Title: The Muscular System Major Movers and Shakers
1The Muscular System Major Movers and Shakers
- BIOL 2400 Anatomy and Physiology 1
- Chapter 11
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O Temporal fossa I Coronoid process and
ramus of the mandible A Elevation of the
O Maxilla and the anterior portion of
the zygomatic arch I Angle and the ramus of
the mandible. A Elevation of the
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6Orbicularis oculi
O Medial wall of the orbit I Medial wall of
the orbit A Closes the eyelid
7Orbicularis oris
O Opening of the mouth I The skin at the
corners of the mouth A Closes the mouth
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9Zygomaticus major
O Zygomatic bone I The skin at the corners
of the mouth and the orbicularis oris A
Elevates the skin at the corners of the
mouth (smiling)
10Depressor anguli oris
O Anterior 1/3 of the body of the mandible,
lateral to the mental foramen I Angle of the
mouth A Draws the angle of the mouth
laterally and inferiorly, as in opening
the mouth
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O The supraspinous fossa of the scapula I The
greater tubercle of the humerus A Weak
ABduction of the shoulder joint
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O The infraspinous fossa of the scapula I The
greater tubercle of the humerus A Lateral
rotation of the humerus
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16Teres minor
O Inferior lateral border of the scapula I The
greater tubercle of the humerus A Lateral
rotation of the humerus
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18Pectoralis minor
O Ribs 3 through 5 I The coracoid process of
the scapula A Protraction of the scapula
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20Rhomboid major
O The spinous processes of T2 through T5 I
The vertebral border of the scapula, inferior to
the spine A Retraction of the scapula
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22Rhomboid minor
O The spinous processes of C7 through T1 I
The vertebral border of the scapula, superior to
the spine A Retraction of the scapula
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24Levator scapulae
O The transverse processes of C1 through C4 I
The superior angle of the scapula A Elevation
of the scapula