DNA Repair - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DNA Repair


Biochemistry – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DNA Repair

DNA Repair
  • M.Prasad Naidu
  • MSc Medical Biochemistry,
  • Ph.D.Research Scholar

  • The maintenance of the integrity of the
    information in DNA molecules is of utmost
    importance to the survival of the species .
  • The major responsibility for the fidelity of
    replication resides in specific pairing of
    nucleotide bases .
  • Proper pairing is dependent upon the presence of
    favoured tautomers of the purine pyrimidine
    nucleotides .

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  • Physiological conditions strongly favors the
    amino lactam forms , the unfavored tautomers
    may participate in mutagenic events if they were
    unrepaired .
  • The equilibrium where by one tautomer is more
    stable than another is only about 104 or 105
    in favor of that with great stability.
  • The favoring of preferred tautomers the
    proper base pairing could be ensured by
    monitoring the base pairing for 2 times .

  • Double monitoring appear in both mammalian
    bacterial systems .
  • First monitoring occurs at the time of insertion
    of the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates ,
    later by a follow up ,energy requiring mechanism
    which removes all improper bases that may occur
    in the newly formed strand .
  • Unfavored tautomers occur more frequently than
    once in every 10 8 10 10 base pairs .

Single base alteration
  • The mechanisms responsible for DNA repair in E
    .coli include the 3 to 5 exonuclease activities
    of one of the subunits of polymerase III
    complex of the polymerase I molecule .
  • The analogous mammalian enzymes ( a d ) do not
    posses nuclease proofreading function.

  • Replication errors occurs even with efficient
    repair system lead to the accumulation of
  • Damage to DNA occurs by environmental , physical
    chemical agents classified to 4 types .

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The nature of mutations
  • Simple mutations
  • Transitions(pyrimidine-to-pyrimidine and
  • Transversions(pyrimidine-purine and
  • Insertions and deletions (a nucleotide or a small
    number of nucleotides)

?point mutations mutations that alter a single
Abnormal regions of DNA , either from copying
errors or DNA damage are replaced by 4 mechanisms
  1. Mismatch repair ,
  2. Base excision repair ,
  3. Nucleotide excision repair ,
  4. Double stranded break repair .

Mismatch Repair
  • Mismatch repair corrects errors made when DNA is
    copied , for example a Cytosine could be inserted
    opposite an A , or the polymerase could slip or
    stutter insert 2 5 extra unpaired bases .
  • Specific proteins scan the newly synthesized DNA
    , using adenine methylation within GATC sequence
    as the point of reference .

  • The template strand is methylated newly
    synthesized strand is not methylated .
  • This difference allows the repair enzymes to
    identify the strand that contains the errant
    nucleotide which requires replacement .
  • If a mismatch or small loop is found , a GATC
    endonuclease cuts the strand bearing the mutation
    at a site corresponding to the GATC .

  • An exonuclease digests this strand from GATC
    through the mutation thus removing the faulty DNA
  • The above digestion can occur from either side if
    the defect is bracketed by 2 GATC sites .
  • The defect is filled by normal cellular enzymes
    according to the base pairing rules.

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In E .coli three proteins ( Mut S , Mut L Mut H
) are rrequired for recognition of the mutation
nicking of the strand . Other cellular enzymes
ligase , polymerase SSBs remove replace the
strand .
MutS scans the DNA, recognize the mismatch or
the distortion in the DNA backbone .
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Clinical importance
  • Faulty mismatch repair is linked to hereditary
    nonpolyposis colon cancer ( HNPCC ) .
  • Genetic studies linked HNPCC in some families to
    a region of chromosome 2 .
  • The gene on chromosome 2 is hMSH2 is human
    analogue of Mut S protein that is involved in
    mismatch repair .
  • Mutations of hMSH2 account for 50 - 60 of HNPCC

  • Another gene hMLH1 is associated with most other
    cases .
  • hMLH1 gene is human analogue of bacterial
    mismatch repair gene Mut L .
  • Microsatellites are repeated sequences of DNA.
  • These repeated sequences are common, and normal.
  • The most common microsatellite in the humans is a
    dinucleotide repeat of CA, which occurs tens of
    thousands of times across the genome .

  • Muted hMSH2 hMLH1 mismatch repair enzymes
    results in increased size of microsatellites ,
    this must affect the function of a protein
    critical in surveillance of the cell cycle in
    these colon cells .
  • The appearance of abnormally long or short
    microsatellites in an individual's DNA is
    referred to as microsatellite instability.
  • Microsatellite instability (MSI) is a condition
    manifested by damaged DNA due to defects in the
    normal DNA repair process.

Base Excision Repair
  • This mechanism is suitable for replacement of a
    single base but is not effective at replacing
    regions of damaged DNA .
  • The depurination of DNA which happens
    spontaneously due to the thermal lability of the
    purine N glycosidic bond , occurs at a rate of
    5000 10,000 /cell / day at 37 C .

  • Cytosine , adenine Guanine bases in DNA
    spontaneously form uracil , hypoxanthine or
    xanthine respectively .
  • None of the above are normal bases .
  • N glycosylases can recognize these abnormal
    bases remove the base itself from the DNA .
  • This removal marks the site of the defect
    allows an apurinic or apyimidinic endonuclease to
    excise the abasic sugar .

