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The Journal Club Conference


IN Is it Over? The Journal Club Conference Shadwan Alsafwah, MD Cardiology Fellow The University of Tennessee at Memphis – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Journal Club Conference

Is it Over?
  • The Journal Club Conference
  • Shadwan Alsafwah, MD
  • Cardiology Fellow
  • The University of Tennessee at Memphis

  • In the Western world, calcific aortic stenosis is
    the most common form of valvular heart disease,
    and its incidence increases with age such that 3
    of adults over 75 years of age have aortic
  • It is a progressive disease that leads to a need
    for aortic-valve replacement when stenosis
    becomes severe and symptoms develop
  • Calcific aortic stenosis is now the leading
    indication for valve replacement in North America
    and Europe
  • The growing number of aortic valve-replacement
    procedures (currently 50,000 cases annually in
    the US) is a burden on the health care systems
  • However, there are currently no effective
    disease-modifying treatments, and the possibility
    of halting the disease process would represent a
    therapeutic advance

Pathogenesis of Calcific AS
  • Degenerative calcific aortic valve disease was
    thought for many years to be a passive
    accumulation of calcium binding to the aortic
    surface of the valve leaflet
  • Now, convincing data indicate aortic stenosis is
    an active disease process with active
    inflammatory component
  • At the tissue level, the valve leaflets show the
    following features
  •   -Accumulation of LDL and Lp(a) with evidence
  • oxidative modification

  • - An inflammatory cell infiltrate with
    activated T-lymphocytes and macrophages
  • Activated macrophages and fibroblasts produce
    Osteopontin (a noncollagenous, glycosylated
    phosphoprotein that is a prominent matrix
    component of mineralized bone)
  • Osteopontin has several structural
    characteristics that lend support to the
    potential roles it may play including
  • 1. Cellular adhesion via an Arg-Gly-Asp
    (RGD) motif
  • 2. Hydroxyapatite binding via a sequence
    of nine consecutive aspartic acids
  • 3. Calcium binding site
  • 4. Also, osteopontin has been identified
    as a substrate for transglutaminase
  • and factor XIII, which may serve to
    covalently anchor the protein to
  • other extracellular matrix components.
  • - The noncollagenous matrix proteins such as
    osteopontin, as well as various enzymes and
    growth factors, control the calcific process

Photomicrographs showing the association of
osteopontin and macrophages in a calcified aortic
valve. A, Calcium staining with alizarin red S.
B, Osteopontin identified with anti-osteopontin
peptide antibody. C, CD68-positive macrophages
(brown) with hematoxylin and eosin
counterstaining. Macrophages were associated with
osteopontin and calcific deposits.
Mohler, III E, et al. Arteriosclerosis,
Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 199717547-552
  • -Production and activity of angiotensin
    converting enzyme and
  • AT1 and AT2 receptors
  • -Other inflammatory mediators such as
    interleukin-1-beta and
  • transforming growth factor beta-1
  • -Upregulation of adhesion molecules and
    alterations in matrix
  • metalloproteinase activity
  • - Hormones also influence the calcific
    process, as seen with states
  • of altered calcium metabolism, such as
  • Padget's disease, and renal failure, in
    which ectopic
  • calcification is not uncommon

Rajamannan NM, Otto CM. Circulation.
AS and CAD
  • The active inflammatory component of calcific
    aortic-valve disease has been recognized, and
    similarities with atherosclerotic disease have
    been identified
  • Both calcific aortic-valve disease and
    atherosclerosis are characterized by lipid
    infiltration, inflammation, neoangiogenesis, and
    calcification, and the two diseases often coexist
  • Patients with any degree of aortic-valve disease
    (e.g., aortic sclerosis, mild-to-moderate
    stenosis, or severe stenosis) have increased
    cardiovascular morbidity and mortality
  • Also, endothelial dysfunction is present in
    patients with aortic stenosis

AS and Statins
  • From these observations, the hypothesis has
    emerged that statins, which reduce the
    progression of atherosclerotic disease and
    significantly improve the clinical outcome among
    patients with coronary artery disease, might also
    be beneficial in patients with aortic stenosis
  • Since aortic stenosis, like atherosclerosis, is
    an active disease process, it seems plausible
    that statins might slow its hemodynamic

AS and Statins in Animal Models
  • Light microscopy of rabbit aortic valves
    from a rabbit fed a conventional diet (left
    column), one fed a high-cholesterol diet (middle
    column), and one fed a high-cholesterol diet and
    treated with atorvastatin (right column).
  • A1-A3, Hematoxylin and eosin stain.
  • B1-B3, Masson trichrome stain for collagen
    (blue stain).
  • C1-C3, Macrophage RAM-11 stain for
    macrophages and foam cells.
  • D1-D3, Stain for proliferating cell
    nuclear antigen.

