Title: Project Staff
1(No Transcript)
2Project Staff Advisory Board
- Project Staff
- PI me
- Graduate Students Kuo-Liang Chang, Leslie
Dietiker, Hanna Figueras, KoSze Lee, Lorraine
Males, Aaron Mosier, Gulcin Sisman (METU) - Undergraduates Patrick Greeley, Matthew Pahl
- Advisory Board
- Thomas Banchoff (Brown), Michael Battista (Ohio
St.), Richard Lehrer (Vanderbilt), Gerald Ludden
(MSU), Deborah Shifter (EDC), Nathalie Sinclair
(Simon Fraser)
3Our Session Goals
- Motivate more research on learning and teaching
spatial measurement - Length, area, volume measurement
- Describe our STEM project (as one research
effort) - Enable and learn from discussion with you
4Session Overview
- Prior research (Kosze)
- STEM overview (Hanna)
- Locating the spatial measurement content
(Lorraine) - Our principal tool for assessing curricular
capacity (Leslie) - Results thus far (length primary grades) (Jack)
- Comments from a measurement expert (Rich)
- QA discussion (All of us)
5Prior Research
6Prior Research Categories of Studies
- Students performance in spatial measurement from
large scale studies - NAEP
- Smaller studies examining students solutions and
reasoning on spatial measurement tasks - Length
- Area and its relation to length
7Large Scale Assessments
- National and international studies indicated US
students are weak in learning measurement - NAEP (2003) Low Performance by 4th, 8th, and
12th graders - TIMSS (1997) gap between US 8th graders and
their international peers is greatest in geometry
measurement - Minority students and girls face more struggle
(Lubienski, 2003)
8Students struggles with length
- Unaware that any point on a scale can serve as
the starting point. (Lehrer, 2003 NAEP, 2003) - Count marks (vs interval) on the scale
(Boulton-Lewis et al., 1996)
9Example (length)
- A large majority students fail to find the length
of a segment in a broken ruler task. (NAEP,
grade 4, 2003)
2.5 inch?
10.5 inch?
3.5 inch?
10Students struggles with area
- Conceptual challenges
- Square as a unit of measurement (Kamii and Kysh,
2006) - Visualizing the row-by-column structure of
tiled rectangle as area measure (Battista,
2004) - Relating area and length
- Confusing area with perimeter (Kidman Cooper,
1997 Moyer, 2001 Woodward Byrd, 1983) - Difficulties in relating the length units with
area units (Chappell Thompson, 1999 Battista,
11But students can do better!
- Teaching experiments show that elementary
students can learn to do and understand
measurement (Lehrer et al., 1998 Stephan,
Bowers, Cobb, Gravemeijer, 2003) - Students progressively construct understanding of
knowledge and measuring processes built into
standard rulers - Core units, unit iteration, how to deal with
12How can we explain the weaknesses?
- The weaknesses are systematic, fundamental, and
pervasive - No compelling explanations have been proposed
- Hunches only
- No strong empirical basis
- So.What are some possible explanations for
students continuing struggles to learn spatial
13Possible Explanatory Factors
- 1) Weaknesses in the K-8 written curricula
- Procedurally-focused (Kamii and Kysh, 2006)
- 2) Insufficient instructional time
- Usually located at the end of textbooks and
taught at the end of the school year (Tarr,
Chavez, Reys, Reys, 2006) - 3) Static representations of 2D 3D quantities
(Sinclair Jackiw, 2002) - Dynamic representations could help show how
length units can compose area and volume
14More Explanatory Factors
- 4) Classroom discourse about measurement poses
special challenges (Sfard Lavie, 2005) - Ambiguous references to spatial quantities and
numbers - 5) General calculational orientation in
classroom instruction and discourse (Thompson,
Phillip, Thompson, Boyd, 1994) - divorce the value of measure from its spatial
conception - 6) Weaknesses in teachers knowledge (Simon
Blume, 1994) - These factors likely influence and interact with
each other
15So why target written curricula?
- Weakness in written curricula influence other
factors - Analysis of written curricula has national scope
- Large scale classroom studies are
resource-intensive - Analyzing widely-used curricula provide maximal
access to problems faced by most parts of the
nation - Clarify the exact nature of curricular weaknesses
- More focused than general characterizations
(procedural focus) - Beyond the presence/absence of topics
16STEM Project Overview
17Research Question
- What is the capacity of U.S. K - 8 written and
enacted curricula to support students learning
and understanding of measurement?
