How Cells Acquire Energy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How Cells Acquire Energy


Chapter 7 How Cells Acquire Energy – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How Cells Acquire Energy

  • Chapter 7
  • How Cells Acquire Energy

  • Self nourishing
  • Obtain carbon from carbon dioxide
  • Photosynthetic autotrophs (plants, protistians,
    and bacterial membranes) harness light energy
  • Chemosynthetic autotrophs (few bacteria) extract
    energy from chemical reactions involving
    inorganic substances (e.g.Sulfur compounds)

  • Obtain carbon and energy from the autotrophs
  • Include protistans, bacteria, animals, and fungi
  • Carbon and energy enter the web of life by
    photosynthesis and in turn are released by
    glycolysis and aerobic respiration

Overview of Photosynthesis
  • A. Photosynthesis Transforms Solar EnergyB.
    Organic molecules built by photosynthesis provide
    both the building blocks and energy for cells.C.
    Plants use the raw materials carbon dioxide and
    waterD. Chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis
  • 2 stages of photosynthesis takes place in the
  • Which has two layers (membranes) stroma and
  • E. Chlorophylls and other pigments involved in
    absorption of solar energy reside within
    thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts

Plants as Solar Energy Converters
  • A. Solar Radiation - Only 42 of solar radiation
    that hits the earths atmosphere reaches surface
    most is visible light.

  • B. Photosynthetic Pigments - Pigments found in
    chlorophyll absorb various portions of visible
    light absorption spectrum.
  • 1. Two major photosynthetic pigments are
    chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.2. Both
    chlorophylls absorb violet, blue, and red
    wavelengths best.3. Very little green light is
    absorbed most is reflected back this is why
    leaves appear green.4. Carotenoids are
    yellow-orange pigments which absorb light in
    violet, blue, and green regions.5. When
    chlorophyll breaks down in fall, the
    yellow-orange pigments in leaves show through.

Secondary Pigments
  • Carontenoid absorbs blue-green wavelengths but
    reflect yellow, orange, and red
  • Anthocyanins Pigments found in flowers
  • Phycobilins are the blue and red pigments of red
    algae and cyanobacteria

Properties of Light
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum light energy travels in
    waves through space from gamma rays to radio
  • The shorter the wavelength the more energy
    Example Suns radiation

  • Photoautotrophs use a small range (400-750 nm) of
    wavelength for photosynthesis -- which is the
    range for visible light
  • Light energy is packaged as photons, which vary
    in energy as a function of wavelength
  • Blue violet light most energetic
  • Red light least energetic

Where are photosynthetic pigments located?
  • Photosynthetic bacteria pigment is found at the
    plasma membrane
  • In thylakoid membrane systems of cholorplast the
    pigments are organized in clusters called
    photosystems consisting of 200 to 300 pigment

Things that Dont need Glucose
  • Light-dependent reactions convert light energy to
    chemical energy (which is then stored into ATP)
  • Liberated electrons are picked up by NADPH
  • Light-independent reaction assemble sugars and
    other organic molecules using ATP, NADPH, and CO2
  • 12 H20 6CO2 ? 602 C6H12O6 6H20

Light Dependent Reactions
  • Light Dependent Reactions occur in the thylakoid
  • Thylakoid are folded into grana (stacks of disks)
    and channels
  • The interior spaces of the thylakoid disks and
    channels are coninuous and are filled with H
    needed for ATP synthesis
  • Carbohydrates formation occurs in the stroma
    (semifluid) area that surrounds the grana

Light Dependent Reactions
  • First reaction of photosynthesis
  • Three events occur
  • 1- Pigment absorb sunlight energy and give up
    excited electrons
  • 2- Electron and hydrogen transfer lead to ATP and
    NADPH formation
  • 3- Pigments that gave up the electrons in the
    first place get electron replacements

What Happens to the Absorbed Energy?
  • The pigments harvest photon energy from
  • Absorbed photons of energy boost electrons to a
    higher level.
  • Electrons return to lower level
  • Released energy is trapped by cholorphylls
    located in the photsystems reaction center
  • The trapped energy is then used to transfer a
    chlorophyll electron to an acceptor molecule

Electron Transfer Chain
  • Is an organized array of enzymes, coenzymes, and
    other proteins embedded in or anchored to a cell
  • Accept electrons which are then processed through
    a step-by-step array to produce ATP and NADPH

Cyclic Pathway
  • Oldest mean of ATP production being used by early
  • Excited electrons leave the P700 reaction center,
    pass through an electron transport system, and
    then return to the original photosystem I
  • Energy associated with the electron flow drives
    the formation of ATP from ADP
  • Figure 7.12

  • ATP Formation transfer through two photosystems
    and two electron transport systems (ETS) in the
    thylakoid membrane
  • Boosted electrons moves through a transport
    system that releases energy for
  • ADP Pi?ATP
  • Electrons fills hole left by electron boost in
    P700 of photosystem I

  • Electron from photolysis of water fills electron
    hole left in p689 and produces oxygen byproduct
  • Pathway continues when chlorophyll P700 of
    photosystemI is absorbs energy
  • Energy hole is filled by elctron from P680
  • Boosted electron from P700 passes to acceptor,
    then ETS is finally joins NADP to form NADPH
    (which along with the ATP can be used in
    synthesis of organic compounds
  • Turn to page 123 (Figure 7.13)
  • Hyperlink\Light reactions.mht