Rajamannan NM, et al. Circulation 1052660, 2002
AS and Statins in Humans
  • Until recently, the effects of statin therapy on
    the progression of aortic stenosis have been
    assessed only in retrospective studies. Four such
    studies used echocardiography to evaluate
    hemodynamic progression and found a significantly
    lower rate of progression of aortic stenosis
    among patients treated with statins
  • Furthermore, an additional retrospective study
    that used electron-beam computed tomography to
    determine the degree of valvular calcification
    identified a lesser degree of aortic-valve
    calcium accumulation among patients receiving

(No Transcript)
  • Each of these studies included between 65 and 211
    patients, with a mean follow-up time between 21
    and 44 months.
  • Although these studies consistently described a
    lower rate of progression of aortic stenosis with
    statin therapy, they were all limited by their
    nonrandomized, retrospective nature
  • The slower rate of disease progression was
    related to lowering of cholesterol levels in some
    of these studies but not others, suggesting that
    pleiotropic effects of statins may play a role
  • These observations provided the rationale for the
    first prospective randomized (SALTIRE) trial

Scottish Aortic Stenosis and Lipid Lowering
Trial, Impact on Regression (SALTIRE)
  • The aim of the Scottish Aortic Stenosis and Lipid
    Lowering Trial, Impact on Regression (SALTIRE)
    was to establish whether intensive lipid-lowering
    therapy with 80 mg of atorvastatin daily would
    halt the progression or induce regression of the
    aortic-jet velocity on Doppler echocardiography,
    and of the aortic-valve calcium score on computed
    tomography (CT), in patients with calcific aortic

Cowell, SJ, Newby DE, Prescott RJ et al. N Engl J
Med 2005 3522389
Methods The Patients
  • Patients older than 18 years of age with calcific
    aortic stenosis, an aortic-jet velocity of at
    least 2.5 m per second, and aortic-valve
    calcification on echocardiography were eligible
    for inclusion
  • Exclusion criteria were
  • -Child-bearing potential without
  • -Active or chronic liver disease
  • -History of alcohol or drug abuse
  • -Severe mitral-valve stenosis (mitral-valve
    area, lt1 cm2), severe mitral or
  • aortic regurgitation, left ventricular
    dysfunction (ejection fraction lt35
  • percent), a planned aortic-valve
  • -Intolerance of statins, statin therapy or a
    potential benefit from statin
  • therapy (according to the treating
    physician), a baseline serum total
  • cholesterol concentration of less than 150
    mg per deciliter
  • -Presence of a permanent pacemaker or

Cowell, SJ, Newby DE, Prescott RJ et al. N Engl
J Med 2005 3522389
MethodsStudy Protocol
  • Between March 2001 and April 2002, the blinded
    study coordinator randomly assigned eligible
    patients by the minimization technique with the
    use of a dedicated, locked computer program
    incorporating the following eight variables age,
    sex, smoking habit, hypertension, diabetes
    mellitus, serum cholesterol concentration,
    aortic-jet velocity, and aortic-valve calcium
    score. Patients were assigned to either 80 mg of
    atorvastatin or matched placebo as a single daily

MethodsStudy Protocol
  • Patients were assessed at baseline, two months,
    and six months and every six months thereafter
    for a minimum of two years
  • Clinical evaluation included assessment of
    functional status and adverse events, and the
    biochemical analysis of blood
  • Echocardiography and CT were performed at
    baseline, at each annual visit, and before
    withdrawal from the study
  • Patients who underwent randomization and who were
    subsequently started on open-label statin therapy
    by their attending physician were immediately
    withdrawn from the study

MethodsEnd Points
  • The two primary end points were
  • 1. Progression of stenosis, determined
    according to
  • changes in aortic-jet velocity on
    Doppler echo
  • 2. Progression of valvular calcification,
    as measured
  • by CT
  • Secondary end points were
  • -A composite of clinical end points (death
    from cardiovascular causes, aortic-valve
    replacement, or hospitalization attributable to
    severe aortic stenosis)
  • -Aortic-valve replacement
  • -Death from any cause
  • -Death from cardiovascular causes
  • -Hospitalization for any cause
  • -Hospitalization for severe aortic stenosis

