Title: Warren Transition Plan Small Group Meetings
1Warren Transition PlanSmall Group Meetings
- Wednesday-Friday, January 18-20, 2012
2Review HR Process Timeline
Date Action Comment
Tues, 1/17 Announcement of Warren Plan Announcement of internal/external hiring freeze to support redeployment Meetings with individual leaders prepare for employee meetings
Wed, 1/18 Meeting with CEOs to review HR processes
Wed, 1/18 to Fri, 1/20 Small group meetings with employees Review process Review timeline Outline 1x1 meetings complete sign-up Share redeployment form Prepare HR team for meetings with affected employees
Week of 1/23 Conduct 1x1 meetings with affected employees
3Review of HR Process Timeline
Date Action Comment
Week of 2/06 Employee workshops Resume TMAY Interview Managing Change
2/06 thru 3/23 Place employees in open positions throughout the System either as a Direct Match or Indirect Match
Week of 3/26 Conduct separation meetings for unplaced employees
Week of 4/2 Conduct a Job Fair for unplaced employees Post-separation Invite local employers
On-Going Employee support via Employee Services, dedicated phone/voicemail line, dedicated HR Connect website Weekly newsletter dedicated to Warren employees
4How Can You Prepare for This Meeting?
How Can You Best Prepare for the One on One
- Go to Employee Self Service and complete your
Employment Information form for Redeployment
purposes. - Come to the meeting with 2 copies of your
Redeployment Worksheet fully completed on
Employee self service. - Bring a list of questions you would like answered
- If we do not have the answers, we will get back
with you within 48 hrs - Ensure you have carefully thought about your
preferences - Thoroughly complete the sections regarding
- Specific Skill Sets - Past Experience