What If We Could Listen to the Stars? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What If We Could Listen to the Stars?


What If We Could Listen to the Stars? LIGO Hanford Observatory – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What If We Could Listen to the Stars?

What If We Could Listen to the Stars?
  • LIGO Hanford Observatory

LIGOs Mission is to Open a New Portal on the
  • In 1609 Galileo viewed the sky through a 20X
    telescope and gave birth to modern astronomy
  • The boost from naked-eye astronomy
    revolutionized humanitys view of the cosmos
    astronomers have looked into space to uncover
    the natural history of our universe
  • LIGOs quest is to create a radically new way to
    perceive the universe, by directly listening to
    the vibrations of space itself
  • LIGO consists of large, earth-based, detectors
    that will act like huge microphones, listening
    for the most violent events in the universe

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The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave
LIGO (Washington)
LIGO (Louisiana)
Brought to you by the National Science
Foundation operated by Caltech and MIT the
research focus for more than 500 LIGO Scientific
Collaboration members worldwide.
LIGO Laboratories Are Unique National Facilities
  • Observatories at Hanford, WA (LHO) Livingston,
    LA (LLO)
  • Support Facilities _at_ Caltech MIT campuses

Part of Future International Detector Network
Simultaneously detect signal (within msec)
detection confidence locate the
sources decompose the polarization of
gravitational waves
LIGO Laboratory Science Collaboration
  • LIGO Laboratory (Caltech/MIT) runs observatories
    and research/support facilities at Caltech/MIT
  • LIGO Scientific Collaboration is the body that
    defines and pursues LIGO science goals
  • gt400 members at 44 institutions worldwide
    (including LIGO Lab)
  • Includes GEO600 members data sharing
  • Working groups in detector technology
    advancement, detector characterization and
    astrophysical analyses
  • Memoranda of understanding define duties and
    access to LIGO data

Big Question What is the universe like now and
what is its future?
  • New and profound questions exist after nearly 400
    years of optical astronomy
  • 1850s ? Olbers Paradox Why is the night sky
  • 1920s ? Milky Way discovered to be just another
  • 1930s ? Hubble discovers expansion of the
    universe Zwicky finds shortage of luminous
    matter in galaxy clusters
  • mid 20th century ? Big Bang hypothesis becomes
    a theory, predicting origin of the elements by
    nucleosynthesis and existence of relic light
    (cosmic microwave background) from era of atom
  • 1960s ? First detection of relic light from
    early universe
  • 1970s ? Vera Rubin documents missing mass,
    a.k.a. dark matter in individual galaxies
  • 1990s ? First images of early universe made
    with relic light
  • 2003 ? High-resolution images imply universe is
    13.7 billion years old and composed of 4 normal
    matter, 24 dark matter and 72 dark energy 1st
    stars formed 200 million years after big bang.
  • We hope to open a new channel to help study this
    and other mysteries

Big Questions for 21st Century Science
Images of light from Big Bang imply 95 of the
universe is composed of dark matter and dark
energy. What is this stuff?
The expansion of the universe is speeding up. Is
it blowing apart?
WMAP Image of Relic Light from Big Bang
There are immense black holes at the centers of
galaxies. How did they form?
What was it like at the birth of space and time?
Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
A Slight Problem
  • Regardless of what you see on Star Trek, the
    vacuum of interstellar space does not transmit
    conventional sound waves effectively.
  • Dont worry, well work around that!

John Wheelers Picture of General Relativity
General Relativity A Picture Worth a Thousand
The New Wrinkle on Equivalence
  • Not only the path of matter, but even the path of
    light is affected by gravity from massive objects
  • Einstein Cross
  • Photo credit NASA and ESA

A massive object shifts apparent position of a
Gravitational Waves
  • Gravitational waves are ripples in space when it
    is stirred up by rapid motions of large
    concentrations of matter or energy
  • Rendering of space stirred by two orbiting black

What Phenomena Do We Expect to Study With LIGO?
Gravitational Collapse and Its Outcomes Present
LIGO Opportunities
fGW gt few Hz accessible from earth fGW lt several
kHz interesting for compact objects
The Undead Corpses of StarsNeutron Stars and
Black Holes
  • Neutron stars have a mass equivalent to 1.4 suns
    packed into a ball 10 miles in diameter, enormous
    magnetic fields and high spin rates
  • Black holes are the extreme edges of the
    space-time fabric