  • The study was powered to detect a difference in
    the primary end points of 0.15 m per second per
    year in aortic-jet velocity and 500 agatston
    units (AU) per year in aortic-valve calcium
    score. These differences are equivalent to a
    reduction of more than 30 percent in the rate of
    progression of aortic stenosis. This would
    exclude a clinically significant effect in the
    majority of older patients with established
    disease, although a smaller effect may be
    clinically relevant in younger patients with mild
    aortic stenosis

  • 77 patients were assigned to atorvastatin, and
  • 78 to placebo
  • Median follow-up of 25 months (range 7 to 36
  • Baseline characteristics were well matched

(No Transcript)
  • Mean aortic-jet velocity was 3.430.64 m/s
    (range, 2.5 to 5.0)
  • Median aortic-valve calcium score was 5920 AU
    (range, 2485 to 14,231)
  • Of the 155 patients, 119 had mild-to-moderate
    aortic stenosis (aortic-jet velocity, 2.5 to 3.9
    m/s), and 36 had severe stenosis (aortic-jet
    velocity, 4.0 m/s)

ResultsSerum Cholesterol Concentrations
  • The mean serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
    cholesterol concentration remained at 13030 mg
    per deciliter in the placebo group and decreased
    by 53 percent to 6323 mg per deciliter in the
    atorvastatin group (Plt0.001)
  • Serum total cholesterol was 20935 mg per
    deciliter and 13227 mg per deciliter in the
    placebo and atorvastatin groups, respectively
    (Plt0.001), and is in keeping with 97 adherence
    to the study treatment in both groups, which was
    confirmed by a pill count

(No Transcript)
Effect of Atorvastatin on Disease Progression
  • Intensive lipid-lowering therapy with 80 mg of
    atorvastatin daily had no effect on the rate of
    change in aortic-jet velocity or valvular
  • Progression in valvular calcification was
    22.321.0 percent per year in the atorvastatin
    group, and 21.719.8 percent per year in the
    placebo group (P0.93 ratio of post-treatment
    aortic-valve calcium score, 0.998 95 percent
    confidence interval, 0.947 to 1.050)

Secondary End Points
  • The proportion of patients reaching secondary
    clinical end points seemed to be less in the
    atorvastatin group, but none of the comparisons
    achieved statistical significance

Subgroup Analysis
  • Subgroup analysis of the primary end-point data
    was conducted in patients with mild-to-moderate
    aortic stenosis and severe aortic stenosis at
    baseline. As anticipated from earlier studies,
    patients with severe stenosis at baseline
    progressed more rapidly (P0.04), but the study
    findings were consistent regardless of the
    severity of stenosis at baseline
  • Likewise, the length of follow-up did not
    influence outcome. In those followed for more
    than 24 months , the increase in aortic-jet
    velocity was 0.210.20 m per second per year in
    the atorvastatin group and 0.170.14 m per second
    per year in the placebo group. In those followed
    for 24 months or less, the increase in aortic-jet
    velocity was 0.190.22 m per second per year in
    the atorvastatin group and 0.230.25 m per second
    per year in the placebo group

  • We conclude that intensive lipid-lowering
    therapy with 80 mg of atorvastatin daily does not
    halt the progression of calcific aortic stenosis
    or induce its regression. Nevertheless, this
    trial does not rule out a small but potentially
    relevant reduction in the rate of disease
    progression or a significant reduction in major
    clinical end points. Our study reinforces the
    need for a long-term, large-scale, randomized,
    controlled trial of intensive lipid-lowering
    therapy in patients with calcific aortic
    stenosis, particularly in those with early, mild
    disease. In the meantime, we do not recommend
    statin therapy for patients with calcific aortic
    stenosis in the absence of coexisting vascular

Cowell, SJ, Newby DE, Prescott RJ et al. N Engl J
Med 2005 3522389
  • In this randomized, double-blind,
    placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial of
    lipid-lowering therapy in patients with calcific
    aortic stenosis, a single coordinating center
    used a consistent and reproducible approach to
    assess the severity of aortic stenosis
  • It has clearly shown that high-dose atorvastatin
    reduces serum LDL cholesterol concentrations as
    anticipated, but it does not halt the progression
    or induce regression of the valvular disease
    process. This was shown with the use of two
    distinct measures of disease severity
    aortic-jet velocity assessed with Doppler
    echocardiography and valvular calcification
    assessed with helical CT
  • Moreover, there was no relationship between serum
    LDL cholesterol concentrations and the
    progression of aortic stenosis, nor did high-dose
    atorvastatin have a demonstrable effect on
    clinical end points

