Title: Evita 4 Training
1Evita 4
2Ventilation at a Glance Powerful and Easy
- Ventilation
- AutoFlow
- Monitoring
- Respiration
- SPO2
- CO2
3Ventilation at a Glance Powerful and Easy
- Operation Panel
- Swivel mounted
- Easy to detach
- Central rotary knob
- Touch screen
- Interactive device check
- Start settings
- Maneuvers
- P.01
- PEEPi (all modes)
- R and C
- Loops, trends
- Logbook
4Ventilation at a Glance Powerful and Easy
- User oriented
- Ideal bodyweight setting
- Configurable start settings
- Only active parameters displayed
- Automatic online calibration of Flow and O2
- Help function
- Additional value
- Power back up
- Open real time - data interface
- Open for new developments
- Versatile udates and upgrades since 1995
5Operation Easy Steps ... Safe Therapy
- Front Panel
- Swivel mounted
- to reduce reflections
- to adapt to place and persons
- for access to the patient system
- Compact, close to basic unit
- Sealed unit, no openings
- Easy to clean and disinfect
- More than 3m connection cable integrated
- Rail connector for standard rail
6Operation Optimized for the Situation
- Configurability meet clinical needs
- Standby / interactive device check
- focus on the important information,e.g. only the
mode specific functions are displayed - a full size real time curve and four monitoring
parameters are always visible - different monitoring parameters and curves can
easily be selected and preconfigured - complexity is reduced by a clear structure and by
selections for needs of the hospital - less training and safe handling
7Power on - Easy Start
- Customers Value
- Start procedure
- Ideal body weight setting
- Guided interactive device check
- Standby
- Configurable start ventilation mode
- Configurable start parameter
- Configurable standard settings and alarms
- Automatic online calibration of sensors
- Help-function
8Ventilation therapy - Overview
- Volume strategy
- IPPV / CMV IPPVAssist / AC)
- Pressure strategy
- BIPAP / BIPAPAssist (PCV / PCVAssist)
- ASB (Psupp)
9Ventilation therapy - Overview
- Room to Breathe
- AutoFlow (IPPV/SIMV/MMV)
- Additional Modes
- NIV / Mask Ventilation
10Ventilation therapy - Overview
- Continuity throughout all modes
- Automatic Tube Compensation ATC
- Apnea ventilation except with IPPV / MMV
- Flow-trigger
- Easy to adjust frequency f, inspiration time
Tinsp - Resistance and compliance-calculation
- Intrinsic-PEEP measurement
- P0.1 - occlusion pressure
11Ventilation therapy - Conventional Volume
- Adjustments
- VT, Freq., Tinsp, O2, Flow, PEEP
- Monitoring
- From resistance to intrinsic PEEP
- Loops and trends for diagnosis
- e.g. SIMV
- Safe handling
- User guidance with direct acknowledgement
12Ventilation therapy - Easy to Adjust
- Volume Strategy
- SIMV AutoFlow
- PAW high - alarm
- Flow-trigger
- Apnea ventilation
13Ventilation therapy - Easy to Adjust
- Pressure Strategy
- VTi high - alarm
- Flow-trigger
- Apnea ventilation
14Ventilation Therapy - Room to Breathe
- Room to breathe - What does it mean?
- Decelerating flow to reduce peak pressures and to
optimize gas distribution - Ventilation - easier and less invasive
- Early spontaneous breathing in volume- and
pressure oriented ventilation - Room to breathe - Customer value
- no relaxation, less sedation
- better alveolar recruitment
- less shunt, less dead space ventilation
- better venous return
- weaning is enhanced
15Ventilaton therapy - Room to Breathe
- AutoFlow
- automatic regulation of flow to meet
changinglung conditions and spontaneous
breathing - pressure peaks are cut off automaticallyVT is
maintained at minimum pressure level - less sedation and less alarmswith spontaneous
breathing patients - less adjustments to adapt ventilation toactive
patients - AutoFlow - To use with?
16Beatmungstherapie - Room to Breathe
- MMV AutoFlow / ATC
- Minute ventilation garanteed
- Patient only gets the necessary mandatory support
- Mandatory frequency is reduced proportionally to
spontaneous minute ventilation - automatic Weaning
17Ventilation therapy - Room to Breathe
- True pressure controlled ventilation combined
with spontaneous breathing on both pressure
levels - optimized in- and exspiratory trigger
- BIPAP/PCV - Customer value
- One Mode from intubation to weaning
- Higher patient comfort
- less Alarms, easy to use
18Ventilation therapy - Room to Breathe
- Spontaneous breathing under CPAP with brief
release periods - Suitable for patients with poor gas exchange
- Normal lung areas are emptied
- Slow lung areas change volume to a lesser
extent - optimized recruitment
19Ventilation therapy - Room to Breathe
- Increased patient comfort
- Improved synchronisation in assisted ventilation
- The electronic extubation helps to predict
weaning success - The tracheal pressure is beeing monitored without
usage of a measurement catheter
Ventilation therapy - Room to Breathe
- Pressure support proportional to patient effort
- PPS follows spontaneous volume and flow
- PPS gives the weak patient the necessary strength
to breathe - Even weak patients with RC changes can control
breathing and the ventilator
Volumen Assist Flow Assist PEEP Atemwegs
Ventilation therapy - NIV / Mask ventilation
- NIV adapted monitoring and alarms
- NIV optimimised, automatic leakage compensation
- Unmistakable colour scheme
- Same high end performance as in tube mode
- Additional vent mode BIPAPAssist / PCVAssist
22Monitoring - Extended Application Range
- Monitoring of values, curves, loops or trends
- Pre-configurable to meet clinical standards/needs
- Standard
- O2
- Pressure
- Flow
- Volume
- Optional
- CO2
- SpO2
23Extended Application Range
- Intrinsic PEEP
- lung status information available in every mode
- auto stop of measurements if pressure increases
(mes. time 1) or flow becomes zero (mes. time 2) - improved monitoring of inverse ratio ventilation
(IRV) - extended application with respect tomodes and
lung conditions
24Extended Application Range
- Occclusion Pressure P0.1
- available in all modes
- autoscaling of time axis
- screen freeze with cursor function fordetailed
analysis - determines neuromuscular driveearly indication
of fatigue levels - support for optimum weaning protocols
25Extended Application Range
- Weaning - Indices
- RSB - Rapid Shallow Breathing Index
- RSB f / Vt
- NIF - Negative Inspiration Force
- Vt ASB Volume inhaled during ASB stroke
26Extended Application Range
- Loops
- Throughout all modes
- Loops and settings simultaneous
- Pressure, flow, volume, CO2 and tracheal pressure
- Zoom - Big Loop!
- Reference Loop
- Loop cursor to measure upper and lower inflection
27Trends - Logbook
- Trends
- 8 pre-configurable parameters over 24 h
- 2 trends simultaneous
- Cursor function
- Logbook
- All alarms and events listed
- Background alarms listed
- Marker for background alarms
- Alarm silence ON and OFF listed