Title: Dia 1
1Digital Media Technology
Week 9 XSLT 4
2Aims of todays Hackathon
- Improve your proficiency in XML and XSLT
- Computer-based research on the basis of secondary
data (data produced by others) - Possibilities and limitations of XSLT the
language is not Turing-complete
3Charles Babbages Analytic Machine
4Artificial Intelligence
- Alan Turing, Computing Machinery and
Intelligence - Turing test
- The Universal Machine
- Computer can perform any activity which can be
caught in an algorithm (state of being
- Term derived from Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, who
wrote Al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr
wa'l-muqabala (The book on Calculations using
the Numbers of the Indians) - Unambiguous description of the steps that need to
followed to arrive at a specific result - Also see John Searles Chinese Room Argument
6- Ray Kurzweil, The Age of Spiritual Machines
7- Assignment 2 is online
- Do ask for help if you have difficulties!
- Homework assignment
ltxslvalue-of select"count(body/letter)"/gtltxsl
value-of select"count(body/ letteryear lt
'1900')"/gt ltxslfor-each select"body/letter
recipient'Sijthoff, Albertus Willem "gt
8Todays Seminar
- Exports from the Short Title Catalogue of the
Netherlands - Books printed in the Netherlands or in Dutch
before 1801. - Available as Linked Open Data
- Ca. 80.000 records
- Data encoded according to the MODS standard
(Metadata Object Description Language) -
9MODS record
ltmodsgt ltname type"personal"gtltnamePartgtMolière
(1622-1673)lt/namePartgt lt/namegt lttitleInfogtlttitlegtL
e Sicilien, ou L'amour peintre, comedie. / By
J.B.P. Molierelt/titlegtlt/titleInfogt ltlanguagegtltlang
uageTermgtfrelt/languageTermgtlt/languagegt ltoriginInfo
gt ltdateIssuedgt1674lt/dateIssuedgtltpublishergtElzevie
r, Daniellt/publishergt lt/originInfogt ltphysicalDescr
tiongt ltsubjectgtlttopicgtDramalt/topicgtlttopicgtPoetrylt/
topicgtlttopicgtFrench language and
literaturelt/topicgtlt/subjectgt lt/modsgt
10Big data research
- Number of publications in 16c vs number of
publications in 17c - Comparison of producti-vity of publishers
- Number of authors
- Historical developmentsin subjects
- Historical developmentsin formats
11XSLT and data processing
- Strengths
- Creation of lists
- Filtering a list
- Counting the number of items in a list
- Weaknesses
- Find the unique values in a list
- Count the number of items for all these unique
12Todays Seminar
- Focus on specific publishers analyses of the
number of publications, languages, subjects,
formats - XSLT enables you to make lists the analyses of
these data will need to be done using other
tools, e.g. Excel - Visualisations can be made using SVG
- 1315 1500 Exploration and anaysis
- 1500 1530 Conclusions and preparation of
presentation - 1545 1700 Presentation and discussion of
research results -
- 7 teams
- Useful to assign different roles
- A programmer
- A spokesperson in charge of making the
presentation - A project manager
15(No Transcript)
16Digital Humanities
- Focus on the various ways in which the computer
can be used to investigate traditional questions
in the humanities - things that could not be done feasibly
without the computational power and storage
modern computers provide (Philip Burns, Day of
DH 2013)
17 18 19(No Transcript)
- It brings computational techniques to bear on
traditional humanistic questions - It studies the phenomenon of computation from a
humanities perspective, and aims to understand
the epistemological and the methodological
implications of using computers in humanities
21Father Busas Index Thomasticus
22(No Transcript)
23Differences with traditional research
- The work is of a practical nature
- It leads to different (non-textual) forms of
output - Difficult to make such results count in
assessment of scholarly productivity - Collaborative form of research
- New questions?
24Big data
- Three Vs of big data Volume, Velocity, Variety
(Laney) - Issues of velocity and volume are not very
pressing within the humanities - Complexity Deluge