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  • Watch movie here
  • You can watch this movie going to my website
  • Guest Name Mssweikle
  • Go to the AP Biology Folder
  • Find Photosynthesis movie

The New Atmosphere
  • Oxygen is a by-product of the noncyclic pathway
  • Beginning about 1.5 billion years ago, large
    amounts of oxygen began accumulating in the
    atmosphere, which at the time was oxygen-free

Light-Independent Reactions
  • These reactions (Calvin-Benson Cycle) are the
    synthesis of phytosynthesis
  • Handout Slide 27
  • The participants and their roles in the synthesis
    of carbohydrates are
  • ATP, which provides energy
  • NADPH provides the hydrogen atoms and electrons
  • Atmosphere provides the Carbon dioxide
  • The reactions are dependent on sunlight

Fixation of Carbon Dioxide
  • CO2 fixation is the attachment of CO2 to an
    organic compound called RuBP.
  • RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate) is a five-carbon
    molecule that combines with carbon dioxide.
  • The enzyme RuBP carboxylase (rubisco) speeds this
    reaction this enzyme comprises 2050 of
    theprotein content of chloroplasts, probably
    since it is a slow enzyme.

Reduction of Carbon dioxide
  • With reduction of carbon dioxide, a PGA
    (3-phosphoglycerateC3) molecule forms.
  • Each of two PGA molecules undergoes reduction to
    PGAL in two steps.
  • Light-dependent reactions provide NADPH
    (electrons) and ATP (energy) to reduce PGA to

Regeneration of RuBP
  • 1. Every three turns of Calvin cycle, five
    molecules of PGAL are used to re-form three
    molecules of RuBP.
  • 2. Every three turns of Calvin cycle, there is
    net gain of one PGAL molecule five PGAL
    regenerate threemolecules of RuBP.

Importance of the Calvin Cycle
  1. PGAL, the product of the Calvin Cycle can be
    converted into all sorts of other molecules.
  2. Glucose phosphate is one result of PGAL
    metabolism it is a common energy molecule
  3. Glucose phosphate is combined with fructose to
    form sucrose used by plants.
  4. Glucose phosphate is the starting pint for
    synthesis of starch and cellulose.
  5. The hydrocarbon skeleton of PGAL is used to form
    fatty acids and glycerol the addition of
    nitrogen forms various amino acids.

Calvin Cycle
How Do Plants Build Glucose?
  • Each PGA then receives a phosphate group from ATP
    plus H and electrons from NADPH to form PGAL
  • Most PGAL molecules will continue in the cycle to
    fix more carbon dioxide, but two PGAL join to
    form a sugar phosphate, which will be modified to
    sucrose, starch, and cellulose.
  • Final Tally

  • Sugar phosphate are used as cellular fuel and as
    building blocks in synthesis of sucrose or
  • Sucrose is the most easily transportable
  • Starch is the main storage form, but will be
    converted by to sucrose for distribution to
    leaves, stems, and roots
  • Photosynthesis yields intermediates and products
    that can be used in lipid and amino acid synthesis

(No Transcript)
Factors that affect photosynthesis
  • Light Quality (color)
  • Light intensity
  • Light Period
  • Carbon Dioxide Availability
  • Water Availability

How gases enter and leave plants?
C3 Plants
  • 1. The Calvin Cycle is the MOST Common Pathway
    for Carbon Fixation. Plant Species that fix
    Carbon EXCLUSIVELY through the Calvin Cycle are
    known as C3 PLANTS.
  • 2. Other Plant Species Fix Carbon through
    alternative Pathways and then Release it to enter
    the Calvin Cycle.

  • 3. When a plant's Stomata are partly CLOSED, the
    level of CO2 FALLS (Used in Calvin Cycle), and
    the Level of O2 RISES (as Light reactions Split
    Water Molecules).
  • 4. A LOW CO2 and HIGH O2 Level inhibits Carbon
    Fixing by the Calvin Cycle. Plants with
    alternative pathways of Carbon fixing have
    Evolved ways to deal with this problem.

C4 Plants
  • C4 PLANTS - Allows certain plants to fix CO2 into
    FOUR-Carbon Compounds. During the Hottest part of
    the day, C4 plants have their Stomata Partially
    Closed. C4 plants include corn, sugar cane and
    crabgrass. Such plants Lose only about Half as
    much Water as C3 plants when producing the same
    amount of Carbohydrate.

CAM Plants
  • Cactus, pineapples, and other succlents have
    different adaptations to Hot, Dry Climates. They
    Fix Carbon through a pathway called CAM.
  • Plants that use the CAM Pathway Open their
    Stomata at NIGHT and Close during the DAY, the
    opposite of what other plants do. At NIGHT, CAM
    Plants take in CO2 and fix into Organic
  • During the DAY, CO2 is released from these
    Compounds and enters the Calvin Cycle.
  • Because CAM Plants have their Stomata open at
    night, they grow very Slowly, But they lose LESS
    Water than C3 or C4 Plants.

Ocean Photoautotrophs
  • The ocean host a vast number of photoautotrophic
    prokaryotic cells and protistans
  • They shape the global climate
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