Sessions By Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sessions By Program


... Performance Analysis of Group Handoff in Multihop Mesh Relay System ... Shingo Horiuchi A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Self-Managing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Sessions By Program

Sessions By Program
Technical Program Short Paper Session Poster
Sessions Tutorials Special Sessions
Sessions By Program
Technical Program Session 1 Management of
Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks Session 2 Network
Measurements and Monitoring Session 3 Mobility
Management Session 4 QoS Management Session 5
Management Architectures and Models Session 6
Security Management Session 7 E2E QoS and
Application Management Session 8 Management
Experience Session 9 NGN Management Session
10 IP-based Network Management
Sessions By Program
Session 1 Management of Ad-Hoc Sensor
NetworksChair Ki-Hyung Kim, Ajou Univ.,
Korea QoS-Aware Fair Scheduling in Wireless Ad
Hoc Networks with Link ErrorsMuhammad Alam, Md
Mamun Rashid, Choong Seon Hong Performance
Analysis of Service Differentiation for IEEE
802.15.4 Slotted CSMA/CASlotted CSMA/CA,
Meejoung Kim Information-driven task routing for
network management in Wireless sensor networksYu
Liu, Yumei Wang, Lin Zhang, Chan-hyun
Youn Autonomic management of scalable
load-balancing for ubiquitous networksToshio
Tonouchi, Yasuyuki Beppu A Policy-Based
Management Framework for Self-Managed Wireless
Sensor NetworksJong-Eon, Si-Ho Cha, Jae-Oh Lee,
Seok-Joong Kang, Kuk-Hyun Cho
Sessions By Program
Session 2 Network Measurements and
MonitoringChair Taesang Choi, ETRI, Korea A
Proposal of Large-scale Traffic monitoring system
using Flow concentratorsAtsushi KOBAYASHI,
Daisuke Matsubara, Shingo Kimura, Motoyuki
Saitou, Yutaka Hirokawa, Hitoaki Sakamoto,
Keisuke Ishibashi, Kimihiro Yamamoto Novel
Traffic Measurement Methodology for High
Precision Applications Awareness in Multi-gigabit
NetworksTaesang Choi, Sangsik Yoon, Dongwon
Kang, Sangwan Kim, Joonkyung Lee, Kyeongho Lee
Rate-Based and Gap-Based Available Bandwidth
Estimation Techniques in Cross-Traffic
ContextWayman Tan, Marat Zhanikeev, Yoshiaki
Tanaka Signature-aware Traffic Monitoring with
IPFIXYoungseok Lee, Seongho Shin, Taeck-geun
Kwon Temporal Patterns and Properties in
Multiple-Flow InteractionsMarat Zhanikeev,
Yoshiaki Tanaka
Sessions By Program
Session 3 Mobility ManagementChair TBD A
Profile Based Vertical Handoff Scheme for
Ubiquitous Computing EnvironmentChung-Pyo Hong,
Tae-hoon Kang, Shin-Dug Kim The Soft Bound
Admission Control Algorithm for Vertical Handover
in Ubiquitous EnvironmentOk Sik Yang, Jong Min
Lee, Jun Kyun Choi, Seong Gon Choi, Byung Chun
Jeon Improving Handoff Performance by Using
Distance-Based Dynamic Hysteresis ValueHuamin
Zhu, Kyungsup Kwak A Seamless Service Management
with Context-aware Handoff Scheme in Ubiquitous
Computing EnvironmentTae-hoon Kang, Chung-Pyo
Hong, Won-Joo Jang, Shin-Dug Kim Performance
Analysis of an Adaptive Soft Handoff Algorithm
for Mobile Cellular SystemsHuamin Zhu, Kyungsup
Sessions By Program
Session 4 QoS ManagementChair Haci Ali Mantar,
Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey An
Admission Control and Traffic Engineering Model
for Diffserv-MPLS NetworksHaci Mantar An
Admission Control and TXOP Duration of VBR
Traffics in IEEE 802.11e HCCA with Guaranteed
Delay and LossTae Ok Kim, Yong Chang, Young-Tae
Kim, Bong Dae Choi NETSAQ Network State Adaptive
QoS Provisioning for MANETsShafique Chaudhry,
Faisal Siddiqui, Ali Hammad Akbar, Ki-Hyung
Kim End-to-End QoS Guaranteed Service in WLAN and
3GPP Interworking NetworkSung-Min Oh, Jae-Hyun
Kim, You-Sun Hwang, Hye-Yeon Kwon,
