Propozycje wstepnych priorytet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Propozycje wstepnych priorytet


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Propozycje wstepnych priorytet

Propozycje wstepnych priorytetów na drugi
konkurs priorytetu Transport
  • Dzien informacyjny drugiego konkursu Transport
    7. PR.
  • Warszawa, 11.09.2007

Zbigniew Turek Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy
Programów Badawczych UE Instytut Podstawowych
Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
7. Program Ramowy obszary tematyczne

Cooperation 32 413
Ideas 7 510
People 4 750
Capacities 4 217
Euratom 2 751
JRC 1 751
53 372 mln euro
7. Program Ramowy struktura obszarów
COOPERATION (32 413) Health (6 100) Food,
Agriculture and Biotechnology (1 935)
Information and Communication Technologies (9
050) Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials
and new Production Technologies (3 475) Energy
(2 350) Environment (including Climate Change)
(1 890) Transport (including Aeronautics) (4
160) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities
(623) Security and Space (Space 1 430, Security
1 400) IDEAS (7 510)PEOPLE (4 750) CAPCITIES
(4 217) Research Infrastructures (1 715)
Research for the benefit of SMEs (1 336)
Regions of Knowledge (126) Research Potential
(340) Science in Society (330) Coherent
development of research policies (70)
Activities of International Co-operation (180)
Non-linear actions of the JRC (1 751) Euroatom
(2 751) TOTAL 53 372 mln euro
Era Net
ITN Marie Curie Grants
NoE Virtual Institutes
Art. 169
JTI JU 171
Ponad narodowy
Research for SMEs
Security and Space
Zagadnienia transportu i aeronautyki w innych
priorytetach obszaru COOPERATION
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) ICT for Intelligent Vehicles and Mobility Services
Nanonauki, nanotechnologie, materialy i nowe technologie produkcyjne EU/USA coordinated call impact of nanoparticles on health and environment Rapid manufacturing concepts for small series industrial production Production technologies and equipment for micro-manufacturing Multifunctional materials for the future vehicles
Srodowisko (transport jako zródlo zanieczyszczen srodowiska) Megacities and regional hot-spots air quality and climate European cohort on air pollution
Energia Fuel Cells Biofuel use in transport Conversion technologies for zero emission power generation Innovative strategies for clean urban transport
Energia Innovative strategies for clean urban transport
Bezpieczenstwo Intelligent urban environment observation system Security of critical infrastructures related to mass transportation Integrated protection of rail transportation Detection of abnormal behaviour of vehicles threats, both in wide and small land areas Main port security system (including containers) Surveillance in wide maritime areas through active and passive means
(No Transcript)
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Advanced and cost effective infrastructure
construction and monitoring concepts New design,
construction and maintenance processes specific
to surface transport infrastructures that address
both the construction of new infrastructure and
the renovation of existing infrastructure. These
processes will aim at high quality, high level of
service to the public, cost effectiveness, energy
efficiency, low resources consumption and long
service life taking into account life cycle
performances, durability and impact on traffic
(in particular safety and mobility). The
research may also include infrastructure
monitoring systems giving special attention to
traffic friendly monitoring processes and the use
of autonomous surveillance systems.
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs
  • Clean and energy efficient gasoline and diesel
    power trains
  • Technologies and innovative solutions for clean
    and highly energy-efficient gasoline and diesel
    power trains.
  • Proposals will cover one or more of the following
  • New knowledge for a better understanding of
    combustion processes and their optimisation,
    including simulation and experimental validation.
  • Intelligent engine controls (which are model
    based and closed loop controlled) and flexible
  • New generation of after-treatment systems which
    are integrated, durable and compact.
  • Innovative components and auxiliary systems.
  • Overall power-train optimisation.

Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs
  • Competitive transport operations
  • Innovative methodologies and technologies for
    more competitive transport operations providing
    reliable, environmentally friendly, efficient an
    economic services to customers.
  • Activities will address one or more of the
    following subjects
  • Holistic strategies for the minimisation of
    operation, environmental, maintenance and
    inspection costs.
  • Navigation and control systems for optimised
    planning and routing across the entire transport
    chain taking into account real time traffic data.
  • Weather and sea state conditions (for waterborne
    applications) for the optimisation of
    infrastructure capacity.
  • Simplified and low cost maintenance and
    renovation of transport infrastructures providing
    reliable and high quality services with less
    equipments, lower life cycle costs and
    environmental impacts.
  • Improved real time information systems for
    transport operators, end-users and passengers.

Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs
  • Efficient interfaces between transport modes
  • Technologies, equipments and their integration
    for efficient and safe interfaces between
    transport modes and within intermodal
    transportation chains and for increased
    automation within terminals.
  • Proposals will cover one or more of the following
  • Fast, economic and safe loading/unloading
    operations for the different types of cargo.
  • Systems for cargo transhipment and storage
    within terminals.
  • Systems for the optimal use of storage space in
    vehicles, vessels and terminals.
  • Standardisation of terminals and equipments.

Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs
  • Efficient urban freight delivery systems
  • Technologies and systems for freight movements
    and goods services in cities which minimise their
    impact upon residents whilst maintaining or
    increasing overall system efficiency.
  • Activities will include one or more of the
    following subjects
  • Loading/unloading systems and urban
    infrastructure with reduced noise and pollution.
    Particular attention will be paid to night
    freight delivery.
  • New concepts of urban friendly transport systems
    for a better integration of functions for freight
    distribution and collection.
  • Appropriate location of depots.
  • Optimised fleet management and routing of
    freight vehicles including relations with
    extra-urban transport and access schemes for more
    sustainable concepts.
  • Advanced home delivery concepts.
  • Advanced concepts and systems for urban freight
    data collection.

Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Electric power-trains and hybrid
technology Technologies and integration for
improved hybrid electric power-trains. This topic
includes engines, components (e.g. new generation
energy storage systems, power electronics with
emphasis on high temperature and electric drives,
transmission systems) and control strategies for
the development of innovative electric and
electric-hybrid drive-trains. Emphasis will be
placed on low cost, component modularity,
durability and optimized overall system
efficiency as well as longer term storage
solutions and chemistries, in particular for
energy applications. Activities will lead to
simplified power trains which can be applied to a
variety of applications, for example city
vehicles. The research may be extended to all
kind of combination of two or more energy storage
and converter options and purely battery electric
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Holistic noise and vibration abatement New
design, construction and maintenance processes
specific to surface transport infrastructures
that address both the construction of new
infrastructure and the renovation of existing
infrastructure. These processes will aim at high
quality, high level of service to the public,
cost effectiveness, energy efficiency, low
resources consumption and long service life
taking into account life cycle performances,
durability and impact on traffic (in particular
safety and mobility). The research may also
include infrastructure monitoring systems giving
special attention to traffic friendly monitoring
processes and the use of autonomous surveillance
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs
  • Improved services in terminals
  • Technologies and procedures for improved services
    delivered by transport terminals.
  • Particular emphasis will be placed on effective,
    clean and safe operations in terminals and
    minimisation of turn-round time and cost.
  • Proposals will cover one or more of the following
  • Vehicles/vessels manoeuvring assistance within
    and close to terminals/ports.
  • Terminal auxiliary services (e.g.
    infrastructures maintenance and inspection,
    mooring, hazards mitigation, information and
  • Waste management and reduction (including
    ballast water in ports).
  • Loading/unloading of cargo and their
    transhipment within terminals are not included in
    this topic.
  • Networking/co-operation between terminals.
  • Definition of service quality standards for

Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Innovative product and system concepts Innovative
surface transport products and system concepts
(vehicles, vessels and infrastructure) to
strengthen the competitiveness of European
industry meeting customer requirements, changing
markets and environmental challenges. For the
proposed activities emphasis will be placed on
product and system concepts rather than process
innovation (e.g. the improvement of vehicle,
vessels and equipment design and manufacturing
techniques are not included). Activities will
contribute to developing the next generation of
innovative products and systems that are highly
competitive, emit less CO2, drastically reduce
maintenance and inspection costs and are tailored
to customer expectations. These new products and
systems will enable Europe to strengthen its
global position or to regain competitiveness. In
particular, for certain categories of products
and sectors, high technology value added products
will be investigated in order to create and enter
new markets (e.g. niche markets).
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Intelligent highways Dedicated infrastructure
and vehicle technologies for the development of
future intelligent highways with optimised
safety, environmental impact and infrastructure
capacity. Activities will contribute to the
evolution of current highways systems towards
next generations increasingly based on
intelligent infrastructure and vehicles. This
evolutionary approach will take into account the
maturity of the necessary technology and safety
and liability aspects. Activities will
concentrate on central and on-board management
and guidance systems which will use satellite and
local information to stabilise vehicle
trajectories and regulate vehicle speed and
separation with high accuracy and reliability.
There will be special focus on truck applications
(including possible physical separation of
automated trucks from passenger trucks and trucks
drivers training) which present the potential for
short to medium term implementations.
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Intelligent mobility systems an multi-modal
interfaces for transport of passengers Systems,
methodologies and techniques for intelligent
mobility systems (rail, road and waterborne) and
optimal multi-modal passenger trips within cities
and between cities and rural environments. Activi
ties will concentrate on data collection
techniques, traffic management systems, route
optimisation and traffic planning, safe, secure
and efficient multi-modal interfaces linking the
different transport systems and modes. Another
focus will be systems for user-friendly, reliable
and comprehensive travel information to
passengers which includes trips combining
different transport modes.
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

