Chapter 22: The Industrial Revolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 22: The Industrial Revolution


Chapter 22: The Industrial Revolution That nation of shop keepers! Napoleon Bonaparte – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 22: The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 22 The Industrial Revolution
That nation of shop keepers! Napoleon
Discussion question Great Britain was the leader
in the Industrial Revolution. Based on the map,
what advantages does Great Britain have that
would allow the Industrial Revolution to begin
How did the Enclosure movement propel the
Industrial Revolution?
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great
Economic Causes
3. Productive English agriculture meant capital
available for investment and spending money for
ordinary people to purchase goods.
1. The expanding Atlantic economy served as
catalyst to meet demands.
2. The Canal network allowed goods to be shipped
to the harbors from inland.
Political and Social Causes
1. A stable government and an effective central
2. A growing demand for textiles led to the
creation of large factories.
3. The putting-out system could not keep up with
the demand.
4. Great Britain had the resources needed to fuel
the industry (land, labor, and capital)
  • James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny
    the dramatically increased the output of
    spinners. It spun cotton and wool into yarn and

  • Richard Arkwright invented the water frame in
    1769 that used the movement of water to propel
    the making of thread. Beginning of the Factory

This invention allowed one machine make as much
cloth as 200 hand weavers in one 12 hour day.
Edmund Cartwright invented the water powered
loom. This invention helped manufacturers make
cloth (textiles) at a faster rate. Factory system
now complete.
The Factory System affects the U.S.
Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin to keep up
with demand for cotton in England.
Cotton was imported from the south in the U.S and
The Factory System is when man and machine
manufacture goods under one roof.
Improvements in power
The original steam engine was invented by an
Englishman, Thomas Newcomen (1705).
  • James Watt (1736-1819), a Scotsman, improved
    the steam engine to what was used for the next
    100 years.

Steel output soars!
Coal industry soars!
1800 1 ton of coal 50, 000 miners
1850 30 tons 200, 000 miners
1880 300 million tons 500, 000 miners
1914 250 million tons 1, 200, 000 miners
According to the map, what determined the
movement of people in England?
Improvements in Transportation
  • John McAdam improves the structure of roads and
    develops a drainage system so that the water runs
    off the roads. (same road system you drive on

Entrepreneurs Pave the Way!
  • The Steam Boat (The Clermont)- Invented by
    Robert Fulton, it allowed the transportation of
    goods to go up and down rivers.

The need for faster transportation on land
resulted in the development of the steam train in
1830 (The Rocket)m
This new invention had drastic effects on society
The first locomotive was developed by George
Read primary source document Development of
Industrial Society
The Effects of the Locomotive
  1. Railroads spurred industrial growth by giving
    manufacturers a cheap way to transport materials
    and finished products.
  2. Railroads created hundreds of new jobs for both
    railroad workers and miners.
  3. Railroads boosted Englands agricultural and
    fishing industries.
  4. Making travel easier, railroads encouraged
    country people to take distant city jobs.

The Industrial Revolution
Changes from the Factory System
English Economists
  • Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo supported
    Smiths ideas and founded the ideas of
  • Malthus (1766-1834) argued that population tended
    to increase more rapidly than the food supply.
    Without wars and epidemic to kill off the extra
    people, most are destined to be poor. This is
    the Malthus Theory.
  • Ricardo (1772-1823) believed that a permanent
    underclass would always be poor in a market

Industrialization in continental Europe
Disadvantages in trying to develop
European industrialization gradually grew with
some influx but Great Britain moved twice as
fast than any other nation.
Continent of Europe was limited to its success do
to the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars
The technology was secretive in Britain and
people could not find a surplus of money to start
a business.
The gap became so wide that markets were already
flooded do to British goods.
Advantages continental countries had to promote
Continental countries had a rich tradition of
adapting and meeting the countries needs
Continental countries did not need to develop
technology. They could borrow it from Britain.
Continental countries had strong independent
governments that could legislate policy to
promote industry in order to catch up with
Belgium is next to industrialize
William Cockerill borrowed Britains technology
to started a cotton spinning business.
Governments try to protect their economies
Continental governments began to protect their
manufacturers by putting high Tariffs on British
goods known as Tariff Protection
Continental governments began to contract
manufacturers to build railroads, bridges,
canals, and industry to try and compete with
Friedrich List
The wider the gap between the backward and
advanced nations becomes, the more dangerous it
is to remain behind For an agricultural nation
is not only poor but also weak, increasingly
unable to defend itself and maintain political
independence. National System of Political
Economy, 1841
A German journalist that emphasized the need to
industrialize. Urged government, banks,
corporations to promote industry.
List supported economic nationalism economic
competition among European nations.
The Middle Class
Scots and Quakers jumped early on at factory work
to break the bonds with the aristocracy in
Industrialists looked for labor early on towards
family and friends do to competition and labor
Protestants and Jews did the same in France.
Class Consciousness
The wives and daughters of industrialists also
saw very little opportunity. They became
important by being valued by their ladylike
gentility. (Focus on the family)
The sons of industrialists realized that
opportunity was slim. Formal education became
more important in order to succeed.
Jedediah Strutt (1790)
Discussion Question
  • What are some dangers that can be identified in
    this picture? What else can be identified? Were
    workers exploited harshly by the new factory

The Factory Workers
Against the Conditions of Workers
Romantic poets such as Dickens, Blake and
Wadsworth protested the life of the workers and
the pollutions of the land and water
Luddites of N. England smashed the machines
claiming it was putting them out of work.
Friedrich Engels wrote an attack on the middle
class in The Condition of the Working Class in
England (1844)
Some people believed that conditions were
improving for the working class
Edwin Chadwick, (govt official) argued that the
working class conditions were improving because
they could buy more necessities and minor
luxuries of life
Ford Maddox Brown Byrons Dream
So, did the industrialists exploit the workers
harshly? Need more evidence!
Read accounts in factory interview and Listening
to the past, pg 752
Many industrials went to the foundling homes
(orphans) to find the workers needed because of
the reluctance of the cottage workers.
Industrialists then moved their factories to
urban locations thanks to the steam engine due
to the labor shortage and limitation of water
Families were hired as whole units to make ends
meet and to keep with traditional working values.
Parents actually believed that it was alright for
their children to work in these conditions and
long hours!
Some enlightened industrialists did not agree
with this even though some parents demanded they
work! (Need the money)
Robert Owen (1771-1858), an industrialist,
decided that it was inhumane to work children
under the age of 10. Also shortened their
working hours per day to 10.
Reform Movement
Factory Act of 1833 Limited the factory work
day for children between the ages of 9 and 13 to
eight hour days and teenagers between 14 and 18
to twelve hour days. (Did not improve working
Mines Act of 1842 prohibited underground work
for all women and boys under the age of 10.
William Wilberforce spoke out against slavery to
Parliament and in 1833 Britain finally abolished
Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Political Effects
Social Effects
Economic Effects
Countries began to intervene in the economy
setting better working standards! (Thank You
Schools began due to new laws prohibiting
children to work. Cities emerged over night that
gave way to a whole new set of problems.
Growing middle class gave way to hope to a better
standard of living. Businesses provided more
money for its government, and, over time gave way
to a better standard of living.
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