Ae-SoonPark Network-Adaptive QoS Routing scheme
using local informationJeong Soo Han
Sessions By Program
Session 5 Management Architectures and
ModelsChair Hiroki Horiuchi, KDDI RD
Labs. Configuration Management Policy in
QoS-constrained Grid NetworksHyewon Song,
Chan-Hyun Youn, Changhee Han, Youngjoo Han,
Sang-Jin Jeong, Jae-Hoon Nah A Proposal of
Requirement Definition Method with Patterns for
Element / Network ManagementMasataka Sato,
Masateru Inoue, Takashi Inoue, Tetsuya
Yamamura Distributed Fault Management in
WBEM-based inter-AS TE for QoS guaranteed
DiffServ-over-MPLSAbdurakhmon Abdurakhmanov,
Shahnaza Tursunova, Shanmugham Sundaram,
Young-Tak Kim A Framework Supporting Quality of
Service for SOA-based ApplicationsPhung Huu Phu,
Dae Seung Yoo, Myeongjae Yi Performance
Improvement Methods for NETCONF-based
Configuration ManagementSun-Mi Yoo, Hong-Taek
Ju, James Won-Ki Hong
Sessions By Program
Session 6 Security ManagementChair Takashi
Egawa, NEC, Japan Zone-based Clustering for
Intrusion Detection Architecture in Ad-Hoc
NetworksIlyong Kim, Yoosung Kim, Kichang
Kim Tracing the True Source of an IPv6 Datagram
Using Policy Based Management SystemObaid Amin,
Choong Seon Hong, Ki Young Kim An Efficient
Authentication and Simplified Certificate Status
Management for Personal Area NetworksChul Sur,
Kyung Hyune Rhee A Novel Rekey Management Scheme
in Digital Broadcasting NetworkHan-Seung Koo,
Il-kyoo Lee, Jae-Myung Kim, Sung-Woong Ra A New
Encoding Approach Realizing High Security and
High Performance Based on Double Common
Encryption Using Static Keys and Dynamic
KeysKiyoshi Yanagimoto, Takaaki Hasegawa, Makoto
Sessions By Program
Session 7 E2E QoS and Application
ManagementChair Kenichi Fukuda, Fujitsu Lab.,
Japan GMPLS-based VPN service to realize
end-to-end QoS and resilient pathsHiroshi
Matsuura, Kazumasa Takami WBEM-based SLA
Management across multi-domain networks for
QoS-guaranteed DiffServ-over-MPLS
ProvisioningJong-Cheol Seo, Hyung-Soo Kim,
Dong-Sik Yun, Young-Tak Kim Network Support for
TCP Version MigrationShingo Ata, Koichi Nagai,
Ikuo Oka End-to-end QoS Monitoring Tool
Development and Performance Analysis for
NGNChinChol Kim, SangChul Shin, SangYong Ha,
SunYoung Han, YoungJae Kim "P4L" A Four Layers
P2P Model for Optimizing Resources Discovery and
LocalizationMourad Amad, Ahmed Meddahi
Sessions By Program
Session 8 Management ExperienceChair Daniel W.
Hong, KT, Korea A Zeroconf Approach to Secure
and Easy-to-Use Remote Access to Networked
AppliancesKiyohito Yoshihara, Toru Maruta,
Hiroki Horiuchi A Test Method for Base BS (Before
Service) of Customer Problems for the NeOSS
SystemInSeok Hwang, SeungHak Seok, JaeHyoong
Yoo Self-Management System based on Self-healing
MechanismJeongmin Park, Giljong Yoo, Eunseok
Lee Experiences in End-to-End performance
monitoring on KORENWang-Cheol Song, Deok-Jae
Choi SOA-Based Next Generation OSS
ArchitectureYoung-Wook Woo, Daniel W. Hong,
Seong-Il Kim, Byung-Soo Chang
Sessions By Program
Session 9 NGN ManagementChair Hikaru Seshake,
NTT, Japan Performance Analysis of a
Centralized Resource Allocation Mechanism for
Time-Slotted OBS NetworksTai-Won Um, Jun-Kyung
Choi , Seong-Gon Choi, Won Ryu Efficient
Performance Management of Subcarrier-allocation
Systems in Orthogonal Frequency-division Multiple
Access NetworksJui-Chi Chen, Wen-Shyen E.
Chen Convergence Services through NGN-CTE on the
Multiple Service Provider Environments in
NGNSoong Hee Lee, Haeng Suk Oh, Dong Il Kim, Hee
Chang Chung, Jong Hyup Lee Proposal of Operation
Method for Application Servers on NGN Using
Unified Management EnvironmentAtsushi Yoshida,
Yu Miyoshi, Yoshihiro Otsuka IP/WDM Optical
Network Testbed Design and ImplementationH. A.