Mobility concepts for passengers ensuring
accessibility for all Technological innovation
and system development for new mobility concepts
aiming at a more efficient organisation of the
mobility of people in cities. The research will
also address upgrading and better use of existing
infrastructure. Activities will include new
guided and non-guided vehicle/vessel concepts and
innovative schemes for their deployment and
rational use taking into account cost efficiency.
Solutions may involve more efficient use of
vehicles/vessels (including the deployment of
demand actuated systems) and infrastructures
including their inter-linkage, where appropriate
introducing dedicated infrastructure for
motorised and non motorised vehicles/vessels and
for possible innovative transport modes. Emphasis
will be placed on ensuring accessibility for all
(e.g. introducing adequate provisions for elderly
and disabled, travel guidance for foreigners and
other societal groups etc) and addressing user,
future regulation and standardisation
requirements. The integration of urban and rural
transport is also included.
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs

New vehicle concepts for the delivery of
goods Systems and innovative solutions for new
vehicles for the delivery of goods. New
technologies and vehicle concepts and transport
modes will aim at efficient, safe, clean and
quiet urban and night-time transport and
distribution of goods. Activities will focus on
the development, market introduction,
implementation and evaluation of economic and
social impact of new multi-functional vehicles
for different types of freight and goods services
that are effective and flexible.
Obszary tematyczne na drugi konkurs
Preventive and emergency interventions to protect
marine, coastal and land environments Technologie
s, systems and procedures for preventive and
emergency post-accident interventions on vehicles
and vessels. Activities will aim at rapid,
effective and safe detection, notification and
interventions on vehicles and vessels in
emergency situations (e.g. capsized ships,
vehicle collisions, oil spills). Activities
will also include the development of
technologies, systems and procedures for accident
preventive intervention on vehicles and vessels.
Concerning operations at sea, the research will
for example address the integration of underwater
robotics, advanced sensing and tooling for
effective interventions in wrecks and prevention
of oil spills. The mechanical, chemical and
biological (including their combination) removal
of spillages (oil, other polluting substances,
dangerous goods) at sea and on land may also be
addressed as well. Activities will also include
the development of accident modelling and
simulation tools for impact prediction and
intervention definition in real time.
International Cooperation with USA, Russia and
Japan is suggested in particular for underwater

Propozycje projektów na 2gi konkurs
  • Title New clean urban car concept
  • Objectives Decreasing of pollutant emissions
    from exhaust systems
  • Title Development of Intermodal Logistic Chains
    in East-West Transport Corridors
  • Objectives The scientific aim is development of
    the knowledge basis within the scope of the great
    transport system engineering based on the
    multi-criterion models (e.g. artificial
    intelligence, genetic algometers). The
    technologic aims - the technical and
    organizational model solutions taking into
    consideration a specificity of the East-West
    haulage connected with different gauge of the
  • Title Application and implementation the newest
    chemical batteries and energoelectronics modules
    in modern electrical drive for autonomous vehicle
  • Objectives The goal of the project is to study
    complete new generation of electrical drive and
    control system for electric vehicles. The
    research education goal Development of
    electric vehicles