18STEM Project Overview
- Assess carefully the impact of Factor 1 (quality
of written curricula) - Assess selectively Factors 3, 4 5 (nature of
the enacted curriculum for specific lesson
sequences) - Focus on spatial measurement in grades K-8
- length, area, volume
- Exclude measurement of angle
- Draws on different roots than measurement of
spatial extent (Lehrer et al., 1998) - Written curricula seemed like a good place to
19STEM Project Overview (contd)
- How much of the problem can be attributed to the
content of written curricula? - Develop an unbiased standard for evaluating the
measurement content of select written curricula - Phase 1 - Analysis of written curricula
- Phase 2 - Examination of enacted curricula
- Start with length
- Appears first, beginning in Kindergarten
- Foundational for area and volume
- Most extensive coverage and development
20Which Curricula?
- Elementary School Curricula (K6)
- Everyday Mathematics
- Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Mathematics
- Saxon
- Middle School Curricula (68)
- Connected Mathematics Project
- Glencoes Mathematics Concepts Applications
- Saxon
21Project Development Process
Locating Measurement Content
Creating Framework
Generating Knowledge Elements
Coding Content
22Project Goals
- Our goal is not to rank the three curricula at
each level - National scorecard for written curricula in
spatial measurement - Expect different patterns of strengths and
weaknesses - Do we have common patterns of weakness (across
23Locating the Spatial Measurement Content
24Finding Measurement Content
- The Task
- Compiling a list of all pages where measurement
content (e.g., tasks) is found in each
curriculum. - Who Does It
- Lead coder for each curriculum with a secondary
coder to verify their work. - What It Means
- Reading through every page of each written
curriculum and noting where spatial measurement
concepts are utilized.
25Establishing Measurement Content
- Our Fundamental Principle
- We will count as "measurement" all lessons,
problems, and activities where students are asked
to complete some spatial measurement reasoning,
either as the intended focus of study or in order
to learn some other content.
26Finding Measurement Content
- All content designated as spatial measurement in
the written curricula will be coded. - However, every page does need to be examined, not
just the measurement chapters. - In the chapter Measurement and Basic Facts we
have Measure your bed with your hand span (EM,
1, p. 285). - In the chapter entitled Addition and Subtraction
(EM) we have Measure the length of this line
segment. Circle the best answer (EM, 2, p. 281).
27Finding Measurement Content
- Difficulties
- Judging if the content is likely to engage
measurement reasoning. - Determining which spatial attribute is being
28Establishing Measurement Content
- Types of Measurement
- Pre-Measurement
- Measurement proper
- Reasoning with or about Measurement
- Reasoning about spatial measurements without
appeal to units and enumeration - Is your tower of cubes the same size as the
persons next to you? How do you know? Hold it
next to your neighbors tower. Is it the same?
(Saxon, K, p. 8-2)
30Measurement Proper
- Partitioning and iterating a spatial unit to
produce a spatial measure. This content is what
is commonly classified as measurement. -
(SFAW, 1, p .365)
31Reasoning with or about Measurements
- Using spatial measures to determine other
quantities, spatial or non-spatial. - It takes about 5 seconds for the sound of
thunder to travel 1 mile. About how far can the
sound of thunder travel in 1 minute? (EM, MinM
1-3, p. 81)
32Lessons from Applying the Principle
- Determining the focal spatial quantity can be
problematic. - How is perimeter different from area? (SFAW, 2,
p. 351A) - Even if the focal spatial quantity can be
determined, it is not trivial to determine if
measurement reasoning will be utilized.
33Lessons from Applying the Principle
- We think there are topics that are not
traditionally considered measurement content that
utilize spatial measurement reasoning. - Draw lines to show how to divide the square into
fourths in two different ways (Saxon, 1, p.
34Our principal tool for assessing curricular
35Start of Process
- Started with conceptual knowledge found in
research - Identified elements of knowledge that holds for
quantities in general) before those that hold for
spatial quantities specifically - Transitivity The comparison of lengths is
transitive. If length A gt length B, length B gt
length C, then length A gt length C. - Unit-measure compensation Larger units of
length produce smaller measures of length. - Additive composition The sum of two lengths is
another length. - Multiplicative composition The product of a
length with any other quantity is not a length.
36Realization 1
- We cannot just analyze the measurement knowledge
we need analysis of textual forms - Why do you get different answers when you
measure the same object using cubes and paper
clips? SFAW, grade 2, p. 341 - When changing from larger units to smaller
units, there will be a greater number of smaller
units than larger units. Glencoe, Course 1, p.
