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Essential Question:


Why did the Americans create the Articles of Confederation & what problems did the Articles present? Warm-Up Question: What major decisions did the new American ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Essential Question:

  • Essential Question
  • Why did the Americans create the Articles of
    Confederation what problems did the Articles
  • Warm-Up Question
  • What major decisions did the new American nation
    have to answer after winning the war for

The Impact of the American Revolution on American
Changes to American Society
States abolished feudal laws of primogeniture
Blacks demanded the right to freedom in petitions
  • The American Revolution led to unintended social
    changes by forcing many Americans to question the
    meaning of equality
  • Many wanted to eliminate the idea of an American
  • Fighting British tyranny made slavery seem
    hypocritical Abolitionist sentiment grew
  • Women gained increased status

Many states lowered property qualifications to
vote but none offered universal male suffrage
Franklin, Jay, Hamilton founded abolition
societies Washington manumitted his slaves
Most states clearly separated church state
VT, PA, MA abolished slavery
Some Southern slave owners privately freed their
Republican Motherhoodmothers should instill
virtue in their children
Took greater control over family farms
Benjamin Banneker Phillis Wheatley
Postponing Full Liberty
  • The Revolution was limited in its extension of
    rights failed to abolish slavery, grant
    universal male suffrage, or apply equality to
    women But
  • it introduced the ideal of freedom and equality
    that future generations would use to make these
    ideals a reality

Lots of references to the Spirit of 76
World War I propaganda poster
New State National Governments
Forming New Governments
  • When independence was declared from England in
    1776, colonists considered themselves a new
    nation needed a new govt
  • Colonies became individually sovereign states
    governed by written state constitutions
  • A national govt was needed to provide basic
    services like sign treaties develop a military

In 1776, the American Revolution has just
started The colonists did not wait to gain
British recognition of their independence before
creating new governments!
States Constitutions
  • In 1776, the new states created written
    constitutions which
  • Clearly defined the citizens rights the limits
    of government
  • Guaranteed natural rights Eight states had
    bills of rights
  • Almost all states reduced the powers of the
    governor kept most power in the hands of the
    people via state legislatures

The United States, 1783
How democratic are these new state govts?
Defining Republican Culture
  • But, creating a national govt that met
    everyones needs was hard
  • How to balance individual liberty with
    maintaining order?
  • How to balance property rights with equality?
  • How to create a centralized govt without
    creating a new tyrannical authority?

Defining Republican Culture
Civic virtue is now a necessity
  • Americans set out to create a republican form of
    government after independence was declared
  • Govt with no king or aristocracy
  • With power held by the citizens
  • Even though all previous republics had failed,
    Americans were optimistic this would be an
    uncompromising commitment to liberty equality

The Articles of Confederation
  • In 1775, three committees were formed to sever
    ties with England
  • Thomas Jefferson headed the committee to draft a
    declaration of independence
  • John Adams headed committee to establish foreign
  • John Dickinson headed a committee to draft a new
    central government

Articles of Confederation
  • The Articles of Confederation was adopted as
    Americas 1st national govt in 1777 (but
    ratified in 1781)
  • The Articles established an intentionally weak
    central govt in order to protect state power
  • The confederation-style govt gave all 13 states
    1 vote in a unicameral congress
  • There was no national president

Each state was treated as a pseudo-nation
Too similar to a monarch
The Articles of Confederation
The Articles were created to loosely tie the
states together
  • The only powers granted to the national
    government were to
  • Settle disputes between states, negotiate
    treaties, handle Indian affairs, oversee a
  • It could not tax citizens or states could only
    request contributions
  • Laws required 9 of the 13 states
  • Amending the govt required agreement by all 13

A firm league of friendship
The colonies were loosely joined to address
common problems
"each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and
independence, and every power...which is not...
expressly delegated to the United States."
  • What is the significance of the following quote
  • People do not chop off heads so readily when
    they can chop down trees.

Western Lands
  • The West presented a problem
  • Many states had overlapping land claims in the
  • Some landless states (MD, NJ, DE) wanted part
    of West refused to ratify the Articles without
    this issue resolved
  • The US govt negotiated treaties with Indians to
    gain land in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky

The United States, 1783
The USA in the Critical Period
Western Lands
  • Virginia took the lead to solve the West
    problem by ceding its western claims to the
    national govt
  • Other states, especially NY, ceded their western
    lands too
  • By 1781, Congress (not the states) gained control
    over all lands west of the Appalachians
  • With dispute over, Maryland was the last state to
    ratify the Articles

With the new govt finally ratified in 1781,
Congress created the Departments of War,
Foreign Affairs, Finance
Western Land Claims Ceded
by the States
Dont forget Indian lands too Indian Land
The Land Ordinance of 1785
  • The U.S. govt was eager to sell off Western
    lands to settlers to gain revenue (since the
    govt did not have the power to tax)
  • The Land Ordinance of 1785 established an orderly
    process for laying out western townships
  • Section 16 of the each township was dedicated to
    public schools

(No Transcript)
The Northwest Ordinance
  • The Northwest Ordinance (1787) gave structure to
    the NW territory
  • Created new territories, ruled by a governor,
    whose citizens were protected by a bill of rights
  • Residents could create a legislative assembly
    when the population reached 5,000
  • Residents could apply for statehood with 60,000
  • Slavery outlawed in NW lands

The United States, 1783
Because of the 1785 1787 ordinances, the
Northwest territories were well organized
Prospectors poured into Kentucky Tennessee
By 1790, the region was plagued by land claims
counterclaims that generated lawsuits for years
The USA in 1787
Territories south of the Ohio River received less
attention from Congress
  • The Articles of Confederation accomplished
    exactly what its framers intended
  • By creating a weak central govt, the power of
    the states was preserved no tyrants emerged
  • The weaknesses of the central govt failed to
    meet the long-term needs of the new USA
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