Title: What is your current rank?
1What is your current rank?
2How many years have you taught at the collegiate
level (here and elsewhere)?
3How many years have you been a faculty member at
Kansas State University?
4What is your highest degree?
5How willing are you to provide writing
opportunities for students in your undergraduate
6Which of the following writing experiences do you
include in your undergraduate classes? Select as
many as apply
7How do you respond to the students writing?
8How many credit hours (undergraduate and
graduate) were included in your teaching load
during the 2003-2004 academic year fall and
spring semesters combined?
9How many undergraduate classes/sections will you
have taught during the 2003-2004 academic year?
(For example, MUSIC 101, MUSIC 202, and MUSIC 303
would be 3 classes.)
10How many preparations (preps) did you have for
the fall semester of 2003? (Three sections for
Ecology 101 could be one preparation.)
11How many preparations (preps) did you have for
the spring semester of 2004?
12In how many of these courses do you provide
opportunities for students to write?
13Select the one course for which you have planned
the mist student writing. Which of the following
best describes how often you have students write
in that one course?
14Those who responded Hardly Ever
SometimesPlease indicate your level of
agreement with the following statement Writing
should be a major emphasis in the undergraduate
15Which of the following best describes your
judgment of peoples writing skills in general
today in comparison to ten years ago?
16Those who responded Frequently-Very Often
Please indicate your level of agreement with the
following statement Writing is a major
emphasis in the undergraduate curriculum.
17In the course for which you have planned the most
writing, how many students usually enroll in this
course or in these sections?
18Which of the following best describes the course?
19What role does student writing play in the
course? (Check as many as apply.)
20Which of the following best describes your
judgment of peoples writing skills in general
today in comparison to ten years ago?