Detrimental Decoherence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Detrimental Decoherence


Detrimental Decoherence Gil Kalai Hebrew University of Jerusalem And Yale University QEC07, Los Angeles, Dec 07 HU quantum computing sem. Jan. 08 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Detrimental Decoherence

  • Gil Kalai
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • And Yale University
  • QEC07, Los Angeles, Dec 07
  • HU quantum computing sem. Jan.08

Prepared for QEC07
  • First International Conference on Quantum Error
  • University of Southern California,
  • Los Angeles 17-21 December, 2007.

Revised for HU quantum computer seminar
  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem Thursdays
    quantum computation seminar, January 17, 2008

Outline of the talk
  • 1. Quantum computers, noisy quantum computation
    and fault tolerance. Examples.
  • 2. Detrimental decoherence conjectures
  • 3. Extensions and models
  • 4. The rate of errors.
  • 5. Comments on classical noise, computational
    complexity, possible counterexamples, etc.


Quantum Computers
  • Quantum computers (Deutsch, 85) are hypothetical
    devices based on quantum physics. Here is a brief
    description of what they are
  • The state of a digital computer having n bits is
    a string of length n of zeros and ones. As a
    first step towards quantum computers we can
    consider (abstractly) stochastic versions of
    digital computers where the state is a
    (classical) probability distribution on all such

Quantum Computers (cont.)
  • Quantum computers are similar to these
    (hypothetical) stochastic classical computers
    and they work on qubits (say n of them).
  • The state of a single qubit q is described by
    a unit vector
  • u a 0gt b 1gt
  • in a two-dimensional complex space Uq. We
    can think of the qubit q as representing '0' with
    probability a2 and '1' with probability b2.

Quantum Computers (cont.)
  • The state of the entire computer is a unit vector
    in the 2n dimensional tensor product of these
    vector spaces Uqs for the individual qubits.
  • The state of the computer thus represents a
    probability distribution on the 2n strings of
    length n of 0s and 1s.

Quantum Computers (cont.)
  • The evolution of the quantum computer is via
    gates.'' Each gate G operates on k qubits, and
    we can even assume that k equals one or two.
    Every such gate represents a unitary operator on
    the 2k- dimensional tensor product of the spaces
    that correspond to these k qubits.
  • In every cycle of the computer, gates act in
    parallel on disjoint sets of qubits.

Quantum Computers (cont.)
  • Moving from a qubit q at a certain state to the
    probability distribution it represents is called
    a measurement.
  • We can assume that measurements of the qubits
    that amount to a sampling of 0-1 strings
    according to the distribution these qubits
    represent, is the final step of the computation.

Quantum Computation (BQP)
  • Quantum computers as described earlier, (or
    according to quite a few alternative but
    computationally equivalent descriptions,) are
    capable of doing everything classical computers
    do and more. The remarkable complexity class
    described by polynomial time quantum computation
    is called BQP.

Quantum Computation (cont.)
  • Peter Shor (1994) proved that factoring an
    n-digits number has a polynomial time quantum
    algorithm, hence is in BQP.
  • There is evidence that BQP goes well beyond
    factoring and that NP-complete problems are much
    beyond BQP.

Are quantum computers feasible?
  • The feasibility of (computationally superior)
    quantum computers is one of the most exciting
    (and clear-cut) scientific problems of our time.
  • If feasible, QC may represent an amazing new
    physics reality based on human technology. QC
    being unfeasible may represent quite surprising
    new insights in physics theory.

Related issues to QC feasibility
  • The feasibility of quantum computers is also
    relevant to other issues of considerable interest
    that arose independently (and even earlier). Here
    is a partial list
  • 1) The evolution of open quantum systems.
  • 2) The measurement problem and other issues in
    the foundations of quantum mechanics.

Related issues to QC feasibility (cont.)
  • 3. The existence of (stable) non abelian anyons.
  • 4. Thermodynamics, non-equilibrium
    thermodynamics. (Suggestions for 4th law of
    thermodynamics, superthermal particles, etc.)
  • 5. Noise.

The Postulate of Noise
  • An early critique of quantum computers put
    forward in the mid-90s by Landauer, Unruh, and
    others concerned the matter of noise
  • The postulate of noise Quantum systems are
  • Understanding the meaning and nature of noise
    (and the reason for noise) is of great importance
    in this context (as in many others).