Artist Walt Feimer, Space Telescope Science
The Brilliant Deaths of Stars
time evolution
Images from NASA High Energy Astrophysics
Research Archive
Supernova Death of a Massive Star
  • Spacequake should preceed optical display by ½
  • Leaves behind compact stellar core, e.g., neutron
    star, black hole
  • Strength of waves depends on asymmetry in
  • Observed neutron star motions indicate some
    asymmetry present
  • Simulations do not succeed from initiation to

Credit Dana Berry, NASA
Gravitational-Wave Emission May be the
Regulator for Accreting Neutron Stars
  • Neutron stars spin up when they accrete matter
    from a companion
  • Observed neutron star spins max out at 700 Hz
  • Gravitational waves are suspected to balance
    angular momentum from accreting matter

Credit Dana Berry, NASA
Catching WavesFrom Black Holes
Sketches courtesy of Kip Thorne
Sounds of Compact Star Inspirals
  • Neutron-star binary inspiral
  • Black-hole binary inspiral

Detection of Energy Loss Caused By Gravitational
  • In 1974, J. Taylor and R. Hulse discovered a
    pulsar orbiting a companion neutron star. This
    binary pulsar provides some of the best tests
    of General Relativity. Theory predicts the
    orbital period of 8 hours should change as energy
    is carried away by gravitational waves.
  • Taylor and Hulse were awarded the 1993 Nobel
    Prize for Physics for this work.

Searching for Echoesfrom Very Early Universe
Sketch courtesy of Kip Thorne
How does LIGO detect spacetime vibrations?
Important Signature of Gravitational Waves
Gravitational waves shrink space along one axis
perpendicular to the wave direction as they
stretch space along another axis perpendicular
both to the shrink axis and to the wave direction.
Sketch of a Michelson Interferometer
Sensing the Effect of a Gravitational Wave
Change in arm length is 10-18 meters, or about
2/10,000,000,000,000,000 inches
How Small is 10-18 Meter?
Core Optics Suspension and Control
Optics suspended as simple pendulums
Local sensors/actuators provide damping and
control forces
Mirror is balanced on 1/100th inch diameter wire
to 1/100th degree of arc
Suspended Mirror Approximates a Free Mass Above
Background Forces in GW Band Thermal Noise
xrms ? 10-11 m f lt 1 Hz
xrms ? 2?10-17 m f 350 Hz
xrms ? 5?10-16 m f ? 10 kHz
Strategy Compress energy into narrow resonance
outside band of interest ? require high
mechanical Q, low friction
Thermal Noise Observed in 1st Violins on H2, L1
During S1
Almost good enough for tracking calibration.
Vacuum Chambers Provide Quiet Homes for Mirrors
View inside Corner Station
Standing at vertex beam splitter
Vibration Isolation Systems
  • Reduce in-band seismic motion by 4 - 6 orders of
  • Little or no attenuation below 10Hz
  • Large range actuation for initial alignment and
    drift compensation
  • Quiet actuation to correct for Earth tides and
    microseism at 0.15 Hz during observation

BSC Chamber
HAM Chamber
Seismic Isolation Springs and Masses
Seismic System Performance
HAM stack in air
BSC stackin vacuum
Evacuated Beam Tubes Provide Clear Path for Light
All-Solid-State NdYAG Laser
Custom-built 10 W NdYAG Laser, joint development
with Lightwave Electronics (now commercial
Cavity for defining beam geometry, joint
development with Stanford
Frequency reference cavity (inside oven)
Core Optics
  • Substrates SiO2
  • 25 cm Diameter, 10 cm thick
  • Homogeneity lt 5 x 10-7
  • Internal mode Qs gt 2 x 106
  • Polishing
  • Surface uniformity lt 1 nm rms
  • Radii of curvature matched lt 3
  • Coating
  • Scatter lt 50 ppm
  • Absorption lt 2 ppm
  • Uniformity lt10-3
  • Production involved 6 companies, NIST, and LIGO

Steps to Locking an Interferometer
Y Arm
X Arm
Watching the Interferometer Lock for the First
Time in October 2000
Y Arm
X Arm
Why is Locking Difficult?
One meter, about 40 inches
Human hair, about 100 microns
Earthtides, about 100 microns
Wavelength of light, about 1 micron
Microseismic motion, about 1 micron
Atomic diameter, 10-10 meter
Precision required to lock, about 10-10 meter
LIGO sensitivity, 10-18 meter
We Have Continued to Progress
And despite a few difficulties, science runs
started in 2002
Binary Neutron StarsS1 Range
Image R. Powell
Binary Neutron StarsS2 Range
S1 Range
Image R. Powell
Binary Neutron StarsInitial LIGO Target Range
S2 Range
Image R. Powell
Whats next? Advanced LIGO
  • Major technological differences between LIGO and
    Advanced LIGO

