Title: Extra Info on Animal Production
1- Extra Info on Animal Production
2Housing requirement of animals
- Animals need to have enough space
- Well ventilated and draught free
- Well insulated to retain the heat
- Have a proper waste disposal system
- Clean water needs to be available
- Proper bedding
- Hygienic conditions
- Animals need to be doses and vaccinated at housing
3The advantages of housing animals over the winter
- Prevents a fall in body temperature
- Makes feeding easier
- Protects animals from weather extremes
- Prevents poaching
- Aids in the prevention and identification of
4Why are animals fed concentrates?
- Concentrates supplement poor quality fodder crops
- Farmers can control an animals diet
- Farmers can ensure animals have a balanced diet
- Concentrates provide fibre
- They ensure production targets are met
- They are high in DMD
- They are a high energy food
5Factors to consider when selecting an animal for
- Full set of teeth
- Healthy feet
- Properly formed teeth
- Suitable breed
- Good pedigree
- Age
6Factors to consider when selecting an animal for
- Properly formed udder
- Healthy animal
- Condition score
- Suitable conformation
7Points to consider when purchasing animals
- Know the producer
- Conformation of the animal
- Check eyes, ears, nose, mouth, navel and Anus for
any discharge - Good legs and feet
- Healthy well formed udder
- Healthy teeth
Calf/Cow Lamb/Sheep Bonham/Pig
Weight at birth 40-45 Kg 2-5 Kg 1-1.5 Kg
Weight at puberty 250 Kg 40 Kg 75 Kg
Weight at slaughter 450-800 Kg 30-40 Kg 80-82 Kg
Gestation period 9.5 months 5 months 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days
Time they reach slaughter 1-3 Yrs 4-6 months 6 months
Length of oestrus cycle 21 days 17 days 21 days