Noisy Quantum Computation
  • Dealing with the issue of noise required three
    important developments The first was a formal
    development of a model of noisy quantum
    computation. This was first carried out by
    Bernstein and Vazirani (1993).

Noisy Quantum Computation (cont.)
  • Noisy quantum computers in every computer-cycle
    there are some storage errors which describe a
    certain deterioration of the state of the
    computer compared to its intended state. In
    addition, the gates are not perfect and this is
    expressed by gate errors. Of course, these two
    types of errors propagate along the computation.

Quantum Error Correction
  • The second major development (Shor, Steane, 1995)
    towards fault-tolerant quantum computation was
    the discovery of quantum error correction codes.

The threshold theorem
  • Finally, the threshold theorem (1997
    Aharonov-BenOr, Kitaev, Knill-Laflamme-Zuerk)
    asserts that when the noise rate is small, and
    the noise is local, fault tolerant quantum
    computation (FTQC) is possible.

Detrimental errors
  • Detrimental errors are hypothetical forms of
    errors for noisy quantum computers (and more
    general open quantum systems) which are damaging
    for quantum error-correction and quantum
  • Detrimental errors for quantum computers and
    their effects are described by three conjectures
    and are discussed in this lecture.

  • Daniel Gottesmans picture is worth thousand

The Classical and Quantum Worlds Daniel Gottesman
  • This lecture deals with the desert of
  • In this desert quantum processes are modelled
    by unprotected quantum circuits.

  • Examples first
  • Unprotected quantum circuits and a simple type of

Unprotected quantum programs
  • An important example to have in mind is
    error-propagation of unprotected quantum programs
    or circuits.
  • Take the standard model of independent errors and
    suppose that the error rate is so small that it
    accumulates at the end of the computation to a
    small constant-rate error. This was first studied
    by Unruh.
  • For such errors we will witness that rather than
    being independent the errors will tend to

Unprotected quantum programs words of caution
  • Since the error-propagation of unprotected
    quantum circuits serves as a role model for a
    damaging noise, it is tempting to regard
    error-propagation as the sort of damaging noise
    for QEC.
  • This is not the case! Whatever bad properties we
    would like to consider they should be manifested
    already for the new errors in each computer
    cycle. When the new errors behave nicely, FTQC
    deals well with their propagation.

Unprotected quantum programs Cavaet 2
  • Following Unruh we take the standard model of
    independent errors and suppose that the error
    rate is so small that it accumulates at the end
    of the computation to a small constant-rate
  • We conjecture that the incremental (new) errors
    themselves behave like the acccumulation of
    errors in an unprotected circuits. This also
    means that taking small rate errors according to
    the standard noise models is only a first
    approximation to the behavior of unprotected
    quantum circuits.

Our main thesis
  • Quantum noisy systems are best modeled by
    unprotected quantum circuits.

A simple class of errors
  • Let Wk represent the error of changing the kth
    qubit to the fixed state of maximum entropy. For
    a 0-1 string x of length n let Ex denote the
    tensor product of error operations Wk when xk
    1 and the identity Ik when xk 0.
  • For a probability distribution D on all 0-1
    strings of length n let ED S D(x)Ex .

An even simpler class of errors
  • For most of the lecture we can consider just
    errors of the form ED . We will mention now an
    even smaller class. Let w be a probability
    distribution on the unit interval 0,1. We can
    define a probability distribution D(w) on 0-1
    strings of length n in two steps as follows
    First we choose t in 0,1 according to w and
    then we let every xk 1 with probability t
    (independently for different ks.)

  • Conjectures
  • On
  • Decoherence
  • For noisy quantum computers

A Information leaks for pairs of qubits
  • Conjecture A A noisy quantum computer is
    subject to error with the property that
    information leaks for two substantially entangled
    qubits have a substantial positive correlation.
  • Conjecture A refers to part of the overall
    errors affecting noisy quantum computers. But we
    conjecture that the effect of detrimental errors
    (described by Conjectures B and C) cannot be
    remedied by errors of a different type.

