Title: Localising Sounds in Space
1Localising Sounds in Space
- MSc Neuroscience
- Prof. Jan Schnupp
- jan.schnupp_at_dpag.ox.ac.uk
2Objectives of This Lecture
- Acoustic Cues to Sound Source Position
- Cues to Direction
- Interaural Level Cues
- Interaural Time Cues
- Spectral Cues
- Cues to Distance
- Encoding of Spatial Cues in the Brainstem
- Divisions of the Cochlear Nucleus
- Properties of the Superior Olivary Nuclei
- Representation of Auditory Space in Midbrain And
Cortex - The auditory space map in Superior Colliculus
- The role of Primary Auditory Cortex (A1)
- Where and What streams in auditory belt
areas? - Distributed, panoramic spike pattern codes?
3Part 1 Acoustic Cues
4Interaural Time Difference (ITD) Cues
- ITDs are powerful cues to sound source direction,
but they are ambiguous (cones of confusion)
5Interaural Level Cues (ILDs)
ILD at 700 Hz
ILD at 11000 Hz
- Unlike ITDs, ILDs are highly frequency dependent.
At higher sound frequencies ILDs tend to become
larger, more complex, and hence potentially more
6Binaural Cues in the Barn Owl
- Barn owls have highly asymmetric outer ears, with
one ear pointing up, the other down.
Consequently, at high frequencies, barn owl ILDs
vary with elevation, rather than with azimuth
(D). Consequently ITD and ILD cues together form
a grid specifying azimuth and elevation
7Spectral (Monaural) Cues
8Spectral Cues in the Cat
- For frontal sound source positions, the cat outer
ear produces a mid frequency (first) notch near
10 kHz (A). The precise notch frequency varies
systematically with both azimuth and elevation.
Thus, the first notch iso-frequency contours for
both ears together form a fairly regular grid
across the cats frontal hemifield (B). From Rice
et al. (1992).
9Adapting to Changes in Spectral Cues
- Hofman et al. made human volunteers localize
sounds in the dark, then introduced plastic molds
to change the shape of the concha. This disrupted
spectral cues and led to poor localization,
particularly in elevation. - Over a prolonged period of wearing the molds, (up
to 3 weeks) localization accuracy improved.
10Part 2 Brainstem Processing
11Phase Locking
- Auditory Nerve Fibers are most likely to fire
action potentials at the crest of the sound
wave. This temporal bias known as phase
locking. - Phase locking is crucial to ITD processing, since
it provides the necessary precise temporal
information. - Mammalian ANF cannot phase lock to frequencies
faster than 3-4 kHz.
Evans (1975)
12Preservation of Time Cues in AVCN
- Auditory Nerve Fibers connect to spherical and
globular bushy cells in the antero-ventral
cochlear nucleus (AVCN) via large, fast and
secure synapses known as endbulbs of Held. - Phase locking in bushy cells is even more precise
than in the afferent nerve fibers. - Bushy cells project to the superior olivary
endbulbof Held
VIII nervefiber
13Extraction of Spectral Cues in DCN
Multipolar (Stellate)
- Type IV neurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus
often have inhibitory frequency response areas
with excitatory sidebands. This makes them
sensitive to spectral notches like those seen
in spectral localisation cues.
14Superior Olivary Nuclei Binaural Convergence
- Medial superior olive
- excitatory input
- from each side (EE)
- Lateral superior olive
- inhibitory input
- from the contralateral
- side (EI)
15Processing of Interaural Level Differences
Lateral superior olive
16Processing of Interaural Time Differences
Medial superior olive
17How Does the MSO Detect Interaural Time
From contralateral AVCN
- Jeffress Delay Line and Coincidence Detector
Model. - MSO neurons are thought to fire maximally only if
they receive simultaneous input from both ears. - If the input from one or the other ear is delayed
by some amount (e.g. because the afferent axons
are longer or slower) then the MSO neuron will
fire maximally only if an interaural delay in the
arrival time at the ears exactly compensates for
the transmission delay. - In this way MSO neurons become tuned to
characteristic interaural delays. - The delay tuning must be extremely sharp ITDs of
only 0.01-0.03 ms must be resolved to account for
sound localisation performance.
From ipsilateral AVCN
18The Calyx of Held
- MNTB relay neurons receive their input via very
large calyx of Held synapses. - These secure synapses would not be needed if the
MNTB only fed into ILD pathway in the LSO. - MNTB also provides precisely timed inhibition to
19Inhibition in the MSO
From Brandt et al., Nature 2002
- For many MSO neurons best ITD neurons are outside
the physiological range. - The code for ITD set up in the MSO may be more
like a rate code than a time code. - Blocking glycinergic inhibition (from MNTB)
reduces the amount of spike rate modulation seen
over physiological ITD ranges.
