DNA damage response - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DNA damage response


... for transcription Chromatin remodelers also play a role in recombination and repair Chromatin Remodeling Complexes PARP1 and the DDB1-2-CUL4A complex are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DNA damage response

  • DNA damage response
  • and chromatin remodeling
  • Presentation for Ron Shamir group internal
  • 3/11/2010

  • DNA damages, including single- and double- strand
    breaks (SSB and DSB respectively), pyrimidine
    dimmers (PD), and oxidized nucleotides, are
    caused by physical agents in the environment,
    like ionizing radiation (IR) and ultra violet
    light (UV), and by various chemicals (including
    reactive oxygen species (ROS) from internal
    metabolic processes source).

  • In eukaryotes, the sensing and repair of DNA
    damages occur in chromatin context. Chromatin
    constitutes a physical barrier to enzymes and
    regulatory factors to reach the DNA. To deal with
    this obstacle, transient chromatin structural
    changes are integral to base- and
    nucleotide-excision, homologous recombination,
    and non-homologous end joining DNA repair

DDR and Chromatin Remodeling
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  • Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER)

Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER)
  • Base Excision Repair (BER)

HDAC (Histone Deacetylase) Families
  • Class I and II
  • Zinc-hydrolase
  • 11 human homologs
  • Inhibited by hydroxamic acid containing
    compounds (TSA, SAHA)
  • Class III (Sir2 or sirtuins)
  • No structural/mechanistic similarity to Class I
    and II
  • NAD requiring
  • 7 human homologs
  • Inhibited by nicotinamide

Histone modification and DDR
  • The basic structural subunits of the chromatin
    are the nucleosomes. These core particles
    consists of about 146 bp of dsDNA wrapped in 1.65
    left-handed superhelical turns around four
    identical pairs of the histone proteins H2A, H2B,
    H3 and H4, collectively known as the histone
    octamer. The remaining 50 bp of the repeating
    unit consists of "linker DNA", dsDNA which
    separates the core particles.

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Histone-histone associations
The four core histones tend to associate with
each other in very specific patterns of
interactions. Histones H3 and H4 interact very
strongly with each other and form a specific
complex, a tetramer. Histones H2A and H2B
also interact with each other and can form
primarily dimers and some higher oligomers. The
pattern of association is
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The crystal structure of the nucleosome core
particle consisting of histone proteins H2A , H2B
, H3 and H4. (Luger Richmond)
Nature. 1997 Sep 18 389 (6648) 251-60.
N.4. Chromatin A Speculative Model for the
Formation of 30 nm Chromatin
Chromatin H1 histone
H1 histone just helps to tightened the nucleosome
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The Organization of Chromatin
Hansen, J.C., Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct. 2002
Chromatin levels of condensation
Deposition of histones during replication
During replication, parental histones are
distributed randomly onto the replicated DNA
strands, and newly synthesized histones fill the
  • Chromatin remodeling mechanisms includes
  • (1) posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of
    histones and non-histones chromatin associated
    proteins, including covalent additions (removals)
    of phosphoryl-, methyl-, acetyl-, ubiquitin-,
    SUMO, and ADP-ribose
  • (2) histone-variants replacement, and nucleosomes
    repositioning or eviction. ATP-dependent multi
    subunits chromatin remodeling complexes (INO80,
    SRCAP/SWR-C, SWI/SNF, and MI-2/NuRD) implement
    the latter mechanisms

Enzymes that regulate chromatin
  • Two classes of enzymes that regulate chromatin
    structure histone modifiers and chromatin
  • Histone modifiers dont alter nucleosome
    position they make passive marks that recruit
    more active functions (histone code).
  • Chromatin remodelers hydrolyze ATP to actively
    remodel chromatin shift nucleosome position with
    respect to DNA, exposing or occluding regulatory
  • These enzymes function within larger complexes of
    subunits that collectively act to enhance and/or
    target the remodeling activity.

ATP-dependant chromatin remodeling complexes
  • SWI/SNF 15 subunits complex. Catalytic subunits
    are SMARCA2 or SMARCA4. plays essential roles in
    a variety of cellular processes including
    differentiation, proliferation and DNA repair.
  • SRCAP/SWR-C 10 subunits complex. incorporate the
    histone variant H2AFZ into nucleosomes.
  • INO80 16-subunits complex. Involved in DNA
    repair, checkpoint regulation, and DNA
    replication, cooperatively with their histone
    substrates,gamma-H2AX and H2AFZ.
  • Mi-2/NuRD 13 subunits complex. The Catalytic
    subunits are CHD3 and CHD4. Involved in the
    regulation of some important DDR genes like P53,
    BRCA1 and MCPH1 .