B Error Synchronization
  • Error-synchronization refers to a situation
    where, while the error rate is small, there is a
    substantial probability of errors affecting a
    large fraction of qubit.
  • Conjecture B For any noisy quantum computer at
    a highly entangled state there will be a strong
    effect of error-synchronization.

Approximately-local states
  • A (pure) state of a quantum computer is
    approximately local if it is determined (up to a
    small error) by the induced states of small sets
    of qubits.
  • Note that this is a combinatorial and not a
    geometric notion. Note also that states needed
    for quantum (many-) error corrections are not
    approximately local.

C Censorship
  • Conjecture C The states of noisy quantum
    computers are approximately local.

D An extension
  • A proposed extension of detrimental errors to
    general quantum systems reads
  • Conjecture D A description (or prescription)
    of a noisy quantum system at a state S is subject
    to error described by a quantum operation E that
    tends to commute with every unitary operator that
    stabilizes S.

E The rate of errors
  • Trying to understand the rate of detrimental
    errors leads to
  • Conjecture E Any noisy quantum system whose
    states are described by a Hilbert space V is
    subject to noise so that for some K gt 0, and for
    every subspace U of V the infinitesimal rate of
    noise restricted to U is at least
  • K log (dim U).

  • Detrimental Decoherence
  • For noisy quantum computers
  • Conjectures A,B,C.

The setting
  • As described before, we consider a noisy quantum
    computer whose intended state is pure, and we
    assume that along the evolution the overall
    error, namely the gap between the ideal state and
    the actual state is small.
  • The errors can be described by a unitary operator
    on the computer qubits and the neighborhood
    qubits or as a quantum operation E on the space
    of density matrices for these n qubits.

The setting (cont.)
  • The errors we consider are the new errors in a
    single computer cycle.
  • In the discussion of conjectures A and B we
    assume for simplicity that the errors are of the
    form ED .

Conjecture A
  • Remember that we restrict ourselves to errors of
    the form ED which depend on a probability
    distribution on 0-1 strings of length n. The
    error rate L(a) for the kth qubit a is simply the
    probability that xk 1. If b is the jth qubit,
    let L(a,b) be the correlation between the event
    xk 1 and the event xj 1

Conjecture A (cont.)
  • For a state T of the quantum computer, a standard
    measure of entanglement is the mutual information
  • S(ab) S(Ta ) S (Tb ) S(T a,b)
  • (S is the entropy function.)
  • The formal version of conjecture A is
  • L(a,b) gt K(L(a),L(b)) S(ab)
  • For general form of errors the formal definition
    of L(a,b) is more complicated but the basic idea
    is similar.

A stronger formulation I Two qudits
  • Conjecture A extends to pairs of qudits rather
    than pairs of qubits without change.
  • In this generality it applies to disjoint sets of
    qubits in a noisy quantum computer.

A stronger formulation II Emergent entanglement
  • Entanglement between qubits can emerge when we
    measure other qubits and look at the results. A
    strong form of conjecture A takes this into
    account and replaces entanglement with a more
    general notion of emergent entanglement.

A stronger formulation III Many qubits
  • Another strong form of conjecture A applies to
    larger sets of qubits.

B Error Synchronization
  • Suppose that the error rate for every qubit is t.
    For our error models ED this means that the
    probability that xk 1 is t for every k.
  • In the standard models of noise the probability
    that a fraction of (ta) qubits are damaged is
    exponentially small with the number of qubits n
    for every agt0.

B Error Synchronization
  • Error synchronization means that for some t which
    is much larger than s there is a substantial
    probability that
  • xk 1 for t or more indices k.
  • For example, when w is a probability distribution
    on 0,1 and we consider the distribution ED(w) .
    The standard models of noise assume that w is a
    Dirac distribution (supported on one point). We
    will witness error synchronization if the average
    of w is t but w is supported on much larger real

Error Synchronization?
  • An aside Is error synchronization something we
    can really expect in highly correlated systems?
    Is this something we witness in nature? Two quick
  • a) Perhaps we do see error-synchronization even
    in correlated classical systems.
  • b) The hoped-for-argument would be
    counterfactual. Highly entangled systems as
    required in quantum computers (will lead to) come
    along with very strong error synchronization
    (that we do not often encounter), which in turn
    implies that such highly entangled states are

Conjecture C and Mathematical challenges
  • For lack of time we will not attempt to describe
    formally conjecture C. Once described
    mathematically a remaining challenge will be to
    deduce conjectures B and C from conjecture
    A and its extensions. Errors of the form ED
    can serve as a good starting point. We would also
    like to deduce from the conjectures on physical
    qubits similar statements for protected qubits!