Quadruple pendulum Sapphire optics Silica
suspension fibers
Initial Interferometers
Active vibration isolation systems
Reshape Noise
Advanced Interferometers
High power laser (180W)
Advanced interferometry Signal recycling
Binary Neutron StarsAdLIGO Range
LIGO Range
Image R. Powell
  • Stops on walking tour
  • Show camera images on screen 2 in auditorium
  • Weber Bar
  • Beam Tube enclosure tube segment
  • Overpass
  • Control Room

Camera shots
  • These are images that come off of the optics
    inside the vacuum chambers
  • We use a fat beam to minimize dispersion as the
    beam travels
  • The graininess that you see is due to slight
    imperfections in the mirrors
  • When we lose lock, the reflections disappear as
    the light ceases to resonate in the arms

Weber Bar
  • One of four bars that Joseph Weber ran
    simultaneously in 1969 and afterwards to detect
    grav waves
  • Weber pioneered the field at the University of
  • Bar is a gift to LIGO from UM
  • 5-ft length, 3-ft diameter, 6500 pounds of Al
  • A grav wave would stretch the atoms out of their
    positions. They would then recoil from the
    elastic inter-atomic forces. This effect, taken
    over all the atoms in the bar, would produce a
    ringing in the bar like what occurs in a tuning
    fork. These vibrations would be transmitted to
    the piezo crystals that are glued to the top of
    the bar and amplified up to a measurable voltage
  • Bars are narrow-band detectors. Weber searched
    for GW waves at 1660 Hz in his 1969 paper
  • Using a different bar in 1966, Weber showed that
    he could measure a stretch in the bar that was
    the width of an atom (strain of 1016).
  • 1969 and subsequent reports of successful
    detections were not corraborated
  • LIGO is a broad-band microphone, sensitive to a
    range of frequencies. Separate mirrors yield a
    longer baseline and greater sensitivity.
    Interferometry is a more sensitive technology

Beam Tube Segment
  • Tube construction was undertaken by CBI
  • 1-foot width 3/8 low-hydrogen steel was
    robotically spiral-welded at the Pasco facility
    into 60-foot sections
  • Sections were trucked to the site and welded
    together in a portable clean room that moved down
    the arms
  • Each section was leak-checked, as were the
    completed tubes
  • Each tube was baked out through electrical
    heating (200 C) for one month
  • Tubes are insulated and covered by several
    hundred concrete beam tube enclosures
  • Arms are held at about a trillionth of an
    atmosphere of vacuum
  • Beams from two interferometers run side-by-side
    in the tube
  • Tube diameter can accommodate additional beams
  • Bellows are inserted periodically on the arms to
    allow for expansion/contraction.
  • Horizontal supports hold the tube up

  • Light stays in the arms for roughly a millisecond
    during lock
  • 100 round trips of the light in the arms shrinks
    and sharpens the dark fringe, increasing our
  • Largest-amplitude ground motion is the earth
    tides, which stretch the arms by 1/3 mm each
    tidal cycle.
  • We control the laser wavelength and use fine
    actuators at the end stations to make sure that
    the light sees a consistent arm length
  • The microseism is smaller than the tides,
    somewhat less than a micron, but is much faster
    (micron per second). Microseisms are produced
    by the energy of ocean waves which couples into
    the sea floor and moves out across land masses
  • We use the voice coil actuators to hold off the
    microseism. We are implementing a feed-forward
    strategy to use the tidal actuators to offset the
    microseism as well
  • We have seismometers in each building and we
    monitor a host of other environmental effects

Control Room
  • Separate control stations for each interferometer
  • All interferometer control is delivered from here
    via computers
  • 12,000 data channels send data to the control
    room. A small subset of these are data from the
    interferometer itself
  • Additional computers are dedicated to the vacuum
    system, the electronic log and data monitoring
  • The room next door collects and stores data as it
    comes in. The Linux cluster in the auditorium
    building can hold terabytes of data and can be
    accessed by collaborators for analysis of fresh
  • Data is written to tape and archived at Caltech
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