  • Histone PTMs influence genome function by
  • directly disturbing nucleosome stability which
    affects chromatin compaction and accessibility
  • constituting a docking site for different kinds
    of non-histone proteins
  • Certain histone PTMs indicate the specific
  • position of DNA damage and provide a platform
    of interaction for DDR proteins, determining the
    repair pathway that should be involved

  • The best-known histone PTM is histone
    acetylation - deacetylation, controlled by
    histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone
    deacetylases (HDACs). Histone acetylations
    enhance chromatin accessibility. and facilitate
    DNA repair beyond their well-documented role in
    transcription, presumably by opening or loosening
    compact nucleosomal structure close to sites of
  • Histone phosphorylation mediated by members of
    the PI3K kinase superfamily (ATM, ATR, DNA-PK)
    plays a role at the beginning of DDR by
    facilitating the access of different repair
    proteins to DNA breaks

Nucleosome tail modifications
  • Lysine acetylations.
  • Histone Acetyl-Transferases (HAT) Histone
    Deacetylases (HDAC).
  • Lysine and Arginine Metylations.
  • Modified by histone-metyl-transferase.
  • Phosphorilation.
  • Ubiquitination.
  • H2A ubiquitination affects 10-15 of this
    histone in most eukaryotic cells
  • ADP-ribosylation.

Acetylation of Lysine 16 of histone H4 completely
abolishes the ability of the tail domains to
mediate nucleosome-nucleosome interactions, which
are required for chromatin condensation.
Chromatin remodeling is an active process
  • Chromatin remodeling describes the
    energy-dependent (ATP) displacement or
    reorganization of nucleosomes that occurs in
    conjunction with activation (or repression) of
    genes for transcription
  • Chromatin remodelers also play a role in
    recombination and repair

Chromatin Remodeling Complexes
  • PARP1 and the DDB1-2-CUL4A complex are early
    sensors of SSB, DSB, and PD DNA lesions. These
    proteins have chromatin-remodeling enzymatic
    activity. Additional early DSB sensors are the
    MRN and Ku70-Ku80 complexes, that activate ATM
    and DNA-PKcs kinases respectively, both belonging
    to the phosphoinositide-3-kinase-related protein
    kinases (PIKK). Upon SSB repair pathways, ATR, a
    third member of the PIKK kinases is activated.

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  • The PIKK kinases phosphorylate many substrates,
    including histones and proteins involved in
    regulation of chromatin structure. One of these
    proteins is TRIM28 (KAP1), a transcription
    co-repressor proposed to regulate chromatin
    structure and heterochromatin formation. In
    response to the induction of DNA DSBs, its
    co-repression function is inhibited by
    ATM-dependant phospohorylation.

  • The main histone PTMs in response to DSBs are
    those related to H2AFX (histone H2A variant).
    DDR-related replacement of H2A variant in the
    nucleosomes by H2AFZ (promoted by the SRCAP/SWR-C
    ATP-dependent complex) also occur.

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  • Upon DSB, the histone acetylase complex
    NUA4/TIP60, several histones ubiquitin ligases
    are activated. The interactions between the DDR
    proteins, MCPH1, P53 and BRCA1, and components of
    the SWI/SNF and MI-2/NuRD chromatin remodeling
    complexes, seems to be important to the
    regulation of DDR.

  • In conclusion
  • In eukaryotic cells, packaging of DNA into highly
    condensed chromatin presents a significant
    obstacle to DNA-based processes. (replication,
    repair and recombination).
  • Cells use three major strategies to allows
    protein factors to gain access to nucleosomal
  • 1. Histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs)
  • 2. Incorporation of histone variants into
  • 3. ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling

  • ATP-dependent multi subunits chromatin remodeling
    complexes (INO80, SRCAP/SWR-C, SWI/SNF, and
    MI-2/NuRD) implement the latter mechanisms and
    many proteins that are involved in DNA repair and
    DDR have physical interactions and reciprocal
    regulations with some proteins that belongs these
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