Mathematical challenges (cont.)
  • It would also be nice to have an entropy based
    description of error-synchronization without
    referring to the expansion in terms of
    tensor-product of Pauli operators.

  • An extension to
  • general quantum systems

  • If the conjectures we propose are correct they
    should represent a property of noise which is not
    limited to quantum computers.
  • However our conjectures A, B and C strongly
    rely on the tensor product structure of the
    Hilbert space describing the states of quantum

Conjecture D
  • Conjecture D A description (or prescription)
    of a noisy quantum system at a state S is subject
    to error described by a quantum operation E that
    tends to commute with every unitary operator that
    stabilizes S.

Conjecture D why and what
  • The rationale behind D goes as follows
  • Our conjectures suggest that if E represents the
    error for state S and E' represents the error for
    state U(S), for a unitary operator U on V, then
    E' will be close'' to U-1EU. In particular,
    this implies that if U(S)S then E' is close''
    to U-1EU hence UE is close'' to EU.

Conjecture D why and what (cont.)
  • Greg Kuperberg pointed out that at a
    thermodynamics equilibrium a certain limiting
    error E will actually commute with every U that
    stabilizes S. One possible way to regard
    Conjecture D is as a statement referring to
    non-equilibrium thermodynamics.

  • Models

  • Models exhibiting conjectures A and B should
    exhibit them already for the storage-errors (or
    gate-errors). The new errors may be represented
    by a rapid quantum circuit.
  • Such models may be created by pushing the model
    of Aharonov, Kitaev and Preskill a little
    further. Error synchronization arises in a paper
    by Klesse and Frank.
  • Here is a toy model that can be examined.

A toy model
  • There are no gate errors. Consider the graph G
    whose vertices are the qubits and whose edges are
    qubits that occur in a gate. Edges are labeled by
    the gate imperfection.
  • The storage error is described by ED where the
    probability distribution D is given by an Ising
    model on the graph G based on these

  • Consequences of Detrimental Decoherence
  • Computational complexity

How damaging are low rate detrimental errors
  • I would expect that detrimental errors will fail
    current methods for fault tolerance and quantum
    linear error correction.
  • On the other hand, low rate detrimental errors
    may still allow (with polynomial or
    quasi-polynomial overhead) classical computations
    and log-depth quantum computation.
  • Log-depth quantum computation ( classical
    computation) is good enough for polynomial-time

Aaronsons Shor/sure challenge
  • Scott Aaronson suggested a very nice challenge
    Propose a restriction on QC that will not allow
    polynomial time factoring and would not violate
    empirical results.
  • This looks very difficult. I am not aware of
    methods that will allow a reduction to a
    computational power below log-depth quantum
    computing, when the error-rate is small.

  • The rate of errors
  • And decoherence free subspaces

High-rate errors
  • A major obstacle for fault tolerance is high
  • When we consider the standard models and
    perceptions regarding noise there is not much
    reason to believe that the error rate (for
    individual qubits) will increase in terms of the
    number of qubits of the computer.
  • If we examine unprotected quantum circuits things
    are different.

The rate of errors for unprotected quantum
  • For unprotected quantum circuits, not only do the
    errors tend to synchronize, but the
    error-propagation causes the error-rate itself to
    depend on the complexity of the target state.
    This may suggest a tentative conjecture
  • Conjecture E (v.1) The rate of detrimental
    errors in a noisy quantum computer is higher for
    highly entangled states.

Critique of the tentative conjecture
  • Conjecture E (v. 1) is quite problematic. If
    QEC fails we can indeed expect (as the effect of
    errorpropagation) that the error rate will
    increase when we prepare complicated states.
  • However, as is, this conjecture adds little more
    to the conjecture QEC fails. Moreover, unlike
    conjectures A and B, where both the
    assumptions and conclusions depended on the
    tensor product structure, here the conclusion
    does not depend on this structure. Lets try
    another avenue.

