Title: Caldet Session, Collaboration Meeting
1Caldet Near/Far Analysis
- Results presented at NDFE Cost Schedule Review
- Only a little progress since then
- 150 Channels of Near Detector Electronics
- 6 planes out of 60 on one side
- T11 Beamline from Sept. 7 Sept. 15, 2002
Time of Flight
(not to scale)
3Preliminary Caldet Electron Analysis
- Electron cuts a la Trish
- Cerenkov ADC, TOF-Cerenkov timing, max energy
near center of plane 1, etc. - 3 GeV/c electrons, run 31265
Near MIPs
Far MIPs
4Caldet Electron Analysis, cont.
- Not all runs are as nice as 31265
- 2 GeV/c electrons in 31398.
- Low response events (below 20 MIPs) common to
both sets of electronics
Near MIPs
Far MIPs
- ND and FD responses track each other reasonably
well, despite obvious problems with electron
selection - Not well enough typical 3 effects, with high
statistical precision
Fractional difference
Statistical errors not shown, but much smaller
than differences
Non-containment of electrons?
- Less agreement than response plot
- However, RMS is more susceptible to a handful of
outliers - Effects of missing plane 6 as function of
electron energy
Electron response RMS as of response
7Channel Correlation
- Study individual strip Near-Far response in MIPs
- Combine several strips for statistics
- Mostly within ?2
- There will be different threshold effects between
the ND and FD in lowest bin
2 PEs or less in 1st bin
(ndfd)/2 in PEs
8Channel Correlation, cont.
- Test is s(ND-FD) consistent with photostatistics?
(ND-FD)/expected error
Observed RMS
20 difference is to be expected due to
secondary emission statistic - comparison
looks reasonable
Ratio of observed over expected RMS
9Looking at Channel Differences
- Can we study features in Near-Far in QIE space?
- Low PE stats makes it difficult to characterize
anything as a function of one side of electronics
N/F-1 vs. Near ADC
N/F-1 vs. Far ADC
10Trigger Timing
- We left trigger a bit early to avoid any doubt
about containing rising edge - Alfons/Anatael plot
- Expect very little energy 6 buckets from rising
edge O(0.25) - Observe more, but its quite constant in energy
All channels
E (mips)
11To Do
- Use new Muon calibration
- Old version had requirement of both ends reading
out bias in case of threshold difference - Add more variables/histograms to analysis DST
- Almost done
- Understand Near/Far issues in terms of basic
channel response - E.g., timing? Threshold biases?
- Understand ND response in terms of QIE
- Any effect vs. number of slices? QIE Range?
- Light Injection Data
- Liz Buckley making progress
12Stability Studies Dave Reyna
- Pedestals stability throughout Caldet run
All channels, all pedestal measurements
Single channel history
Some small pedestal drift with time
(temperature?), but only on order of 1 of a PE
13Stability Studies, cont.
- Calibration stability over run of 1 week
- Measure response with charge injection, relative
to calibration
Single channel ratio of calibrated response, end
of run over beginning of run (1 week)
Fit point
All channels, all measurements
Calibration is extremely stable 0.05 mean, 1
Response ratio