Propozycje projektów na 2gi konkurs
  • Title Application of energy storage devices in
    uderground line supply system
  • Objectives The usefulness of the different
    energy storage device (ESD) types as well as the
    improvement of the overall energy efficiency of
    the system with the ESD is to be evaluated. An
    influence of the ESD on the voltage and current
    stabilization in the supply network is to be
    estimated. Adaptive control system of the ESD
    optimized for the maximum enegy efficiency is to
    be worked out
  • Objectives Supervisory "Sail by Wire" control
    and monitoring system links together the
    navigation, propulsion, machinery and hull
    condition sub-systems into one supervisory,
    intelligent and adaptive unit.
  • Title The maintenance of machines of ship
    propulsion systems
  • Objectives The methodology of target
    identification of shipping company and the
    methodology of transforming measures of company
    quality (efficiency and effectivity) into
    measures of machine health. The development of
    relation (models) healthy condition diagnostic
    symptoms and models symptoms, technical condition
    of elements assembled in machine for defined
    kinds of machines. The development of relation
    (models) symptoms technical condition of free
    elements for elements for repairs and
    reconditioning. New transducers especially for
    measurements of vibrations of rotating elements,
    new technologies of repairs.

Propozycje projektów na 2gi konkurs
  • Title Road Engineering Structures
  • Objectives Main objective of proposed project is
    increasing security of road transport and
    durability of road engineering structures. In the
    future the system will be used for intelligent
    bridge elements development.
  • Title Regional European Training and Research
    Centre for training of train operators with
    special focus on interoperability
  • Objectives To establish a Ttraining and Research
    Centre for safe, economical and reliable
    cross-border train operation in Europe. Design
    and development of training simulator for
    cross-border driver training and assessment, and
    an open research simulation platform for
    development of simulation algorithms for solving
    complex optimization problems train dynamics,
    accident analysis, energy saving
  • Title Risk-Based Designing of Ship Structure
  • Objectives To work out various structural
    failure scenarios, to develop mathematical models
    representing ship behaviour in waves, to develop
    probabilistic models of structure failure and
    methods applicable in design.

Propozycje projektów na 2gi konkurs
  • Title Adaptive Impact Absorption for Water
    Transport Applications
  • Objectives Development of the SAFE SEA concept -
    development of software tools for simulation and
    control of catastrophic and collisions -
    development of technology for SAFE SEA system of
    AIA for water transport
  • Title Survivability of Smaller Vessels In
    Extreme Weather Conditions
  • Objectives To prevent or at least reduce the
    risk of capsizing and foundering in extreme
    weather conditions by development of new
    survivability standards, operational guidelines,
    on-board capsizing expert system, and training
    courses for the crews.
  • Title Vulnerable road users protection
  • Objectives The project is aimed at lowering the
    number of road accidents involving vulnerable
    road users, improving their safety by indicating
    necessary preventive measures and gathering good
    practice in this respect.

Propozycje projektów na 2gi konkurs
  • Title Humanisation of public space for transport
    in cities - towards an integrated,
    multi-disciplinary approach to planning,
    designing and management of transport systems and
    their route networks in cities.
  • Objectives The main research objectives are -to
    analyse and diagnose the present "state of the
    art" in planning, designing and management of
    urban transport and its route networks -to
    investigate and identify complex social needs and
    user expectations in regard to urban transport
    and public space - to elaborate a policy
    framework and formulate planning policy
    guidelines and design criteria for future
    networks of public space for movement in the
  • Title The safety system on sea-river ships in
    inland navigation
  • Objectives It is to study of building an
    integrated navigating bridge in sae- river
    navigation. A particular attention has to be paid
    to the safety of navigation . Hence the main
    tasks will be to determine the parameters of
    elements of integrated navigating bridge
    (especially the precision of fixing position) by
    some systems (radar,Galileo satellite. Ecdis,
    Navigation marks).

Propozycje projektów na 2gi konkurs
  • Title Innovative fire protection methods of the
    rail passenger vehicles
  • Objectives The development of the computer based
    multi-variant simulation method for the fast rail
    vehicles fire risk assesment.
  • Title Influence of biocomponents' additive to
    petroleum fuels on durability of internal
    combustion engines and exhaust emission
  • Objectives The final result of the research will
    be the scientific opinion about the range of
    applying biofuels to petroleum fuels. It will
    help introduce uniform documents mentioning
    biocomponents' additives to petroleum fuels.

Osoby do kontaktu Zbigniew Turek
  • Dziekuje za uwage

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy Programów Badawczych
UE Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki
Polskiej Akademii Nauk ul. Zwirki i Wigury 81
02-091 Warszawa tel 0 22 828 74 83 fax
0 22 828 53 70 e-mail
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