F. Crispim, Eduardo T. L. Pastor, Anderson C. A.
Nascimento, H. Abdalla Jr, A.J.M. Soares
Sessions By Program
Session 10 IP-based Network ManagementChair
Hoon Lee, Changwon Univ., Korea Voice Quality
Management for IP Networks based on Automatic
Change Detection of Monitoring DataSatoshi Imai,
Akiko Yamada, Hitoshi Ueno, Koji Nakamichi, Akira
Chugo Parameter Design for Diffusion-Type
Autonomous Decentralized Flow ControlChisa
Takano, Keita Sugiyama, Masaki Aida Bandwidth
Management for Smooth Playback of Video Streaming
ServicesHoon Lee, Yoonkee Kim, Kwang-Hui Lee An
Enhanced RED-based scheme for Differentiated Loss
GuaranteesJahwan Koo, Vladimir Shakhov,
Hyunseung Choo Dynamic Location Management Scheme
using Agent in a Ubiquitous IP-based
NetworkSoo-Young Shin, Soo-Hyun Park, Byeong-Hwa
Jung, Chang-Hwa Kim
Sessions By Program
Short Paper Program Session 1 Detecting and
Identifying Network Anomalies by
Component Analysis Session 2 Preventive
Congestion Control Mechanisms in ATM
based MPLS on BcN Detection and Control
Mechanisms for a Slim Chance of
Label Switched Path Session 3 Scalable
DiffServ-over-MPLS Traffic Engineering with
Per-Flow Traffic Policing Session 4
On the Dynamic Management of Information in
Ubiquitous Systems Using Evolvable
Software Components Session 5
A Shared-Memory Packet Buffer Management Session
6 An Adaptive Online Network Management
Algorithm for QoS sensitive
Multimedia Services
Sessions By Program
Short Paper Program Session 7 Improved Handoff
Performance Based on Pre-Binding
Update in HMIPv6 Session 8 On the Security of
Attribute Certificate Structuring for
Highly Distributed Computing
Environments Session 9 Performance Analysis of
Single Rate Two Level Traffic
Conditioner for VoIP service Session 10 An
Architectural Framework for Network Convergence
Through Application Level
Presence Signaling Session 11 Security
Approaches for Cluster Interconnection in a
Wireless Sensor Network Session
12 A Resource-Optimal Key Pre-distribution
Scheme with Enhanced Security
in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sessions By Program
Short Paper Program Session 13 Intelligent Home
Network Service Management
Platform Design based on OSGi Framework Session
14 COPS-based Dynamic QoS Support for SIP
Applications in DSL
Networks Session 15 IP Traceback Algorithm for
DoS/DDoS Attack Session 16 An Open Service
Platform at Network Edge Session 17 Hybrid
Inference Architecture and Model for Self-
Healing System Session 18 A Node
Management Tool for Dynamic Reconfiguration
of Application Modules in Sensor
Networks Session 19 Path Hopping based on
Reverse AODV for security
Sessions By Program
Short Paper Program Session 20 Mixing
Heterogeneous Address Spaces in A Single
Edge Network Session 21 Delivery and
Storage Architecture for sensed
information using SNMP Session 22 GISness
System for Fast TSP Solving and Supporting
Decision Making Session 23 A DNS
based New Route Optimization Scheme with
Fast Neighbor Discovery in Mobile
IPv6 Networks Session 24 Performance Analysis of
Group Handoff in Multihop
Mesh Relay System Session 25 DSMRouter a
DiffServ-based multicast router
Sessions By Program
Poster Program Session 1 Security and Network
Chair Daniel W.
