Title: Are you ready for the quiz?
1Are you ready for the quiz?
- Review yesterdays notes in interactive notebook.
- Practice with objectives 1-4.
2Climate on a geologic scale WAAAAY back in
the day!
3First, try this
- Take the average of the following numbers 100,
0 - Take the average of 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,10
0,100, 0 - (thats 9 sets of 100)
4How does having more data affect an average?
- Your GPA is a lot harder to change than a
progress report grade.
5Use your graph-reading skills to complete the
6Interactive notebook New page
- Title Historical Climate
- Date April 14
- Cut out Graph A and glue it onto the right side.
Leave space below for notes - Title the graph Historical Climate Change
7Graph Three important inferences
- Climate change is natural on Earth
- 100,000 year cycles between glacial maximum (ice
age) and interglacial periods (maximum warmth) - A change in -3oC can create an ice age
8A change of 1o is significant
- Global average temperature 59oF
- Current CO2 concentration 398ppm
- (changing your GPA is much harder than changing a
progress report average in one class)
10Milankovitch cycles
- Combination of these effects creates 100,000 year
cycle of warming and cooling
11Ice core sampling
12(No Transcript)
13We are changing the carbon cycle burning
ancient carbon (fossil fuels) moves C into the
14(No Transcript)
15Climate and civilization
- Human civilizations change when climate changes
- Farming relies on predictable weather
16Mayan civilization collapses suddenly 950 CE
(common era used to be called AD)Leif Erikson
950 CE sails to Greenland
17Black Death in Europe famine 1315-1317 needed
to import grain from ChinaLittle Ice age
1550-1850 Irish Potato Famine
18Dust Bowl 1930s
- drought poor farming practices
19Wrap it up!
- Which is surprising to climatologists that the
climate changes or the current rate of change? - Has climate always been the same on Earth?
- What are Milankovitch cycles?
- How do we depend on predictable climate?