Title: Wstep do geofizycznej dynamiki plyn
1Wstep do geofizycznej dynamiki plynów.Semestr
VI. Wyklad 525.03.2004
2Wyklad 5 coastal upwelling (1)
3Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (4)
4Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (2)
5Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (3)
6Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (5)
7Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (6)
8Wyklad 5 El NinoSST (typical situation) (7)
9Wyklad 5 SST (El Nino conditions) (13)
10Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (8)
11Wyklad 5 Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) (9)
- SOI (pa)Tahiti - ( pa)Darwin
12Wyklad 5 SOI in years 1970-1990 (10)
13Wyklad 5 Walker circulation - normal conditions
14Wyklad 5 Walker circulation - El Nino
conditions (12)
15Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (14)
16Wyklad 5 El Nino (15)
17Wyklad 5 El Nino prediction (16)
- Delayed action oscillator scenarios
- Coupled ocean - atmosphere general circulation
models - Canonical correlation analysis
18Wyklad 5 Pacyfic / Atlantic Interactions (17)
19Wyklad 5 North Atlantic Oscillation () (18)
20Wyklad 5 North Atlantic Oscillation (-) (19)
21Wyklad 5 Coastal upwelling (20)
22Wyklad 5 prady w Pólnocnym Atlantyku
23Wyklad 5 Heat transport to Arctic (21)
24Wyklad 5 Cyrkulacja termohalinowa (22)
25Wyklad 5 cyrkulacja termohalinowa (23)
26Wyklad 5 Thermohaline circulation (24)
accor. Broecker, 1991
27Wyklad 5 Balance of NADW (25)
- Gulf Stream 15 Sv, S 35.88ppm
- Bering Straits 1 Sv, S 32.00ppm
- excess of rainfall and continental runoff
- over evaporation 0.3 Sv
- Balance of NADW 16.35 Sv
- S 34.91ppm
28Wyklad 5 Thermohaline circulation breakdown
(simulation) (26)
- let an excess of rainfall and continental runoff
over evaporation 0.45 Sv, - then water salinity drops to
- S 34.59ppm
- to compensate this drop, deep water
- should to be cooled by 1.4o C and
- to restore a salt balance,
- a circulation has to double its flow !!!