Title: Year 9 Resistant Materials Multi-Material Container Name:
1Year 9Resistant Materials Multi-Material
- Assessment Objectives
- Research
- Health and Safety
- Manufacture
2Year 9Resistant Materials Multi-Material
- Learning Objectives
- Develop a good understanding of
- research techniques
- box structure techniques
- joining methods
- timbers and man-made boards
- users needs preferences
- marking out, cutting, joining and finishing in
wood and plastic - the uses of thermoset plastic
- hazards and risk reduction in the workplace
3Multi-Material Container
Initial Research Interview
- Who you are interviewing and why.
- Written report of the interview.
- Conclusion (What your container will hold).
- Inside measurements of the container.
4Multi-Material Container
Design Brief Specification
- Design Brief I am going to design and make a
wooden container with a sliding acrylic lid for
holding (specific items.) - Specification The container should
- Be made from a piece of timber measuring 45mm x
750mm x 12mm. The maximum internal measurement
is 580mm in total. - Hold (specific items) so they do not rattle
around - Have internal measurements of
- Have an acrylic lid that slides easily back and
forth - Have a lid that aligns well with the end of the
box - Have an attractive motif inlaid with coloured
epoxy resin - Have a clean, silky-smooth finish to the wood
- Have a clean, shiny finish to the acrylic
- Have box sides that are perpendicular and at
right angles to one another - Have neatly cut finger joints
- Have a flat and smooth base
5Multi-Material Container
Product Analysis of a Wooden Drawer
6Multi-Material Container
Classification of Timbers and Man-Made Board
7Multi-Material Container
Joining Methods for Timber and Man-Made Boards
8Multi-Material Container
Research Analysis
In my research, I found out the following
information that is relevant to this project that
can help me design and make the
container. Interview 1 2 3 Product
Analysis 4 5 6 Timbers and boards 7 8 Joining
Methods 9 10
9Multi-Material Container
Research into the Health Safety Executive (UK)
10Multi-Material Container
Risk Assessment
How to Reduce Risk (Training, protective
clothing, warning notices, dust extraction, light
filters, insulators, safety equipment etc..)
People likely to be affected
Level of Risk 1low 5high
Description of Hazard
Using the band saw
11Multi-Material Container
Peer Assessment of the Container
Product Photo
Specification Comment Mark/5
Hold (specific items) so they do not rattle around
Have internal measurements of
Have an acrylic lid that slides easily back and forth
Have a lid that aligns well with the end of the box
Have an attractive motif inlaid with coloured epoxy resin
Have a clean, silky-smooth finish to the wood
Have a clean, shiny finish to the acrylic
Have box sides that are perpendicular and at right angles to one another
Have neatly cut finger joints
Have a flat and smooth base