Hong, KT, Korea Session 2 Network Management,
Wireless/Sensor Network,
Chair Wang-Cheol Song, Cheju National
Univ., Korea
Sessions By Program
Session 1 Security and Network ControlsChair
Shingo Ata, Osaka City Univ., Japan Abnormal DNS
Query Traffic from IPv6 based DNS
ClientsHirofumi Nagatomi, Dennis Ludena, Yasuo
Musashi, Ryuichi Matsuda, Kenichi Sugitani
Methods for Improving Performance on Packet
Marking by Reducing Marking DuplicatesHiroomi
Isozaki, Shingo Ata, Ikuo Oka A Study of
Polymorphic Worm Detection using Efficient Tree
Learning based on TCP SessionIl-Ahn Cheong,
Taek-Yong Nam An Internet Firewall Policy
Verification SystemChi-Shih Chao, An-Chi Liu An
AAA Architecture for Heterogeneous Equipments and
ServicesFang Meng, Changqing An, Jiahai Yang A
Study on the Wireless LAN Authentication
Mechanism for Home Network UsersJu-A Lee,
Jae-Hyun Kim
Sessions By Program
Session 1 Security and Network ControlsChair
Shingo Ata, Osaka City Univ., Japan Proposal of
a Creation Method for Secure and Trusted IT
Environment Based on Multiple International
StandardsGuillermo Ramirez Caceres, Yoshimi
Teshigawara A Method for Security Policy
Enforcement of Security Router PlatformSu-Hyung
Jo, Ki-Young Kim, Sang-Ho Lee A Classification
Method for Bulk/Real-Time Traffic based on Flow
StatisticsMasaki Tai, Shingo Ata, Ikuo
Oka Correlation of Bottleneck Metrics and Quality
of ExperiencePál Varga, Gergely Kún, István
Moldován Some Networks Aspects of Modelling and
Applying of the Multilevels Simulators (Build on
the Base of System Dynamics Paradigm) -
Theoretical IssueElzbieta Kasperska, Damian Slota
Sessions By Program
Session 2 Network Management, Wireless/Sensor
Network, Ubiquitous
CommunicationChair Wang-Cheol Song, Cheju
National Univ., Korea Towards the road to NGI
IPv6 multicast operation of IPv6-CJ backboneZimu
Li, Jilong Wang, Xing Li, Jianping Wu, Changqing
An, Hiroshi Masukawa, Hitoshi Yoshida, Yuichi
Suzuki, Masaaki Morino Key Challenges in the
CGL-based Network Management SystemsYujiro
Mochizuki, Hiroshi Maeda, Mitsutomo Imazaki, Rori
Miyashita An Effective Network Management
Mechanism Using Access Information on IP-based
Converged NetworkJoon-Kyu Lee, Jae-Oh Lee Data
Synchronisation for Service Management through
OSSJacqueline Teo, Qinzheng Kong SCAR and
Performance Analysis and Enhancement to Serce
Multimedia Services in Ubiquitous Home
NetworkSung-Hwa Hong
Sessions By Program
Session 2 Network Management, Wireless/Sensor
Network, Ubiquitous
CommunicationChair Wang-Cheol Song, Cheju
National Univ., Korea Analysis of Effectiveness
of Open Service Architecture for Fixed and Mobile
ConvergenceKyung-Hyu Lee, Jeung-Heon
Hahn Simplification of registration method for
the optical access equipment DBHiroki Kataoka,
Shingo Horiuchi A Hierarchical Clustering
Algorithm for Self-Managing Wireless Sensor
NetworksSi-Ho Cha, Jong-Eon Lee, Byoung-Ho Ahn,
Jae-Oh Lee, Kuk-Hyun Cho An Extensible
Interworking Architecture (EIA) for Wireless
Sensor Networks and InternetMin Zhang, Sangheon
Pack, Kideok Cho, Dukhyun Chang, Yanghee Choi,
Taekyoung Kwon Experiment of Customized Service
Creation for Wireless Ubiquitous NetworkMoo-Wan
Kim, Kwang-Sik Kim A person recognition system by
tracking the behavior using Pyroelectric
sensorsTaki Katsuhiko, Risa Inui, Katsushi
Sessions By Program
Special Program Session 1 Broadband Converged
Network and Service Management
Jae-Hyoung Yoo, KT, Korea Session 2 Next
Generation Mobile and Broadband
Network Management Technologies

Chair Kazumitsu Maki, Fujitsu, Japan
Sessions By Program
Session 1 Broadband Converged Network and
Service Management
TechnologiesChair Jae-Hyoung Yoo, KT,
Korea SOA Strategies on the Fixed/Mobile
ConvergenceDennis Nam Introduction to PON NE
Management Functions and Operation
InterfacesWataru Tsurumaki UFO (Universal
Fulfillment Organizer) Leads CHT to NGOSS -
Realizing IP-TV Service over FTTx
FulfillmentShuang-Mei Wang A Broadband Network
Management Practice KT InternetJinhyoun Youn
Sessions By Program
Session 2 Next Generation Mobile and Broadband
Network Management
TechnologiesChair Kazumitsu Maki, Fujitsu,
Japan Next Generation Network and QoSKoichi
Asatani BcN A Future Networking Vision from
KoreaJongtae Song Management of WiMAXKohei
Iseda Introduction of WiBro (Mobile WiMax)
Network ManagementSangkun Chun
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