Title: Priors Mill C.E Primary School
1Priors Mill C.E Primary School
3Practical Details
- We do ask that you keep us informed regarding
adults who will be collecting your child. Please
complete the form in welcome pack. -
4Medical Matters
Medical/Allergy Card Full Name - D.O.B -
Information Medication required Medication
Stored in school In case of emergency contact
5Parent/School shared information
We value any information regarding your child
that you as parents can provide or any additional
or previous child care setting.
Parent to School shared Information Name of child
Other setting attended prior to school/Nursery No setting attended Setting attended Duration 2year check completed Name of Key person Contact I grant permission for the settings to share information regarding my child. Before after school/Nursery care My child will be attending Contact Number I grant permission for the settings to share information regarding my child Please notify school of any changes.
Toileting Independent Requires support Currently training Additional Information My childs language and communication skills My child is chatty and talkative My child is shy until familiar My child has speech/language difficulties My child is receiving/has received speech therapy Additional Information
Snacks I grant permission for my child to join in with Food tasting sessions Baking sessions Daily fruit Milk Additional Information Additional Information
6Transition to School
7Taster Session
- We are looking forward to meeting the children on
(am) Tuesday 7th July - or
- (pm) Wednesday 8th July.
- Organisation for the day
- Children are to be dropped off and collected from
nursery in the usual manner. Reception staff will
collect and return the children to nursery. - For families who are new to our school you will
have an additional letter in your pack regarding
the visit to school.
8School lunch
- Many children have already had the opportunity to
sample a school lunch and we hope this was
enjoyable. - For families new to the school there is a letter
regarding an opportunity to visit for lunch in
your pack.
9School Lunch
- School lunch is served Cuthbert Hall.
- (As from September the Government will be
offering Universal free school meals for all
children in Reception and KS1.) - We operate a sticker system at lunch time (Menu
and choices) - Packed Lunch - we do ask that packed lunches are
healthy with no chocolate bars, nut products or
fizzy drinks.
10Starting School!
- All children will be are provided with a start
time for Wednesday 2nd September, this will be
given to your child on the taster session. - Please come into school (via the Learning Garden)
and help your child put their belongings away in
their class base. - Feel free to stay and settle your child on the
carpet before saying your goodbyes. - Start times and home time will be staggered
11Entry to school - 8.40am
- Children are dropped off in the learning garden
which is situated to the front of school. A
member of staff will be at the door to great the
12End of the school day - 3pm
- Children are dismissed into the learning garden
at the end of the school day. - Please ensure that any additional adults who
collect your child have your child's unique
- Our School Uniform is
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Navy jogging bottoms/leggings
- Black school shoes (no boots indoors)
- Gingham dress in the summer (red)
- Our P.E Uniform is
- Black shorts
- Black t-shirt
- Black plimsolls
14 Things your child will need
- Book bag
- Water bottle
- P.E kit
- Named wellies (to stay at school)
- We do ask that children do not bring any toys or
personal belongings to school unless directly
linked to our topic/author.
15Additional Information
- An initial baseline assessment will be made
within the first 4 weeks of your child
entering school. - Throughout Reception observations of your childs
achievements are made and collected. (Please
complete the request for a current email address
in order for you to receive updates regarding
your child.)
17Medical Matters
- Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by 48
hours absence. - Any absence requires a telephone call to the
office and we ask that you do so before 9.30am.
This is to be followed by a letter once your
child returns to school. - Only prescribed medicines that need to be
administered 4 times a day can be administered by
the school. We ask that you complete a medicine
form which is available from the main office.
18In General
- We operate an open door policy and are always
pleased to see any parents or carers requiring
information or advice. - We hope you and your child will be
- very happy here and we are looking
- forward to sharing your childs
- achievements with you.
- Please feel free to have a look in the classrooms
and Learning Garden before you leave.