Title: ASTR 111
1Lecture 2
- ASTR 111 Section 002
- Introductory Astronomy
- Solar System
Dr. Weigel
3Reading for this week
- The reading for this week is Chapter 1 (all) and
Chapter 2 (sections 2.1-2.2 only) - The quiz will cover this reading and the topics
covered in this weeks lectures - The quiz will be available on BlackBoard at 1015
am noon today.
4A note on lecture notes
- Angular Measurements Review
- Accuracy, Precision, and Bias
- The Scientific Method
- Astronomical Distances
- Ancient Astronomy
6Angular Measurements Result
- What is the angular distance between points A and
B on this slide (In degrees and arcminutes).
Answer depends on where you are sitting. To get
arcminutes, take angle in degrees and multiply by
60. - Predict what will happen if you made your
measurement in two different parts of the room.
Relative to the middle of the room (1) as you
move to the front of the room, angular distance
should increase (2) as you move to the walls,
angular distance should decrease.
- Do you think there will be a relationship between
a persons height and the angle they measure? A
shorter person will have smaller fingers -gt
larger angular measurements. A shorter person
will have shorter arms -gt smaller angular
measurements. (Try to simulate this with your
hand and arm!) Based on this, the answer is that
we dont expect them to have different angular
- Next week you sit in the same chair but weigh 30
pounds less. Will your (angular) measurements
change? - If you used the width of your hand or the width
of your finger to measure, you would expect the
angular distance you measured to increase
(skinnier hand and finger). - If you used the distance between your knuckles on
your finger, you would not expect a change in
your measurement (if you lose weight, the
distance between your knuckles is not expected to
change because your bone size should not change).
- Angular Measurements
- Accuracy, Precision, and Bias
- The Scientific Method
- Astronomical Distances
- Ancient Astronomy
12Precision, Accuracy, and Bias
- Whenever you take measurements, you should
account for them - Fundamental terms that you must understand when
interpreting measurements - Not covered in your book
13Accuracy vs. Precision
Target is red
Shots are black
14Accuracy vs. Precision
Target is red
Shots are black
High precision Low accuracy
High precision High accuracy
15Accuracy vs Precision
Mnemonic Youll get an A for Accuracy
Target is red
Shots are black
- The left target shows bias the measurements
were made with high precision, but the were
consistently off in the same direction.
- Accuracy all measurements or values are
clustered around the true value (youll get an A
for accuracy, because you are on the true value) - Precision all measurements are clustered but
are not centered on true value - Bias measurements are not centered on true value
Center of red dot is true value
No bias
18Group work ( 4 minutes)
- Draw a diagram like the ones on the previous
slide that show - Low precision and high bias
- High accuracy and very low precision
- On a piece of paper, write down
- Possible causes of low accuracy be specific!
(Dont say human error) - Possible causes of bias be specific!
- associated with your angular measurements
19Question 1.
20Question 1.
Impossible to have both High accuracy and very
low precision.
But you can have moderate accuracy and moderate
21Question 2.
- Low accuracy because of moving hand and
difficulty in lining up dots exactly - Low precision because you are using scale that
increments in degrees - Bias could happen if your hand (or everyones
hand in group) was exceptionally large. Then
everyone would measure angle to be smaller than
it really is.
22Group work ( 3 minutes)
- Which diagram best represents the statement
Preliminary polling results indicated that Obama
won Virginia by a landslide because the
preliminary poll results were all from Northern
23Group work ( 3 minutes)
- Which diagram best represents the statement
Preliminary polling results indicated that Obama
won Virginia by a landslide because the
preliminary poll results were all from Northern
- Angular Measurements
- Accuracy, Precision, and Bias
- The Scientific Method
- Astronomical Distances
- Ancient Astronomy
25The Scientific Method
26What is Science?
- A set of facts
- Something that professional scientists do
- The underlying Truth about the Universe
- The collection of data and formation of a
hypothesis - None of the above
27What is Science?1) A set of facts?
- We are constantly making new discoveries and
collecting new data - Technology and experiments are changing
- Old Theories are replaced by new Theories
- Scientific Facts''
28What is Science?2) A thing that professional
scientists do?
- What is a scientist?
- Do you need a PhD?
