Title: Why is Chemistry Important to You?
1Why is Chemistry Important to You?
- knowledgechemistry is everywhere!
- college acceptance/scholarships
- required for most science, technical, industrial,
and medical careers - many career opportunities
- earning potential (mid-career Chemical Engineer
w/BA makes 108,000 on average) - national security, economics
2Lab Safety
- Answer Questions 56-58
- AGREEMENT form You and your parent or guardian
must sign before you can perform lab activities. - You must pass SAFETY TEST before you can perform
lab activities.
3Ch. 1, 2, and 4 Matter and Atomic Structure
- Be familiar with terminology related to different
classifications of matter. - Be able to classify examples of matter into
appropriate categories. - Understand the difference between physical
changes and chemical changes.
5Classifying Matter
substance single composition
mixture a blend of substances amounts vary
element simplest substance has only one kind
of atom represented by a symbol C, Fe, U
compound has two or more elements in a specific
ratio represented by a formula NaCl, C12H22O11
homogeneous mixture a uniform blend of
substances air, salt water, steel, gasoline
heterogeneous mixture a non-uniform blend,
different parts are visible granite, sand, soup,
6Matter and Change
- physical property a characteristic used to
identify a substance - physical change same substance before/after
(boiling, grinding, etc.) - chemical change different substances produced
(burning, rusting, etc.)
- Understand historical developments regarding the
concept of the atom. - Be able to discuss atomic theory.
- Be able to conceptualize the very small size of
8Atoms (Atomos)
- Democritus, Greek philosopher (500 BC) matter
is composed of small, indivisible particles - atomos indivisible)
9John Dalton
- John Dalton had first experimental evidence that
atoms exist (1803). - Two types of tin oxide stannous oxide and
stannic oxide. - stannic oxide has exactly 2X more oxygenwhy?
- simple explanation stannic oxide must have twice
as many oxygen atoms
10Daltons Atomic Theory (1803)
- All matter is composed of indivisible atoms.
- Each element has unique, identical atoms.
- Atoms combine in whole-number
ratios to make compounds. - Atoms rearrange in reactions.
- (not totally true)
11Atomic Size
- Seen with an electron microscope.
- Measured in picometers (1 pm 10-12 m).
- 100 million copper atoms in a row 1 cm
- Know the characteristics of the types of
subatomic particles. - Be familiar with experiments that revealed the
structure of the atom.
13Subatomic Particles Within Atoms
particle symbol relative charge relative mass (u) actual mass (kg) year of discovery
electron e- 1- 1/1840 9.11x10-31 1897
proton p 1 1 1.67x10-27 1919
neutron no 0 1 1.67x10-27 1932
14Plum-Pudding Model
- J.J. Thomson discovered electrons in 1897
- plum-pudding atomic model electrons are
distributed in a sphere of positive charge.
15Rutherfords Gold Foil Experiment1911
16The Nucleus
- hypothesis all particles will pass through the
foil - result 1/10000 are deflected
- conclusion atoms have a dense, positive
nucleus 1/10000 the diameter of the atom
expected result
actual result
17Atomic Structure
- nucleus contains p and no
- e- orbit the nucleus
- Why dont p fly apart?
- nuclear strong force at very short distances,
nuclear particles (no and p) attract each other,
gluing nucleus together
- Understand the meaning of atomic number and mass
number. - Understand the concept of isotopes and be able to
represent isotopes with appropriate names and/or
19Atomic Number
- atomic number number of p in nucleus
- each element has different atomic
- () charge in nucleus atomic
- atoms are neutral because p e-
- The number of no varies within an element.
- isotope atoms of the same element (same atomic
), but have a different of no
20Isotope Names and Symbols
- oxygen has 3 isotopes oxygen-16, oxygen-17, and
oxygen-18 - mass number sum of p and no in nucleus
- of no mass - atomic
21Atomic Mass Unit
- atomic mass unit (amu or just u) unit used to
measure the mass of atoms - 1.00 u exactly 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12
atom - carbon-12 12.000 u
- p 1.007276 u 1 u
- no 1.00866 u 1 u
- e- 0.0005486 u 0 u
Interesting fact if you add the mass of 6p ,
6no, and 6e-, the sum equals12.09891u. But when
combined in an atom, the mass equals exactly
12.000u. The missing mass is converted into the
binding energy that holds the atom together
- Understand the concept of atomic mass.
- Be able to calculate atomic mass when given
isotope mass data.
23Atomic Mass
- atomic mass weighted average mass of all
isotopes in an element (the average mass of an
atom) - example chlorine has two isotopes
- 75.77 is chlorine-35 34.969 u
- 24.23 is chlorine-37 36.966 u
- (34.969 x 0.7577) (36.966 x 0.2423) 35.4529
u - No single chlorine atom has this mass, but it is
the average atomic mass that we use. - An elements most common isotope can often be
found by rounding off its atomic mass.
24Groups and Periods
group vertical column elements have similar
period horizontal row properties vary greatly