Rate of errors take 2
  • The common convention about the rate of noise
  • is that in every computer cycle there is a
    positive small probability for every qubit to be
    damaged. The infinitesimal rate of errors for k
    qubits taken together is just k times that of a
    single qubit error-rate.
  • Conjecture E (v.2) Any noisy quantum system
    whose states are described by a Hilbert space V
    is subject to noise so that for some Kgt0, for
    every subspace U of V, the infinitesimal rate of
    noise restricted to U is at least
  • K log (dim U).

Rate of errors take 2 (cont.)
  • This (very strong and rather general) conjecture
    E can be regarded as a formulation of the
    postulate of noise that runs directly against the
    idea of decoherence-free subspaces. It agrees
    with the behavior we observe for unprotected
    quantum circuits.
  • Conjecture E may damage even log-depth quantum

Conjecture E (cont.)
  • Conjecture E (repeated) Any noisy quantum
    system whose states are described by a Hilbert
    space V is subject to noise so that for some Kgt0,
    for every subspace U of V the infinitesimal rate
    of noise restricted to U is at least
  • K log (dim U).
  • In order to exclude decoherence free subspaces,
    Conjecture E would imply error-synchronization.
    Moreover, the rate (for a single qubit) of
    highly synchronized errors will scale up linearly
    with the number of qubits.

The rate of errors (cont.)
  • We can also expect that the rate K of detrimental
    errors for a prescribed (or described) evolution
    of a quantum system, depends on a measure of
    non-commutativity between the space P of unitary
    operators leading to the state from the initial
    state, and the space F of unitary operators
    leading from the state to the terminal state.

  • Difficulties and potential counter examples
  • A few difficulties and potential counterexamples
    for conjectures A, B and C are described.

Two photons
  • Errors for two far-away entangled photons are not
  • (So the rate of detrimental errors in this case
    is 0.)

Classical fault tolerance
  • If fault tolerant quantum computing fails, how is
    it that fault tolerance classical computing

  • The formal versions (and wordings) of the
    conjectures are tailored to avoid these two
  • Still these are genuine difficulties that should
    be kept in mind.

  • Is superconductivity a counter example?
  • (Or, at least, isnt it true that similar
    pessimistic conjectures could have been raised
    regarding superconductivity had it not been

2n bosons
  • (This is a potential counter example I cooked by
    myself.) A state of 2n bosons each having a
    ground state 0gt and an excited state 1gt so
    that each state has occupation number precisely n
    appears to violate Conjecture C. Is it
    realistic? (If the occupation number has a normal
    distribution this is OK.)

  • Stable non abelian anyons, which some expect to
    witness rather soon, run against our conjectures.
  • (There is much theoretical and empirical effort
    regarding creation, detection and applications of
    non abelyan anyons. I am not aware of a
    systematic theoretic study for why they cannot be
  • Fermi ? fermions
  • Bose ? bosons
  • Any ? anyons

  • Conclusion
  • The story we try to tell

  • We are trying to describe a story of our physical
    world without quantum error-correction,
    decoherence-free subspaces and perhaps even
    without quantum computing which goes beyond
    classical computing. (But, of course, a story
    well within quantum mechanics.)
  • We start telling it in a very special way - just
    about two qubits (A) so that it could be
    tested easily for small devices. But we also
    tried to tell it in a very general way (D and
    E) which goes beyond quantum computers.

Conclusion (cont.)
  • We try to tell the story as formally and as
    explicitly as possible (this makes for most of
    the effort and there is a way to go), and to make
    it quantitative. We tried to make our story bold
    as to make it easy to refute. (C and E are
    the boldest. Does E violate the empirical
    results presented by Laflamme?) We point out
    surprising aspects (Error-synchronization B)
    and we consider some analogies (classical noise).
    We attempt to make it into an elegant story.
  • Of course, at the end it also has to be correct...

Clarkes three laws of prediction
  • 1) When a distinguished but elderly scientist
    states that something is possible, he is almost
    certainly right. When he states that something is
    impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  • 2) The only way of discovering the limits of the
    possible is to venture a little way past them
    into the impossible.
  • 3) Any sufficiently advanced technology is
    indistinguishable from magic.

Anyway, it is fun. Thank you!
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