antisymmetric) under the exchange of any two
10Ground state of Helium
Slate determinants provide convenient way to
antisymmetrize many-electron wave functions.
11Excited state of Helium
12Slater determinant and Pauli exclusion principle
- A determinant changes sign when two rows (or
columns) are exchanged. - ? Exchanging two electrons leads to a change in
sign of the wave function. -
- A determinant with two identical rows (or
columns) is equal to zero. - ? No two electrons can occupy the same state.
Paulis exclusion principle
4 quantum numbers (space and spin)
13N-electron wave function Slater determinant
- N-electron wave function is approximated by
- a product of N one-electron wave functions
(hartree product). - It should be antisymmetrized.
but not antisymmetric!
14Ground state of Lithium
15Variational theorem and Variational method
If you know the exact (true) total energy
True ground state energy
For any approximate (trial) ground state wave
Better trial function
Lower E (closer to E0)
Minimize E? by changing ?!
16Example Particle in a box ground state
17Approximation to solve the Schrödinger
equation using the variational principle
- Nuclei positions/charges number of electrons in
the molecule - Set up the Hamiltonian operator
- Solve the Schrödinger equation for wave function
?, but how? - Once ? is known, properties are obtained by
applying operators - No exact solution of the Schrödinger eq for
atoms/molecules (gtH) - Any guessed ?trial is an upper bound to the true
ground state E. - Minimize the functional E? by searching through
all acceptable - N-electron wave functions
18Hartree Approximation (1928)Single-Particle
Nobel lecture (Walter Kohn 1998) Electronic
structure of matter
- Impossible to search through
- all acceptable N-electron
- wavefunctions.
- Lets define a suitable subset.
- N-electron wavefunction
- is approximated by
- a product of N one-electron
- wavefunctions. (Hartree product)
19Hartree-Fock (HF) Approximation
- Restrict the search for the minimum E? to a
subset of ?, which - is all antisymmetric products of N spin
orbitals (Slater determinant) - Use the variational principle to find the best
Slater determinant - (which yields the lowest energy) by varying
spin orbitals
20- Assume that electrons are uncorrelated.
- Use Slater determinant for many-electron wave
function - Each ? has variational parameters (to change to
minimize E) - including effective nuclear charge ?
21Constrained Minimization of EHF?SD
22Hartree-Fock (HF) Equation (one-electron equation)
- Fock operator effective one-electron operator
- two-electron repulsion operator (1/rij) replaced
by one-electron operator VHF(i) - by taking it into account in average way
Two-electron repulsion cannot be separated
exactly into one-electron terms. By imposing the
separability, the Molecular Orbital Approximation
inevitably involves an incorrect treatment of the
way in which the electrons interact with each
23HF equation (one-electron equation)
Any one electron sees only the spatially averaged
position of all other electrons.(Electron
correlation ignored)
24Self-Consistent Field (HF-SCF) Method
- Fock operator depends on the solution.
- HF is not a regular eigenvalue problem that can
be solved in a closed form. - Start with a guessed set of orbitals
- Solve HF equation
- Use the resulting new set of orbitals
- in the next iteration and so on
- Until the input and output orbitals
- differ by less than a preset threshold
- (i.e. converged).
25Solution of HF-SCF equation gives
26Hartree-Fock (HF) Energy
27Hartree-Fock (HF) Energy Integrals
28Two-electron interactions (Vee)
- Coulomb integral Jij (local)
- Coulombic repulsion between electron 1 in
orbital i and electron 2 in orbital j - Exchange integral Kij (non-local) only for
electrons of like spins - No immediate classical interpretation entirely
due to antisymmetry of fermions
gt 0, i.e., a destabilization
29(No Transcript)
30Aufbau (Building-up) Principle
31Koopmans Theorem
- As well as the total energy, one also obtains a
set of orbital energies.
- Remove an electron from occupied orbital a.
Orbital energy Approximate ionization energy
32Koopmans Theorem Examples
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34Electron Correlation
- A single Slater determinant never corresponds to
the exact wavefunction. - EHF gt E0 (the exact ground state energy)
- Correlation energy a measure of error introduced
through the HF scheme - EC E0 - EHF (lt 0)
- Dynamical correlation
- Non-dynamical (static) correlation
- Post-Hartree-Fock method
- Møller-Plesset perturbation MP2, MP4
- Configuration interaction CISD, QCISD, CCSD,
35The lowest energy term for p 2 and d 6
36Restricted vs. Unrestricted HF