McNay Death Loss by Seasons 1995 Winter Lambs 251/lambs/124 ewes Fall 148 Lambs/ 81 ewes Spring Lambs 151 lambs/74 ewes 5 Goals of Late Gestation Ration
1. Healthy, vigorous ewes
2. In condition for heavy milking
3. Healthy, vigorous lambs of moderate size.
6 Birth Weight on Livability
Best 11.4 pounds VPI
1 pound increase in birth weight
4 ? in death loss Texas A M
7 Birth Weight Feedlot Performance Birth Weight Small Medium Large 8.5 8.6-13.3 13.4 Wt. gain/ .69 .75 .82 day of age Feed eff. 4.8 4.3 3.8 U. of Kentucky 8 So what is the right birth weight?
Depends on
ewe size
type of birth
Singles 7 of dam wt.
Twins 6.5 of dam wt.
Triplets 5.5 of dam wt.
175 ewe single 12-13
twin 11-11.5
triplet 9-10
9 Goal of Lambing Season Management
Maximize Lamb Livability
Starts before lambing
What you do can not
raise number born
10 Causes of Death
Poor ewe condition
Weak ewe or lamb
Plugged teats
Poor suckling
11 Prevention Weak or Starved
Adequate ewe nutrition (i.e. good condition)
Energy level of diet
Weaning management
12 Prevention Weak or Starved
Pre-lambing shearing
Condition score
Dryer environment
Lamb indoors
Easier nursing
13 Trouble Shooting-Use the Thermometer
Normal temp. - 101 - 102F
Elevated temp.-above 103F
(think infection)
Cold Lambs
- mild hypothermia 99-102F
- severe hypothermia below 99F
14 Mild Hypothermia 99-102F
1) Remove and dry
2) Supplement warm dry heat (100-103F max. temp.)
3) Tube feed 120-200 ml colostrum (20 mls/lb.)
4) Return when rectal temperature is normal (1-3 hours)
5) Assure future nutrition
15 Elevated Temperature-above 103F
- or animals showing clinical signs
- assume infectious process
- probably pneumonia, joint ill or liver abscess
- LA200 1/2cc/10 lb.
under the skin given daily for 4-5 days
- Long acting penicillin 1cc/10-20 lb.
under the skin given daily for 4-5 days
- Assure nutrition and hydration
16 Severe Hypothermia-below 99F
Under 6 hours old
remove and dry
supplement heat warm dry moving air 100-103F
tube feed 120-200 ml colostrum
return when temperature normal
1-3 hours
assure future nutrition
17 Severe Hypothermia-below 99F
Over 6 hours old
remove and dry
supplement heat with warm dry moving air 100-103F max is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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