Title: Resisting Globalization: Action
1Resisting Globalization Action Critique
2Naomi Klein on Brands vs Products
- Brands are products, plus the added value of
identity, the idea or story behind the brand - Brands sell a kind of pseudo-spirituality -- a
sense of belonging, a community - filling a gap that citizens, not just consumers,
used to get elsewhere, whether from religion,
whether from a sense of belonging in their
community - Behind these brand meanings is a privatized
concept of what used to be public
- Identities in general consist of social relations
and their representations, as seen from the
perspective of one actor or another - Not durable or encompassing attributes or persons
or collective actors as such
4Brands add value, but depend on image and
reputation for success making brands vulnerable
to brand bombing
- Consider this satirical take on MasterCards
promo line circulating on Twitter and other
social networking sites after MasterCard
suspended processing transactions for WikiLeaks - Freedom of speech? Priceless. For everything
else, theres MasterCard
5The Yes Mens counterhegemonic globalization
demanding justice for Bhopal victims
- Bhopal catastrophe known as the worlds worst
industrial disaster - In December 1984, the Union Carbide pesticide
plant in Bhopal began leaking gas and other
chemicals that resulted in the exposure of
hundreds of thousands of people - Estimated death tolls vary a government
affidavit in 2006 stated the leak caused 558,125
injuries including 38,478 temporary partial and
approximately 3,900 severely and permanently
disabling injuries - Civil and criminal cases are pending
- The plant was purchased by DOW in 2001
6A Better World is Possible!
- International Forum on Globalization, Ch. 60, pp.
482-493 (Excerpted from IFG, A Better World is
Possible!, report summary, 2002)
- Global resistance
- World Economic Forum
- World Social Forum
- Different worlds
- Corporate globalists
- Transformational imperative
- Economic democracy
- Global governance
- Building momentum
8Chapter 1 - Critique of Economic Globalization
- Key ingredients and general effects
- Pillars of Globalization
- Beneficiaries of Globalization
- Bureaucratic expressions of globalization
- Conclusions
9Chapter II - Ten Principles for Democratic
Sustainable Societies
- New democracy
- Susidiarity
- Ecological sustainability
- Common heritage
- Human rights
- Jobs/livelihood/employment
- Food security and food safety
- Equity
- Diversity
- Precautionary principle
10Chapter III - Issues on Commodification of the
- The process of privatizing, monopolizing, and
commodifying common heritage resources and
turning public services into corporate profit
centers and the protection of this process
within global trade agreements must be halted at
11Chapter IV - The Care for Subsidiarity Bias Away
from the Global Toward the Local
- Understanding subsidiarity
- subsidiarity if democracy is based on the
principle of popular participation, whenever a
choice exists, local organization is preferred - The road to the local