Title: Welcome%20to%20MAT%20142
1WelcometoMAT 142
2Basic Course Information
- Instructor
- Office
- Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday 12 noon 1 pm Wednesday
830 am 930 am and by appointment There will
be no office hours October 8, November
5, November 11, and November 26. (Please note
that this list is subject to change.)
3Basic Course Information
- Drop Back Deadline September 14
- Course Withdrawal Deadline November 6 (Nov 8)
- Complete Withdrawal Deadline December 8
4Basic Course Information
- Calculator
- Grade Breakdown
- Final Date and Time
any calculator without a computer algebra system
6 Exams 60 Homework, Quizzes, etc 40
Friday, December 11 from 730 am to 920 am
5Basic Course Information
For Fall and Spring semesters For classes
that meet two days a week, the maximum number of
allowed absences is four (2). Students
who exceed the number of allowed absences will
receive a grade of EN.
6Basic Course Information
Mathematics, A Practical Odyssey, MAT 142 at ASU,
WeBWorK http//webwork.asu.edu
Moodle http//stack.asu.edu