Title: Some issues in flood hydrology in the climate context
1Some issues in flood hydrology in the climate
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- University of Washington
- Miami
- March 27, 2008
2Flood response is a function of
- Basin geometry and orientation
- Precipitation intensity and other storm
characteristics - Channel characteristics (drainage density,
cross-section, velocity, etc) - Geology and soil characteristics
- Antecedent conditions (soil moisture, snow if
3Role of basin shape and channel geometry on flood
generation (from Baker et al, 1988)
4Sensitivity of flood hydrographs to channel
network characteristics and flood wave velocity
RB bifurcation ratio RA area ratio RL
length ratio L1 mean length first order streams
normalized discharge
Time (hours)
From Rodriguez-Iturbe and Valdes, 1979
5Three aspects of flood hydrology
- Extreme flood estimation (where failure would
result in extreme property damage and/or loss of
life) - Flood frequency estimation (for planning
purposes, e.g., delineation of 100-year flood
plain) - Flood forecasting (real-time)
61. Extreme flood estimation
- Typical application spillway design
- Standard approach (in U.S.) is PMP (probable
maximum precipitation)/PMF (probable maximum
flood) - PMP is the greatest amount of precipitation, for
a given storm duration, that is theoretically
possible for a particular area and geographic
location. - The PMF is the flood that may be expected from
the most severe combination of critical
meteorological and hydrologic conditions that are
reasonably possible in a particular drainage
area. - General approach is to maximize worst case
conditions, sometimes hypothesized mechanism is
one that has not, or only very rarely, has
occurred (e.g., hurricanes in New England) - Approach is in general deterministic typically
the PMF is not assigned a return period, for
7Llyn Brian Dam spillway, Wales (visual courtesy
8- Development of the PMP
- Scientists use both meteorological methods and
historical records to determine the greatest
amount of precipitation which is theoretically
possible within a region. These rainfall data are
subsequently maximized through "moisture
maximization" and other numerical methods.
Moisture maximization is a process in which the
maximum possible atmospheric moisture for a
region is applied to rainfall data from a
historic storm. This process increases the
rainfall depths, bringing them closer to their
potential maximum. The PMP is determined for
different storm periods, generally ranging from
six to seventy two hours. - Development of the PMF
- The Probable Maximum Flood is the flood which is
a direct result of the Probable Maximum
Precipitation. However, drainage areas with the
same PMP may have different PMFs. For this
reason, the PMF, not the PMP, must be used as a
design criterion for a dam.
From State of Ohio dam safety guidelines
9(No Transcript)
102. Flood frequency estimation
11Typical empirical flood frequency distribution
with 80 years of observations
12Fitted flood frequency distribution, Potomac
River at Pt of Rocks, MD
Visual courtesy Tim Cohn, USGS
13Problems with traditional frequency fitting
14Problems with traditional fitting methods mixed
15Flood frequency distributions can be dependent on
climate conditions
Visual courtesy Alan Hamlet, University of
16Are extreme floods increasing (hence frequency
distributions shifting?
American River, CA
17Trends in U.S. Streamflow, 1940-1999
Source Updated from Lins and Slack, Geophys.
Res. Lett., 26, p. 227
Visual courtesy Tim Cohn, USGS
18Paradox Given increases in precipitation and
runoff, why are there so few significant trends
in floods?
Visual courtesy Tim Cohn, USGS
19Explanation (?) (a)
Lins and Cohn, 2002
Visual courtesy Tim Cohn, USGS
20Explanation (?) (b)
Lins and Cohn, 2002
Visual courtesy Tim Cohn, USGS
21However, the jury is still out
- e.g., We find that the frequency of great floods
increased substantially during the twentieth
century - Milly et al Nature (2002) Increasing risk of
great floods in a changing climate
223. Flood forecasting
23Sources of flood predictability
- Precipitation predictability
- Hydrologic predictability
- Channel routing predictability
24U.S. real-time stream gauge network
25Illustration of data assimilation with a
spatially distributed hydrology model
Visual courtesy D-J Seo, NWS
26U.S. flood frequency skill has not improved over
last 40 years (Welles et al, BAMS, 2007), why
- Hydrologic models have been essentially static
- Weather forecast data (QPF) not always used (this
is changing) - Degradation of in situ observation networks
- Weather forecasts have improved, but not
necessarily QPF, which is the main hydrologic
driver - Lack of systematic approaches to updating
forecast initial conditions (e.g., data
assimilation) - Lack of data documenting forecast performance