Title: Game Theory
1Game Theory
Topic 5Repeated Games
- ???????, ?? ???????? (Trust, but Verify)
- Russian Proverb (Ronald Reagan)
2Repeated Interaction
- Review
- Simultaneous games
- Put yourself in your opponents shoes
- Iterative reasoning
- Sequential games
- Look forward and reason back
- Sequentially rational reasoning
- Outline
- What if interaction is repeated?
- What strategies can lead players to cooperate?
3The Prisoners Dilemma
Equilibrium 54 K
Firm 2 Firm 2
Low High
Firm 1 Firm 1 Low 54 , 54 72 , 47
Firm 1 Firm 1 High 47 , 72 60 , 60
Cooperation 60 K
4Prisoners Dilemma
- Private rationality ? collective irrationality
- The equilibrium that arises from using dominant
strategies is worse for every player than the
outcome that would arise if every player used her
dominated strategy instead - Goal
- To sustain mutually beneficial cooperative
outcome overcoming incentives to cheat - (A note about tacit collusion)
5Finite Interaction
(Silly Theoretical Trickery)
- Suppose the market relationship lasts
for only T periods - Use backward induction (rollback)
- Tth period no incentive to cooperate
- No future loss to worry about in last period
- T-1th period no incentive to cooperate
- No cooperation in Tth period in any case
- No opportunity cost to cheating in period T-1
- Unraveling logic goes back to period 1
6Finite Interaction
- Cooperation is impossible if the relationship
between players is for a fixed and known length
of time. - But, people think forward if
- Game length uncertain
- Game length unknown
- Game length too long
7Long-Term Interaction
- No last period, so no rollback
- Use history-dependent strategies
- Trigger strategies
- Begin by cooperating
- Cooperate as long as the rivals do
- Upon observing a defection
- immediately revert to a period of punishment of
specified length in which everyone plays
8Two Trigger Strategies
- Grim trigger strategy
- Cooperate until a rival deviates
- Once a deviation occurs,
play non-cooperatively for the
rest of the game - Tit-for-tat
- Cooperate if your rival cooperated
in the most recent period - Cheat if your rival cheated
in the most recent period
9Trigger Strategy Extremes
- Tit-for-Tat is
- most forgiving
- shortest memory
- proportional
- credible but lacks deterrence
- Tit-for-tat answers
- Is cooperation easy?
- Grim trigger is
- least forgiving
- longest memory
- adequate deterrence but lacks credibility
- Grim trigger answers
- Is cooperation possible?
10Why Cooperate (Against GTS)?
- Cooperate if the present value of cooperation is
greater than the present value of defection - Cooperate 60 today, 60 next year, 60 60
- Defect 72 today, 54 next year, 54 54
Firm 2
Low High
Firm 1 Firm 1 Low 54 , 54 72 , 47
Firm 1 Firm 1 High 47 , 72 60 , 60
11Payoff Stream (GTS)
- Discounting
- 1 tomorrow is worth less than 1 today
- r is the interest rate
- Invest 1 today ? get (1r) next year
- Want 1 next year ? invest 1/(1r) today
- Annuity paying 1 today and 1 every year
- is worth 11/r
13Aside Infinite Discounting
14Cooperate against GTS
- Cooperate if
- Cooperation is sustainable using grim trigger
strategies as long as r lt 50 - Or as long as 1 invested today does not return
more than 1.50 next period
PV(defection) 72545454 72 54/r 12 6/12 50
PV(cooperation) 60606060 60 60/r 6/r r
gt gt gt gt lt
15Payoff Stream (TFT)
16Cooperate against TFT
- Cooperate if
- Much harder to sustain than grim trigger
- Cooperation may not be likely
PV(defection) PV(defect once) 72476060 72
47/(1r) 12 12 12r 1/12 8.3
PV(cooperation) PV(cooperation) 60606060
60 60/(1r) 13/(1r) 13 r
gt and gt gt gt gt gt lt
17Trigger Strategies
- Grim Trigger and Tit-for-Tat are
extremes - Balance two goals
- Deterrence
- GTS is adequate punishment
- Tit-for-tat might be too little
- Credibility
- GTS hurts the punisher too much
- Tit-for-tat is credible
18Axelrods Simulation
- R. Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation
- Prisoners Dilemma repeated 200 times
- Economists submitted strategies
- Pairs of strategies competed
- Winner Tit-for-Tat
- Reasons
- Forgiving, Nice, Provocable, Clear
19Main Ideas from Axelrod
- Not necessarily tit-for-tat
- Doesnt always work
- Dont be envious
- Dont be the first to cheat
- Reciprocate opponents behavior
- Cooperation and defection
- Dont be too clever
20Finite Interaction (Theoretical
- Unraveling prevents cooperation if the number of
periods is fixed and known - Probabilistic termination
- The game continues to the next period
with some probability p - Equivalent to infinite game
- 1 next year is worth now
- Value of future value if there is a future
- ? probability
of a future - Effective interest rate
21Subgame Perfection
- Grim trigger strategy is subgame perfect
- Tit for tat is not
- Consider, in the first stage, one player
cooperates and the other does not - Tit for tat would have them alternating forever
22Folk Theorem
- We saw in the prisoners dilemma that
- Always cooperate can be an equilibrium
- Sufficient punishment, low interest rate
- Always defect can be an equilibrium
- Insufficient punishment, high interest rate
23Folk Theorem
- Folk Theorem
- Almost any outcome that, on average, yields at
least the mutual defection payoff for both
players, can be sustained as a subgame perfect
equilibrium of the infinitely repeated prisoners
dilemma (for sufficiently low
interest rates)
24The Prisoners Dilemma
Equilibrium 54 K
Firm 2 Firm 2
Low High
Firm 1 Firm 1 Low 54 , 54 72 , 47
Firm 1 Firm 1 High 47 , 72 60 , 60
Cooperation 60 K
25Folk Theorem
Firm 1
All subgame perfect payoffs
All feasible payoffs
Firm 2
- Cooperation
- Struggle between high profits today
and a lasting relationship into the future - Deterrence
- A clear, provocable policy of punishment
- Credibility
- Must incorporate forgiveness
- Looking ahead
- How to be credible?