- Amateur Scientists play an important role in
discovery - Being scientific DOES NOT required a Union Card
29What is Science?3) The underlying Truth about
the Universe?
Capitalization, too much? Suspect a Scientist
should be.
30What is Science?4) The collection of data and
formation of a hypothesis
31What is Science?5) The collection of data and
formation of a hypothesis
32What is Science?
- A system of knowledge covering general truths or
the operation of general laws especially as
obtained and tested through the scientific method
33The Scientific Methodthe process
- characterization of existing data
- formulation of a hypothesis
- formulation of a predictive test
- experimental testing, (important error
elimination and characterization) - report and peer review
- validate or revise hypothesis
34Cat Scientist
35Comment on reddit.com
- Ask a Question -Is what i'm seeing my reflection
or another cat? - Do Background Research - Go to other mirror to
determine what true reflection looks like - Construct a Hypothesis - The other cat is my
reflection. - Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment -
move myself. see if reflection duplicates my
motions as in the mirror. - Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion - I am
seeing another cat - Communicate Your Results - have my master post on
- Science is a process
- Humans have concluded that this is the best
process by which to explain observations
- Angular Measurements
- Accuracy, Precision, and Bias
- The Scientific Method
- Astronomical Distances
- Ancient Astronomy
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
- When the apparent position of an object (numbers
on speedometer) changes because of the change in
position of the observer (drivers seat to
passengers seat).
42Another example
43The Parsec
44Astronomical distances are never measured in Car
hours, dotsecs, and Moon Units
- Car Hour (ch)
- the distance a car can travel in one hour at a
speed of about 60 miles/hour. How far is
Baltimore? About an hour. - Car Year (cy)
- the distance a car can travel in one year at a
speed of about 60 miles/hour - dotsec (ds)
- the distance at which the two dots on the screen
subtend an angle of 1 arcsec - Moon Unit (MU)
- One Moon Unit is the average distance between
Earth and the Moon
A time
A distance
45Astronomical distances are often measured in
astronomical units, parsecs, or light-years
- Light Year (ly)
- One ly is the distance light can travel in one
year at a speed of about 3 x 105 km/s or 186,000
miles/s - Parsec (pc)
- the distance at which 1 AU subtends an angle of 1
arcsec or the distance from which Earth would
appear to be one arcsecond from the Sun - Astronomical Unit (AU)
- One AU is the average distance between Earth and
the Sun - 1.496 X 108 km or 92.96 million miles
Observers view of Sun and Earth from outer planet
47Gods-eye view - Looking down on Sun and Earth
Observers view
48Gods-eye view
Observers view
49(No Transcript)
50Group Problem
- Form groups of exactly 4
- Optimal configuration is two students in one row
and two students in another row
51- Imagine that you are looking at the stars from
Earth in January. Use a straightedge to draw a
line from Earth in January, through the nearby
star (Star A), out to the Distant Stars. Which
of the distant stars would appear closest to Star
A in your night sky in January. Circle this
distant star and label it Jan. - Repeat Question 1 for July and label the distant
star July. - In the box below, the same distant stars are
shown as you would see them in the night sky.
Draw a small x to indicate the position of Star A
as seen in January and label it Star A Jan. - In the same box, draw another x to indicate the
position of Star A as seen in July and label it
Star A July. - Describe how Star A would appear to move among
the distant stars as Earth orbits the Sun
counterclockwise from January of one year,
through July, to January of the following year. - Consider two stars (C and D) that both exhibit
parallax. If Star C appears to move back and
forth by a greater amount than Star D, which star
do you think is actually closer to you? If
youre not sure, just make a guess. Well return
to this question later in this activity.
Distant Stars
Nearby Star (Star A)
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
52Star A Jan
Star A July
- and 2.
Distant Stars
Nearby Star (Star A)
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
533. And 4.
Nearby Star (Star A)
Star A January
Star A July
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
Nearby Star (Star A)
Star A January
Star A July
5. From January till July, star A appears to move
to the left relative to the distant stars. From
July till January, star A appears to move to the
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
556.Consider two stars (C and D) that both exhibit
parallax. If Star C appears to move back and
forth by a greater amount than Star D, which star
do you think is actually closer to you? If
youre not sure, just make a guess.
