Title: Carbon
1Chapter Nine
Carbon Chemistry
2Organic and Biochemical Compounds
Organic Compounds - a covalently bonded compound
made of molecules always containing carbon
(and usually hydrogen)
Hydrocarbon - when only carbon and hydrogen are
present - methane is the simplest (CH4)
3Saturated Hydrocarbon - a hydro-carbon with all
single bonds
Alkanes - hydrocarbons with only single
covalent bonds
- propane is C3H8
Unsaturated Hydrocarbon - a hydro-carbon with one
or more double or triple bonds
4Alkenes - have at least one double covalent
bond (plastic milk jugs)
Alkynes - have at least one triple covalent
bond (high temperature flame)
Aromatic Hydrocarbons -have ring structures and
strong odors
5Straight Chains Branched Chains Rings See pages
Fossil Fuels - mixtures of hydrocarbons that
formed from the remains of plants or animals
6There are 3 types of FFs
Coal - solid fuel with abundant aromatic
hydrocarbons that produce lots of soot (burn
dirty, so know page 270-271)
Natural gas - mainly methane gas and found along
with deposits of coal and petroleum
7Petroleum - a complex liquid mixture of
hydrocarbons that gets separated into more useful
forms (gas, oil, kerosene, etc)
Alcohol - organic compounds where oxygen shows
- C3H8O is isopropanol
8Polymers - a large organic molecule made of
many smaller bonded units
- rubber, wood, cotton, wool, starch, protein,
cellulose, and nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) are
natural polymers
- plastics or fibers are man made polymers
9- polymer properties are determined by their
- some are structured so that they can return to
their original form (elastic), some once crushed
stay that way
Biochemical compounds
- any organic compound that has a role in
living things
10- carbohydrates, proteins, DNA
Carbohydrates - any organic compound that is
made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and that
provides nutrients to the cells of living things
(the body uses the sugar glucose for energy,
but stores excess for later use - glycogen)
11Proteins - a biological polymer made of bonded
amino acids
- used to build muscle
- also regulates chemical activities and
stores materials
DNA - determines ones entire genetic makeup
- contains C, H, O, N, P
12Every cell in your body has a copy of your DNA in
the form of chromosomes (so, DNA must able to
copy itself)
DNA strands are found in pairs which must
separate before copying
Proteins are involved in this process
13DNA monomers are adenine, thymine, cytosine,
These monomers pair up (one on each strand) in a
consistent way to form the double helix pair