  • The proper base is replaced by repair , DNA
    polymerase the ligase returns the DNA to its
    original state , this series of events is called
    base excision repair .
  • By similar series of steps involving initially
    the recognition of the defect , alkylated bases
    base analogues can be removed from DNA .

Deamination C-U
Depurination ----gt an abasic site
Deamination of 5-mC----gtT
DNA is damaged by Alkylation, Oxidation, and
Often mispair with thymine GC AT
Reactive oxygen species O2-, H2O2, OH
G modification (alkylation oxidation)
Mutations are also caused by base analogs and
intercalating agents
Base analogues
Base excision repair pathway
(apurinic/apyrimidinic recognizes missing base)
Nucleotide Excision Repair
  • This mechanism is used to replace regions of
    damaged DNA up to 30 bases in length .
  • UV light induces the formation of cyclobutane
    pyrimidine pyrimidine dimers .
  • Smoking causes formation of benzopyrene
    guainine adducts .

Incapable of base-pairing and cause the DNA
polymerse to stop during replication
Thymine dimer by ultraviolet light
  • Ionizing radiation , cancer chemotherapy
    chemicals found in environment cause base
    modification , strand breaks , cross linkage
    between bases on opposite strand or between DNA
    protein numerous other defects are repaired by
    this mechanism .
  • Nucleotide excision repair is complex process
    involves more gene products than 2 other types of
    repair , essentially involves hydrolysis of 2
    phosphodiester bonds on the strand containing the
    defect .

  • A special excision nuclease ( exinuclease )
    consisting of at least 3 sub units in E .coli
    16 polypeptides in humans .
  • In eukaryotic cells the enzymes cut between the
    3rd to 5th phosphodiester bond 3 from the
    lesion on the 5 side the cut is some where
    between the 21st 25th bond .
  • Thus a fragment of 27 29 nucleotides long is
    exicised .
  • After the strand is removed it is replaced by
    exact base pairing through the action of
    polymerase ( d/e in humans), ends are joined by
    DNA ligase.

1.UvrA and UvrB scan DNA to identify a distortion
2. UvrA leaves the complex,and UvrB melts DNA
locally round the distortion 3. UvrC forms a
complex with UvrB and creates nicks to the 5
side of the lesion 4. DNA helicase UvrD releases
the single stranded fragment from the duplex, and
DNA Pol I and ligase repair and seal the gap
Transcription coupled DNA repair nucleotide
excision repair system is capable of rescuing RNA
polymerase that has been arrested by the presence
of lesions in the DNA template
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Clinical Imporatance
  • Xeroderma pigmentosum is an autosomal recessive
    genetic disease .
  • The clinical syndrome include marked sensitivity
    to sunlight ( UV rays ) with subsequent formation
    of multiple skin cancers premature death .
  • The risk of developing skin cancer is increased
    1000 to 2000 fold .

  • The inherent defect seems to involve the repair
    of damaged DNA , particularly thymine dimers .
  • Cells cultured from patients with xeroderma
    pigmentosum exhibit low activity for the
    nucleotide excision repair process .
  • Seven complementation groups have been identified
    using hybrid cell analysis so at least 7 gene
    products ( XPA XPAG ) .

  • XPA XPC are involved in recognition excision
    .XPB XPD are helicases interestingly are
    subunits of the transcription factor TFIIH .

Double Strand Break Repair
  • The repair of double strand breaks is part of the
    physiological process of immunoglobulin gene
    rearrangement .
  • It is also important mechanism for repairing
    damaged DNA such as occurs as result of ionizing
    radiation or oxidative free radical generation .
  • Some chemotherapeutic agents destroy cells by
    causing double stranded breaks or preventing
    their repair .

  • Two proteins are involved in the nonhomologous
    rejoining of a ds break .
  • Ku , a hetero dimer of 70 86 kDa subunits ,
    bind to free DNA ends has latent ATP dependent
    helicase activity .
  • The DNA bound Ku hetero dimer recruits an
    unusual DNA dependent Protein kinase (
    DNA PK )

  • DNA PK has a binding site for DNA free ends
    another for ds DNA just inside these ends .
  • It allows the approximation of the 2 separated
    ends .
  • The free end DNA/Ku/DNA PK complex activates
    the kinase activity in the later .
  • DNA PK reciprocally phosphorylates Ku the
    other DNA PK molecule on the opposing strand ,
    in trans .

  • DNA PK then dissociates from the DNA Ku,
    resulting in activation of the Ku helicase.
  • This results in unwinding of the 2 ends .
  • The unwound approximated DNA forms base pairs .
  • The extra nucleotide tails are removed by an
    exonuclease the gaps are filled and closed by
    DNA ligase .

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Some repair enzymes are multifunctional
  • DNA repair proteins can serve other purposes
    example some repair enzymes found as components
    of the large TFIIH complex that play a central
    role in gene transcription .
  • Another component of TFIIH is involved in cell
    cycle regulation .
  • Thus three critical cellular processes may be
    linked through use of common proteins .

Clinical importance
  • In patients with ataxia telangiectasia ,an
    autosomal recessive disease characterized by
    cerebellar ataxia lymphoreticular neoplasms ,
    in these patients there appears to exist an
    increased sensitivity to damage by X rays .
  • Fanconis anemia an autosomal recessive anemia
    characterized by an increased frequency of cancer
    by chromosomal instability , probably have
    defective repair of cross linking damage.

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