Title: Random Geometric Graph Model
1Random Geometric Graph Model
- Model for ad hoc/sensor networks
- n nodes placed in d-dim space
- Connectivity threshold r
- Two nodes u,v connected iff u-vp r
Approach Apply probabilistic methods in
combinatorics and graph theory to determine
asymptotic properties Example The asymptotic
connectivity threshold is when every vertex has
n log n neighbors
2An asymptotic diameter bound
Theorem (E.,Martin,Yan) Given connectivity in
the d-dim unit ball, graph path distance is
well-approximated by lp-distance.
p1, unit disk (dim d2)
With high probability, for any pair of nodes
u,v, Moreover, the u,v-path is found by greedy
hops plus local flooding.
3Discrete Applied Mathematics Courses
- Math 553 DAM I/Graph Theory. Theory and
applications, including coloring problems and
network flows. - Math 554 DAM II/Combinatorics. Enumerative
combinatorics, design theory, and coding theory. - Math 535 Optimization I. Theoretical and
algorithmic aspects of linear optimization. - Math 557 Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics.
Basic to intermediate probabilistic counting
techniques with applications to Ramsey Theory,
random graphs, coding theory, and number theory. - Math 5 Complex Networks. Real-world massive
graph models and techniques for their analysis.
(Planned course in conjunction with IGERT
proposal or potential student enrollment.)