  • 1. The first prospective, randomized study
    assessing the effect of
  • statins in aortic stenosis
  • 2. Although the characteristics of the
    patients in this study and in
  • the retrospective studies were similar,
    the present study differs
  • not only because of its prospective
    design but also because the
  • indications for therapy were different.
    In the retrospective
  • trials, statin therapy was indicated for
    the treatment of
  • hyperlipidemia, whereas in the
    prospective trial, patients in
  • whom statins were indicated for the
    treatment of
  • hyperlipidemia were excluded
  • 3. In this study statins were prescribed at a
    high dose (80 mg of
  • atorvastatin per day). In the
    retrospective studies, the doses
  • were lower 10-20 mg per day of

  • 1. The study excluded patients with an
  • velocity of less than 2.5 m per second,
  • although it acknowledged that intervening
  • this earlier stage of the disease process
  • have been more beneficial
  • 2. The study was designed to detect a
  • delay in disease progression and was not
  • powered to assess meaningful effects on
  • clinical end points, such as valve
  • and cardiovascular death

  • 3. Although the study can exclude a treatment
    benefit of the magnitude previously reported in
    retrospective observational studies (a reduction
    in the aortic-jet velocity of 0.30 m per second
    per year and valvular calcification of 30 percent
    per year), the 95 percent confidence intervals
    indicate that the study may have missed a modest
    treatment benefit (a delay in disease progression
    of lt0.07 m per second per year for aortic-jet
    velocity and lt5 percent per year for valvular
    calcification). Although such modest reductions
    are unlikely to be meaningful in the majority of
    older patients, a small decrease in disease
    progression may be clinically important in
    younger patients with mild disease that may
    progress over many years

  • 4. Although the observation periods in this study
    in comparison to the prior retrospective studies
    were similar. However, in the retrospective
    studies, the patients were already receiving
    therapy at the time of inclusion in the study and
    many of them were started therapy long before the
    study. Thus, one cannot rule out the need for
    longer overall treatment periods to observe an
    effect of statin therapy
  • 5. Although all the studies were similar in size,
    they were all relatively small, and it is too
    early to draw conclusions on the value of statin
    therapy in aortic stenosis

  • Given the strength of the data linking aortic
    stenosis with atherosclerosis and
    hypercholesterolemia, this study failed to halt
    the progression of calcific aortic stenosis?
  • One potential explanation is that, although
    these features may drive the initiation of aortic
    stenosis, the disease progression may depend on
    other factors

  • At the tissue and cellular level
  • in contrast to atherosclerosis, aortic stenosis
    is associated with a significantly less degree of
    smooth-muscle-cell proliferation and lipid-laden
    macrophages. On the other hand, it is dominated
    by earlier and more extensive mineralization
  • Hence, decreasing the lipid pool and
    strengthening the fibrous cap may be less
    relevant to the progression of aortic stenosis
    than they are for the reduction in
    atherosclerotic-plaque rupture with statin
    therapy in patients with coronary heart disease

  • However, perhaps the most important
    difference is the mechanism of clinical events
  • In atherosclerosis, plaque instability is key in
    aortic stenosis, the shear bulk of the lesion is
    the problem. Early in the disease process, small
    areas of inflammation and lipid infiltration are
    interspersed with areas of normal leaflet so that
    the valve leaflets remain flexible and open
    normally in systole. Late in the disease process,
    the abnormal areas become confluent with
    prominent calcification and increased fibrosis,
    resulting in increased leaflet stiffness and
    obstruction to left ventricular outflow

  • Inhibition of lipid accumulation in the valve
    tissue is the first pathway to be studied
    however, other more specific therapies targeting
    endothelial disruption, inflammation, or tissue
    calcification may be more effective
  • Hence, therapy may need to be tailored to the
    stage of the disease process some may prevent
    initiation of disease process, whereas others may
    be more effective in slowing calcium accumulation
    in end-stage disease

Rajamannan NM, Otto CM. Circulation.
So What is the Rest of the Story?
Other Proposed Mechanisms for the Development of
  • Abnormalities in Calcium Metabolism
  • - Hyperparathyroidism
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • - Certain Vitamin D receptor genotype (allele
  • ACE activity

AS and Hyperparathyroidism
  • Multiorgan soft tissue calcification commonly
    occurs in patients with chronic renal failure
    secondary hyperparathyroidism is thought to be
    the major causative factor
  • -Asymptomatic calcification of heart valves
    has been reported in
  • up to a third of such patients
  • -Hemodynamically significant AS is found in
    3 in those
  • patients
  • In a postmortem study, parathyroid hyperplasia
    was found in all six patients with chronic renal
    failure, who were shown to have extensive cardiac
    calcification. (Terman D, et al. Cardiac
    calcification in uremia. Am J Med.

