Title: Advertising messages
1- Chapter 14
- Advertising messages
2Figure 14.1 The balance of emotions and
information provision.
3Three Basic Features of Effective Advertising
- Attention - Usually highly intrusive,
original or relevant - May use personal
involvement or curiosity - Works to increase
involvement - Stopping power and pulling
power - Memorability - Locking power -
Recognition vs. Recall - Key techniques
taglines, key visuals - Persuasion - Controversial Puffery
- Shapes attitudes - Rational vs.
emotional appeals
4Three Phases of Advertisement Creation
- Phase I Strategy and Analysis
- Phase II Execution/Design
- Phase III Production
5Phase I Analysis and Strategy
1.) State Communication Objectives - -
Perception attention, awareness, interest,
recall - Education learning and comprehension
association, positioning and differentiation
- Persuasion emotional responses, rational
responses, attitude and behavior change 2.)
Identify Target Audiences - Specific
individual profiles - Niche markets easier
to write to 3.) Create Copy Platform or
Workplan 4.) Decide what message strategy will
work best 5.) Decide on selling premises -
Benefits - Unique selling propositions
6Copy Platform Key Questions
- What is the problem or opportunity?
- What net effect do we want from advertising?
- Who are we trying to reach?
- What doubts reside in our prospects minds?
- What or who is the competition?
- How do we support that point?
- How will we measure effectiveness?
- Are there any obligatory elements to consider?
7Phase II Execution
1.) Build on creative concept by brainstorming
among team members-copywriters, art directors,
creative directors, etc. Develop thumbnail
sketches of art and copy. 2.) Decide on Media
- Print Advertising newspapers,
magazines, brochures and papers -
Broadcast Advertising television ads,
infomercials, radio advertising - Out
of home advertising - Transit advertising
- On-line advertising - Direct
mail advertising - Directory ads -
Movie trailers - Product placement 3.)
Adapt for particular markets or audiences
8Presentation of message
- Informational appeals
- Factual
- Slice of life
- Demonstration
- Comparative advertising
- Appeals based on emotions and feelings
- Fear
- Humor
- Animation
- Sex
- Music
- Fantasy and surrealism
9Tactics -- Informational motives
- Motive
- Problem removal
- Problem avoidance
- Incomplete satisfaction
- Mixed approach-avoidance
- Normal depletion
- Possible emotional state
- Anger -- relief
- Fear -- relaxation
- Disappointment -- optimism
- Guilt -- peace of mind
- Mild annoyance -- convenience
10Tactics -- Transformational motives
- Motive
- Sensory gratification
- Intellectual stimulation
- Social approval
- Possible emotional state
- Dull -- elated
- Bored -- excited
- Apprehensive -- flattered