2Identifying and Documenting Files
- Transaction files
- Used to record information about events in a
business process
3Identifying and Documenting Files
- Transaction files
- Attributes include
- Transaction date
- Agents associated with transaction
- Description of products/services associated with
4Identifying and Documenting Files
- Master files
- Store reference data
- Store summary data
5Identifying and Documenting Files
- Events and transaction files
- First, identify the events in the business
process - Then, identify the need for transaction files in
the AIS
6Documenting Transaction Files
- UML class diagram
- Shows relationships between transaction and
master files - Each box represents a file
- Connecting lines between files indicate file
7Documenting Transaction Files
- UML class diagram
- Can be used to document
- Tables in an AIS
- Relationships between tables
- Attributes of tables
8Documenting Transaction Files
- Guidelines for identifying need for transaction
tables - 1 Determine the events in the process
- 2 Exclude events that do not need to be recorded
in the computer system
9Documenting Transaction Files
- Guidelines for identifying need for transaction
tables - 3 Exclude query and reporting events because
they involve using data that have already been
recorded in the AIS - 4 Exclude maintenance events
10Documenting Transaction Files
- Events and master tables
- Typical master tables
- Products/services - master tables
- Describe products/services offered
- Identify costs and/or prices of products/services
- Agents - master tables describe
- External agents
- Internal agents
11Documenting Transaction Files
- Events and master tables
- Typical master tables
- Cash - master file describes where cash is stored
- General ledger master file - needed if general
ledger system is - Automated and
- Integrated with the revenue or acquisition cycle
12Documenting Transaction Files
- Events and master tables
- Generally, master tables are used to store
relatively permanent data about an entity
13Documenting Transaction Files
- Benefits of master tables
- Save data entry time
- Save storage space
- Simplify making changes to data
- Simplify deleting transaction records
14Attributes and Relationships
- 3 important concepts
- Primary keys
- Linking attributes (foreign keys)
- Relationship cardinalities
15 Attributes and Relationships
- Primary key
- Attribute(s) that uniquely identifies a record in
a table
16Attributes and Relationships
- Foreign key
- A field in a table that is the primary key in
some other table - Used to link one table to another
- Link event records to master records
- Link two events that occur in a sequence
17Attributes and Relationships
- Cardinality of the relationship
- (covered in the text)
- One-to-one relationships (1,1) - not nearly as
common as one-to-many relationships - One-to-many relationships (1,m) - common in
accounting systems - Many-to-many relationships (m,m) - can be
converted into two one-to-many relationships by
adding a junction table
18Attributes and Relationships
- Cardinality of the relationship
- Important in designing a database
- Represents how many occurrences of one type of
entity are associated with another type of entity
19Attributes and Relationships
- Significance of concepts for database
applications - Implementing documents and reports
20Attributes and Relationships
- Significance of concepts for database
applications - Implementing input forms
- Input forms are used to make data entry more
accurate/efficient - Form designs rely on primary and foreign keys
and relationships between tables
21Attributes and Relationships
- Significance of concepts for database
applications - Controlling AIS data referential integrity
- For one-to-many relationships
- Can specify if want referential integrity
enforced on relationship - Control most effective with two other controls
- Segregation of duties and
- Access controls
22Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Developing a data design using a UML class
diagram - Four basic steps
- Step 1 Place the required transaction tables
(files) on the UML class diagram. - Identify events in a business process.
- Decide which events will need transaction tables.
- Start the UML class diagram by showing a box for
each event requiring transaction tables.
23Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Developing a data design using a UML class
diagram - Four basic steps
- Step 2 Place required master tables (files) on
UML class diagram - For each event on the diagram (from Step 1),
determine related goods, services, or agent
entities - Determine which identified entities require
master tables
24Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Developing a data design using a UML class
diagram - Four basic steps
- Step 2 (continued)
- Consider using master tables to track location of
cash and effect of events on account balances in
the general ledger - Add required master tables to appropriate side of
the UML class diagram
25Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Developing a data design using a UML class
diagram - Four basic steps
- Step 3 Determine required relationship between
tables - For each connecting lines, determine cardinality
of the relationship between tables
26Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Developing a data design using a UML class
diagram - Four basic steps
- Step 3 (continued)
- Write cardinalities next to line between entities
- If there are any many-to-many relationships,
convert them to one-to-many relationships by
adding junction table
27Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Developing a data design using a UML class
diagram - Four basic steps
- Step 4 Determine required attributes by
- Assigning a primary key to each tables
- Linking related tables by adding a foreign key to
one of the pair in the relationship - Linkage depends on cardinality of the
28Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Additional data design implementation issues
- Suggestions
- One master table instead of two
- One event table instead of two
- Option A Two records in two tables
- Option B One record in one table
- Eliminate redundant relationships
- Add relationships not involving event records
29Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Communicating the data design
- Guidelines in preparing documentation
- Be consistent in naming entities
- Name boxes so can easily correlate UML diagram
with preceding documentation - Help reader understand how each part of the
documentation relates to other parts
30Designing Data with a UML Class Diagram
- Communicating the data design
- Guidelines in preparing documentation -
- Proper layout can also enhance readability
- Start each part on a separate page
- Clearly label each part
- Write a brief explanation of the information
obtainable by reviewing diagram - Use bulleted lists to explain linkages between
diagrams - Use same style throughout
- Attributes
- Cardinality
- Database
- Database management system
- Foreign key
- Primary key
- Referential integrity
- Relational database
- UML class diagram