Nearby Star (Star A)
Star C is closer
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
566.Consider two stars (C and D) that both exhibit
parallax. If Star C appears to move back and
forth by a greater amount than Star D, which star
do you think is actually closer to you? If
youre not sure, just make a guess.
Star C
Star C is closer
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
576.Consider two stars (C and D) that both exhibit
parallax. If Star C appears to move back and
forth by a greater amount than Star D, which star
do you think is actually closer to you? If
youre not sure, just make a guess.
(Star D)
Star C is closer.
1 AU
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
58(No Transcript)
59Group Question
- If you close one eye and hold out your index
finger, your finger appears to cover an object.
If you switch eyes, your finger no longer covers
that object. With a diagram, explain why. - How does what you observe change with the
distance of your arm from your face?
60(No Transcript)
61- If you close one eye and hold out your index
finger, your finger appears to cover an object.
If you switch eyes, your finger no longer covers
that object. With a diagram, explain why. See
right - How does what you observe change with the
distance of your arm from your face? As you move
finger closer, distance object seems to jump.
Top of head
Left eye
Right eye
62Group question
- How many light-years are in 10 parsecs?
- How many light-years could a human travel in a
space craft? - Which is larger, a parsec or an AU?
- Why do you think we have two units, the parsec
and the light year, when they are so close to
each other? (1 parsec 3.26 light-years)
63Group question
- 1. How many light-years are in 10 parsecs?
64Group question
- 2. How many light-years could a human travel in a
space craft? - Somewhere between 0 and 100 light-years, if the
were traveling at the speed of light. (Human
lifetime) - A light-year is the distance light travels in one
65Group question
- 3. Which is larger, a parsec or an AU?
- A parsec is much larger
66Group question
- 4. Why do you think we have two units, the parsec
and the light year, when they are so close to
each other? (1 parsec 3.26 light-years) - Light-year is useful for expressing distances
when we want to know how long light will take to
move across that distance - Parsec is useful when we are looking at angular
sizes An object that subtends 1 arc-second in
the sky will be a distance of 1 parsec.
67Distant Stars
- To describe the distances to stars, astronomers
use a unit of length called the parsec. One
parsec is defined as the distance to a star that
has a parallax angle of exactly 1 arcsecond.
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
68- If the parallax angle for Star A (PA) is 1
arcsecond, what is the distance from the Sun to
Star A? (Hint use parsec as your unit of
distance.) Label this distance on the diagram. - Is a parsec a unit of length or a unit of angle?
(It cant be both.) - As Star A moves outward, what happens to its
parallax angle?
69Distant Stars
- To describe the distances to stars, astronomers
use a unit of length called the parsec. -
- One parsec is defined as the distance to a star
that has a parallax angle of exactly 1 arcsecond.
1 parsec
Earth (July)
Earth (January)
Based on Lecture Tutorials for Introductory
Astronomy, Prather et al., pg 35
70- If the parallax angle for Star A (PA) is 1
arcsecond, what is the distance from the Sun to
Star A? (Hint us parsec as your unit of
distance.) Label this distance on the diagram. - Is a parsec a unit of length or a unit of angle?
(It cant be both.) - As Star A moves outward, what happens to its
parallax angle?
1 parsec
- Angular Measurements
- Accuracy, Precision, and Bias
- The Scientific Method
- Astronomical Distances
- Ancient Astronomy
72Ancient Astronomy
74Naked-eye astronomy had an important place in
ancient civilizations
- Positional astronomy
- the study of the positions of objects in the sky
and how these positions change - Naked-eye astronomy
- the sort that requires no equipment but human
vision - Extends far back in time
- British Isles Stonehenge
- Native American Medicine Wheel
- Aztec, Mayan and Incan temples
- Egyptian pyramids
tonehenge-astronomy-ii-solar-alignments/ See also
76Aztec, Mayan and Incan temples
77Eighty-eight constellations cover the entire sky
- Ancient peoples looked at the stars and imagined
groupings made pictures in the sky - We still refer to many of these groupings
- Astronomers call them constellations (from the
Latin for group of stars)
78Modern Constellations
- On modern star charts, the entire sky is divided
into 88 regions - Each is a constellation
- Most stars in a constellation are nowhere near
one another - They only appear to be close together because
they are in nearly the same direction as seen
from Earth