20The Superior Olivary Nuclei a Summary
Excitatory Connection
- Most neurons in the LSO receive inhibitory input
from the contralateral ear and excitatory input
from the ipsilateral ear (IE). Consequently they
are sensitive to ILDs, responding best to sounds
that are louder in the ipsilateral ear. - Neurons in the MSO receive direct excitatory
input from both ears and fire strongly only when
the inputs are temporally co-incident. This makes
them sensitive to ITDs.
Inhibitory Connection
21Part 3 Midbrain and Cortex
22The Auditory Space Map in the Superior
- The SC is involved in directing orienting
reflexes and gaze shifts. - Acoustically responsive neurons in rostral SC
tend to be tuned to frontal sound source
directions, while caudal SC neurons prefer
contralateral directions. - Similarly, lateral SC neurons prefer low, medial
neurons prefer high sound source elevations.
23Eye Position Effects in Monkey
24Possible Explanations for Sparks Data
- Underlying spatial receptive fields might shift
left or right with changes in gaze direction, or
hey might shift up or down.
25Creating Virtual Acoustic Space (VAS)
Probe Microphones
26VAS response fields of CNS neurons
27Passive Eye Displacement Effects in Superior
- Zella, Brugge Schnupp Nat Neurosci 2001
- SC auditory receptive fields mapped with virtual
acoustic space in barbiturate anaesthetized cat. - RF mapping repeated after eye was displaced by
pulling on the eye with a suture running through
the sclera.
28Lesion Studies Suggest Important Role for A1
Jenkins Merzenich, J. Neurophysiol, 1984
29A1 Virtual Acoustic Space (VAS) Receptive Fields
19-255, EO, CF12, A2.19, D0.80, L0.50, 15 dB
54-94, EE, CF9, A2.77, D2.29, L0.19, 25 dB
51-02, EE, CF5, A7.92, D2.39, L0.14, 15 dB
Spikes per presentation
51-19, EO, CF17, A4.36, D1.49, L0.37, 20 dB
38-78, EO, CF7, A5.06, D2.59 L0.10, 35 dB
51-07, OE, CF5, A8.23, D2.84, L0.03, 35 dB
54-12, EI, CF8, A8.28, D2.39, L0.13, 20 dB
54-304, EE, CF28, A1.37, D1.77, L0.29, 15 dB
51-15, EE, CF21, A1.97, D3.03, L0.21, 20
30Predicting Space from Spectrum
Left and Right Ear Frequency-Time Response Fields
Virtual Acoustic Space Stimuli
Frequency kHz
Elev deg
Schnupp et al Nature 2001
31Examples of Predicted and Observed Spatial
Receptive Fields
32Higher Order Cortical Areas
- In the macaque, primary auditory cortex(A1) is
surrounded by rostral (R), lateral (L),
caudo-medial (CM) and medial belt areas. - L can be further subdivided into anterior, medial
and caudal subfields (AL, ML, CL)
33Are there What and Where Streams in Auditory
- Some reports suggest that anterior cortical belt
areas may more selective for sound identity and
less for sound source location, while caudal belt
areas are more location specific. - It has been hypothesized that these may be the
starting positions for a ventral what stream
heading for inferotemporal cortex and a dorsal
where stream which heads for postero-parietal
34A Panoramic Code for Auditory Space?
- Middlebrooks et al.found neural spike patterns
to vary systematically with sound source
direction in a number cortical areas of the cat
(AES, A1, A2, PAF). - Artificial neural networks can be trained to
estimate sound source azimuth from the neural
spike pattern. - Spike trains in PAF carry more spatial
information than other areas, but in principle
spatial information is available in all auditory
cortical areas tested so far.
35Azimuth, Pitch and Timbre Sensitivity in Ferret
Auditory Cortex
Bizley, Walker, Silverman, King Schnupp - J
Neurosci 2009
36Cortical Deactivation
- Deactivating some cortical areas (A1, PAF) by
cooling impairs sound localization, but impairing
others (AAF) does not. - Lomber Malhorta J. Neurophys (2003)
- A variety of acoustic cues give information
relating to the direction and distance of a sound
source. - Virtually nothing is known about the neural
processing of distance cues. - The cues to direction include binaural cues and
monaural spectral cues. These cues appear to be
first encoded in the brainstem and then combined
in midbrain and cortex. - ITDs are encoded in the MSO, ILDs in the LSO.
- The Superior Colliculus is the only structure in
the mammalian brain that contains a topographic
map of auditory space. - Lesion studies point to an important role of
auditory cortex in many sound localisation
behaviours. - The spatial tuning of many A1 neurons is easily
predicted from spectral tuning properties,
suggesting that A1 represents spatial information
only implicitly. - Recent work suggests that caudal belt areas of
auditory cortex may be specialized for aspects of
spatial hearing. However, other researchers posit
a distributed panoramic spike pattern code that
operates across many cortical areas.
38For a Reading List
- See reading lists athttp//www.physiol.ox.ac.uk/
jan/NeuroIIspatialHearing.htm - And for demos and media see
- http//auditoryneuroscience.com/spatial_hearing