AS and Hyperparathyroidism
  • Although up till recently enhanced progression
    of valve stenosis in the presence of secondary
    hyperparathyroidism has not been studied
    systematically, but there are many case reports
    in the literature to support that
  • -Depace NL, et al. Arch Intern Med
  • 19811411663-5
  • -McFalls EO, et al. Am Heart J 1990120206-8
  • -Fujise K, et al. Br Heart J 199370282-4

The vitamin D receptor genotype predisposes to
the development of calcific aortic valve stenosis
  • The distribution of one polymorphism of the
    vitamin D receptor (BsmI B/b) was examined in
    100 consecutive patients with calcific valvar
    aortic stenosis and compared with a control group
    of 100 patients (paired match for age, sex, and
    the presence of coronary artery disease from a
    total of 630 patients without calcified aortic
  • RESULTS There was a significant difference in
    vitamin D receptor allele and genotype
    frequencies between the two groups. The allele B
    had a higher prevalence in patients with calcific
    aortic stenosis (B  0.56, b  0.44) than in the
    control cohort (B  0.40, b  0.60) (p  0.001)

Ortlepp, Jr, et al. Heart 200185635-638
  • This study found an association between the B
    allele which seems to predispose gene carriers to
    blunted calcium absorption, more rapid bone loss,
    reduced bone mineral density, and raised
    parathormone secretion and the prevalence of
    calcific aortic valve stenosis
  • There might be several hypotheses to explain the
    relation between genotype and the development of
    aortic stenosis. Individuals with a slightly
    unfavorable bone mineral density might develop
    mechanisms to overcome this alteration of calcium
    homeostasis. Like parathormone, other hormones,
    proteins, or second messengers might trigger
    calcification of extraosseous structures like the
    aortic valve. The aortic valve is likely to be
    one of the first extraosseous structures involved
    because of the high level of mechanical stress to
    which it is subjected

Ortlepp, Jr, et al . Heart 200185635-638
Rajamannan NM, Otto CM. Circulation.
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and
Change in Aortic Valve Calcium
  • Background Because lipoproteins,
    angiotensin-converting enzyme, and angiotensin II
    colocalize with calcium in aortic valve lesions,
    the study hypothesized an association between
    ACEI use and lowered aortic valve calcium (AVC)
    accumulation, as measured by electron beam
    computed tomography
  • Rates of change in volumetric AVC scores were
    determined retrospectively for 123 patients who
    had undergone 2 serial electron beam computed
    tomographic scans. The mean (SD) interscan
    interval was 2.5 (1.7) years 80 patients did
    not receive ACEIs and 43 received ACEIs. The
    relationship of ACEI use to median rates of AVC
    score change (both unadjusted and adjusted for
    baseline AVC scores and coronary heart disease
    risk factors) was determined

Obrien, KD, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2005165858-8
Association of angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor (ACEI) use with lower rate of change
in aortic valve calcium (AVC) scores. Box plots
display the median and 25th and 75th
percentiles, and bars show the 10th and 90th
percentiles. Median values are shown to the
right of each box. Median rate of change was
significantly lower for the ACEI group
(Mann-Whitney test).
Obrien, KD, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2005165858-8
Association of angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor (ACEI) use with lower likelihood of
definite progression in AVC scores (Fisher exact
Obrien, KD, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2005165858-8
Obrien, KD, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2005165858-8
So, is this is the End of the Story for Statins
and AS?
In The Horizon
  • At least 2 prospective, randomized,
    placebo-controlled multicenter studies of
    lipid-lowering therapy to prevent disease
    progression in aortic stenosis are in progress
  • -The Aortic Stenosis Progression Observation
  • Measuring Effect of Rosuvastatin
  • study in Canada
  • -Simvastatin and Ezetimide in Aortic Stenosis
  • study in Europe
  • We should await the results of these trials to
    determine whether it will become appropriate to
    prescribe statin therapy routinely in patients
    with calcific valve disease.

  • Calcific aortic stenosis is an active disease
    process with active inflammatory component
  • There is evidence in the literature (animal
    models and retrospective studies) that statins
    may be beneficial in slowing down the progression
    of AS
  • SALTIRE trial, the first randomized prospective
    trial, failed to show a beneficial effect of
    atorvastatin on AS progression.
  • However, SALTIRE trial had many limitations and
    final conclusions about the benefits of statins
    on the progression of AS should wait further
  • Interfering with lipid metabolism in the valve
    tissue was the first pathway to be studied
    prospectively however, further studies are
    needed to address the other pathways involved in
    the pathogenesis of AS including endothelial
    disruption, inflammation, tissue ACE system, and
    tissue calcification

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