Title: Blank Jeopardy
1Pressure in the Real World
Oh Buoy!
Under Pressure
Figure it Out
Dont Be Dense
100 pt
100 pt
100 pt
100 pt
100 pt
200 pt
200 pt
200 pt
200 pt
200 pt
300 pt
300 pt
300 pt
300 pt
300 pt
400 pt
400 pt
400 pt
400 pt
400 pt
500 pt
500 pt
500 pt
500 pt
500 pt
2The place with the highest pressure above the
surface of the Earth or under water.
3What is under water
4The location of low pressure when you breathe in
5What is in your lungs
6What pressure depends on
7What is depth?
8Why it is difficult to drink through a cracked
9What is the air flows in through the crack and
keeps the pressure high in the straw
10Why your ears pop on an airplane.
11What is that at high altitudes there is less
pressure than the pressure in your ears.
12What will happen if an object displaces a volume
of fluid with less weight than the object
13What is it will sink?
14The person who discovered the principle of
buoyant force.
15Who is Archimedes?
16The part of an iceberg that has a weight equal to
the buoyant force
17What is all of it?
18Why can a raft hold more pennies than a canoe?
19It pushes away a greater volume of water
20How to find the buoyant force
21What is weight the volume of fluid displaced?
22The unit of pressure
23What is a Pascal (Pa)?
24An area on earth with the least amount of
atmospheric pressure
25What is Mt. Everest?
26The directions all fluids flow
27What is from high pressure to low pressure?
28The pressure caused by all the air in the
29What is atmospheric pressure?
30The speed and pressure under an airplane wing
31What is slow air speed creates high pressure that
causes lift?
32The location with greater pressure - Hazlet, NJ
or Denver, Co?
33What is Hazlet, NJ?
34An object that weighs 2N displaces an amount of
water that weighs 2.5 N. Will it sink or float?
35What is float
36The density of an object that is 15cm3 and 30
37What is 2 g/cm3?
38The buoyant force on a 50N object that displaces
20 ml of fluid that weighs 30 N
39What is 30 N?
40Two ways to increase pressure
41What is more force (or mass) or less area P F/A
42What happens to on objects density when volume
increases and mass stays the same
43What is density decreases
44A cube of oak and balsa wood are in water. The
balsa cube has more of it above the water. Which
is more dense?
45What is the oak cube?
46This characteristic allows steel ships to float
in water
47What is their shape/volume or lower density?
48Which is more dense ice or water?
49What is water?
50The explanation for why carbon dioxide bubbles
rise in water
51What is they are less dense?