37Textual Elements
- Statements
- Questions
- Problems
- Demonstrations
- Worked Examples
- Games
38Realization 2
- We cannot focus solely on conceptual knowledge
we need to capture procedural knowledge - General processes for determining measures
- Broad interpretation of process
- Generally, PK elements are distinct from CK (with
some exceptions unit conversion, perimeter, and
Pythagorean Theorem)
39Procedural Knowledge Elements
- Visual Estimation Use imagined unit of length,
standard or non-standard, to estimate the length
of a segment, object, or distance. - Draw Segment of X units with Ruler Draw a line
segment from zero to X on the ruler. - Unit Conversion To convert a length measure
from one unit to another, multiply the given
length by a ratio of the two length units.
40Conventional Knowledge
- Cultural conventions of representing measures
devoid of conceptual content - This is one inch
- Notations, features of tools (e.g., marks on
rulers) - Rulers have inches on one side and centimeters on
the other.
41Realization 3
- We need to attend to curricular voice (who
speaks to students) - Teacher
- Textbook or other written materials
- Others (in case of Demonstrations)
42Coding Measurement Content
43Coding Measurement Content
Question - Provided by Teacher Direct Comparison
x 2
44Coding Measurement Content
Worked Example - Student Text Measurement with
non-standard units
45Coding Measurement Content
Problem - Student Text Measurement with
non-standard units
46Sample Coding Sheet
Worked Examples
Larger units of length produce smaller measures of length
Measure length with Non-standard units
Direct comparison
47Coding Scheme
48Length Results for Grades K 1
49Some Generalities
- An intermediate view of key spatial measurement
topics in each curriculum (STEM Top 10) - Continuous quantity (e.g., strings of cubes) site
for both number ( operation) and length
measurement - Saxon SFAW
- Tough coding decisions for us
- K2 contains the foundation for length
measurement - Substantial content devoted to the topic
- Deficits may not get corrected in later grades
- Were short of our conference goal Grade 2 in
50Density of Length Content
Pages (K) 60 62 31
Total Codes (K) 210 261 131
Codes/Page (K) 3.5 4.2 4.2
Pages (1) 108 141 67
Total Codes (1) 479 893 150
Codes/Page (1) 4.4 6.3 2.5
Pages (2) 88 140 76
51Overview of K Results
- Textual presentation
- Problems, Questions, Demonstrations dominate
- Few Statements more in EM
- Knowledge content
- 80 of all knowledge element codes were
Procedural (EM, 82, SFAW, 98, Saxon, 95) - Matches the procedurally-focused attribution
- EM 13 Conceptual knowledge codes (n 28)
52Procedural Conceptual (K)
- Common procedures
- Measure with non-standard units (body parts,
paper clips, linking cubes) - Direct Comparison (align judge relative length)
- Visual Comparison (same for non-adjacent objects)
- Measure with a ruler (Saxon only)
- Common conceptual knowledge (caution small
numbers!) - Unit-Measure Compensation (EM)
- Greater measure means longer length (EM, SFAW)
53Overview of Grade 1 Results
- Recall the increase in pages and codes/page
- Attention gets more serious in Grade 1 (and
continues in Grade 2) - Textual presentation
- Problems and Questions dominate
- Drop in Demonstrations from K
- Increase in Statements from K (absolute )
- Knowledge content
- Procedural focus remains (EM SFAW, 78, Saxon,
91) - SFAW added conceptual content EM retained it
54Procedural Conceptual (Gr. 1)
- Common procedures
- Direct Visual Comparison
- Visual Estimation (new in Grade 1)
- Measure with a ruler
- Measure with non-standard units
- Common conceptual knowledge (larger numbers)
- Unit-Measure Compensation (SFAW, Saxon)
- Greater measure means longer length (EM, SFAW)
- Standard vs. non-standard units (EM)
- Rulers measure length (SFAW)
55SoIs the Analysis Promising?
- Not surprisingly, we think Yes
- Finding in more detail what others have reported
(procedural focus) - But we are much more specific about
- What that means (which procedures?)
- Differences across curricula
- Grade level and grade band patterns (e.g., K2)
- Tracking conceptual knowledge (present and
absent) in a very specific way
56Challenges Ahead
- Careful analysis is costly (in human time)
- Choice between more extensive analysis of written
curriculum and examination of some enacted
lessons - Both are important How to choose?
- Other limitations
- Can this serve as a national report card (on our
written curricula)? - Have not even started area and volume
57Comments from Richard Lehrer
followed by Q A