Anglo-Saxon Marriages - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anglo-Saxon Marriages


Unlike marriages of today, Anglo-Saxon marriages and – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anglo-Saxon Marriages

Anglo-Saxon Marriages
  • Unlike marriages of today, Anglo-Saxon marriages
    and "home life" were just as public and their
    business lives. Therefore, everyone in the
    community knew each other's affairs. If there
    were problems within the marriage, the people of
    the community took it upon themselves to help
    settle the problems. But, more importantly, the
    community did their best to prevent unhappy
    and/or arranged marriages from taking place,
    because it wasn't just the problem of the husband
    and wife, but the problem of the entire

  • Gifts at the time of marriage - called morgengifu
    - were occasionally given from husband to wife.
    These gifts were usually large sums of money or
    land. They were considered sole property of the
    wife, she could sell it, trade it, give it away,
    or keep it as she pleased. She also co-owned
    any/all of her husband's property after marriage.
    These gifts were seen as a way to insure men
    didn't mistreat their wives, but if they did, and
    the woman left him, she'd have a way to support

Women's Rights Within Marriage
  • While there were arranged marriages in
    Anglo-Saxon times (especially within those of the
    upper classes,) most marriage contracts were made
    clear that who a woman was marrying was chosen by
    herself, as to a kinsman choosing for her. The
    Law of Cnut stated "neither a widow nor a maiden
    is to be forced to marry a man whom she herself
    dislikes, nor to be given for money, unless he
    chooses to give anything of his own free will."

  • Cnut's law also specified that if a woman?s
    husband died before they had any children, she
    was entitled to one-third of his land (called
    "dower," under common English law,) plus her
  • Despite religious expectations, divorce laws were
    considered lax Anglo-Saxon King Ecelbert passed
    specific laws that gave women the right to
    abandon a marriage if she found it "displeasing."

Arranged Marriages
  • Some unmarried (usually upper class) women in
    Anglo-Saxon times inherited land at birth. This,
    of course, lead to many arranged marriages for
    land. Not only on the bride's side, but also the
    groom's. These arranged marriages started very
    young, before anyone else could arrange the
    marriage and gain land. Sometimes parents
    arranged marriages that were solemnized while
    children were still in cradles. There are many
    cases of eight year olds marrying each other, as
    well as 14 year olds marrying seven year olds.
    Children were considered capable of consent to
    marriage at the age of seven, but marriages could
    be voidable, as long as a girl was under the age
    of 12 and the boy under 14. At these ages, kids
    could be rid of their marriage, but most were
    pressured to into staying in the marriage,
    because of the land opportunities.

  • Although it sounds like only the males had
    something to gain through these arrangements,
    there were advantages for the females, too.
    Though she had to give up her land to her husband
    during marriage, if her husband died, the wife
    was able to gain her land back and at least
    one-third of her husband's land, under English
    common law "dower." If a young husband died, his
    wife could claim dower at age nine. The husband
    could claim at any age, "albeit he were but four
    years old."

  • Comparably, peasant women had their marriages
    arranged for them, though were better off than
    those of the upper class. Arranged marriages
    among peasants happened later in life, usually
    when women were in their twenties, and happened
    with men they knew. These marriages weren't
    arranged for land, but for money, cattle, etc.

  • A specific type of arranged marriage was that of
    a peace-weaver ("fricwebba.")
  • The term "peace-weaver" means exactly what it
    says it was the role of a woman (usually a
    noblewoman) to marry someone (usually a nobleman)
    from a rival tribe or clan to weave peace between
    the two groups.

  • Though not exactly portrayed in the greatest
    light through Anglo-Saxon literature,
    (peace-weavers are usually seen as doomed tragic
    figures who are depressed and weeping all the
    time,) peace-weaving queen was considered an
    ideal role for aristocratic women in Anglo-Saxon
    times. Peace-weavers had more power and influence
    than the average Anglo-Saxon woman. She is the
    sole means of linking two different tribes
    together. By marrying someone from a different
    tribe, she ideally has the power to bring peace
    to both tribes. And, in doing so, she is insuring
    a good future for her children, who are the
    physical proof of these two tribes coming
    together. They had the ability to influence
    decisions made by the king and act 'as
    intermediary between king and warrior, both
    politically and socially.'

  • The most important job of a peace-weaver is
    (obviously) to become a mother ? just for the
    simple fact that having a child blends the
    bloodlines of the two tribes, physically making
    them one.
  • Perhaps the reason that peace-weaving is seen in
    such a negative light in Anglo-Saxon literature
    is the fact that there were so many wars. The
    Anglo-Saxons were a warrior-based people. There
    were wars constantly going on. Logic says that if
    a peace-weaver was doing her job correctly, there
    would be far less wars. Yet, peace-weaving was
    more of a job of tradition, whether or not peace
    was kept.

Gender Roles within Marriage
  • In marriage, husbands and wives were expected to
    work together ? in all aspects, including
    business. Because of this, there were laws passed
    specifically for women, in a chance of husbands
    committing crimes unknown to their wives. It was
    specified that a wife was "not guilty if property
    stolen by her husband was found unless it was
    under her lock and key 'she must look after the
    keys of the following namely her store room, her
    chest and her coffer.'" Basically, there had to
    be great reasonable proof that a wife was working
    as her husband's accomplice.

  • Once married, a wife had to be prepared to take
    her husband's place at any moment. Wars often
    broke out, forcing the wife to take over her
    husband's roles. She would become the provider of
    the family and home. It would be her
    responsibility to look after the home and/or
    farm, and see to any repairs that might be
    needed. If her husband became a prisoner, it
    would be up to the wife to collect ransom,
    indulgences, or whatever other source of money
    she could to pay her husband's debt. She would
    also be responsible for any lawsuits that would
    occur and, if needed, become the executor of her
    husband's will.

Unmarried Women
  • An unmarried Anglo-Saxon woman ("femme sole") had
    the right to do business on her own, without
    husband or man. She was considered 'on par' with
    men. Not only was she able to hold land, but she
    was also able to make wills and contracts, and
    could sue or be sued.
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